CovidPass does not in any way collect, process or store any location data, contact data, or additional data other than the personal data provided by the user with their consent to the application and which are necessary to perform the test and identify the user.
The use of a new generation of inexpensive and fast protein tests together with CovidPass can be a solution for possible further waves of a pandemic, when no one wants widespread measures and closures of businesses, companies and mass events, but at the same time protecting each other from infection is essential.
CovidPass is a free application that allows registered users to make an appointment at the nearest laboratory to be tested for COVID-19 or another future infection so they can subsequently safely and conclusively document a clean bill of health.
At the same time, CovidPass will always provide its users with up-to-date information on valid epidemiological measures, in the Czech Republic and at popular tourist destinations, both for stays and transit.
The laboratory test result is saved in a secure database to which the user then enables one-time access via a line transmitted by a QR code.
Hence, the user has complete control over to whom and when they provide access to their clean bill of health.
If the visitor and the operator document their clean bill of health to each other, there is no reason to prevent them from operating their services.
All data are handled in accordance with the GDPR and are subject to user consent.
No third party has access to the data in the database and it is entirely up to you who you share your status with.
Examples include inspections at borders, inspections at the entrance to mass events, inspections at the entrance to your workplace, etc.
With CovidPass, you can work and travel safely even during a pandemic.