It’s what you’d expect from yet another attempt at making transferring money easier. If you’re unfortunate enough to be the recipient of money through this app, you might keep your sanity if your bank is one of the 10 or so supported ones. Otherwise you get to download this “easy” app, verify your phone number (if you get through the errors), enter and verify your email address, enter a debit card (of which you at least can take a picture instead of entering the number; you still need to enter the exp date, CCV, name and billing address though), and type, by hand, an insecure password that you can both type on your phone and remember. If you use a password manager, you’re out of luck, because you can’t copy or paste the password; Makes this app an easy target for hackers. Once you’ve done all that, maybe it’s easy to send and receive money. But, it would have been much easier to use PayPal or just enter an account and routing number. Or send a paper check, walk to the bank, go in instead of using the ATM, chat with the teller a bit, deposit it, and pick up a mint on the way out - that’d be easier and you’d get exercise, conversation, and a free mint. Do that instead.