UKG Pro Reviews

UKG Pro Reviews

Published by on 2024-12-19

🏷️ About: Say hello to the mobile work experience built to help you thrive at work. Simple and intuitive by design, the UKG Pro mobile app gives you instant, secure access to relevant employee information, tools, and insights helping you stay productive and engaged on the go.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

😎 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 65,006 combined software reviews.

Read 107 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.6 out of 5

We were told to switch from UKG Pro Classic to UKG Pro. I don’t know if it was my company’s decision, or Kronos’. All I know, with UKG Pro Classic, it was so easy to schedule unavailable days. I could block a day, a week, or a whole month. I tried blocking out a month of unavailable days in UKG Pro and I got an error. It tried applying the total hours requested off to the first day, which was obviously more that 24 hours. This only enforces my opinion of IT folks. The make changes for job security, not necessarily to make it better.


UKGPro is a train wreck. Punching in and out takes forever. When I try to access documents (like my W-2), it automatically opens a web browser and tells me log in again. But when I try to log in, it doesn’t recognize my user name.

If you are thinking about using UKGPro for your organization, DON’T. There are better ones out there.

nothing PRO about this app at all

UKGPro doesn’t load half the time even though my workplace requires us to have it for our schedules. Trying to log in? Gotta close out UKGPro and refresh multiple times before even getting in. Trying to swap a shift? Loading circle for ages. Trying to request literally anything? More loading circles or blank pages. Workplace forced us to get rid of the old Kronos app for this garbage and it’s causing even more problems than before. They claim it’s supposed to be “easier” to use and “more convenient.” Nah this absolute trash is making everyone’s lives more complicated.

Worst app ever!!

UKGPro crashes all the time. I have to ask my office manager to clock me in all the time due to this not working. My coworkers and I have to constantly delete and re-download UKGPro for it to work. It doesn’t tell you if your clocking in or out and it is a pain to sign back in. If your a business looking for a company app and want your employees to hate you I suggest getting this one. It makes nightmares reality.


I never complain about app, but this is by far the worst pay roll app I’ve ever used. It keeps crashing and when I delete UKGPro & download it again to try & log in, it never lets me back in. It never loads & when it does it takes a good 5 minutes to finally pop something up. To top it off my manager keeps complaining to me about my times when it doesn’t even load half the time.

Complete Trash

UKGPro is slow and clunky under the best of circumstances, but every 5-7 days it’ll stop working completely. Tries to open but just crashes time and time again. If you delete and re-install UKGPro , it’ll work for a few days again, then repeat.

Also the “Punch” for clocking in and out should say “Punch In” and “Punch Out” or in the very least, “You are currently clocked in” or “You are currently clocked out” so that you know if you’re punching in or out. It’s annoying and then requires manager fixes all because you meant to clock out, but instead clocked in.

Terrible app and experience all the way around.

Hot Garbage

I have never gone out of my way to leave a negative review, but when I tell you UKGPro is garbage, it is absolute garbage. I have had to delete and redownload multiple times, just for a chance to clock in. Its a miracle if my phone does not automatically freeze for 10 minutes just opening UKGPro . I have checked to make sure the newest updates are installed on both my phone and app, yet it still does not work. I can not stress enough how much you should avoid UKGPro. This is coming from someone who has never taken time out of their day to leave a review, even when they had a bad experience. 0/10.

Failed beta testing but released anyway

2/5 Still a fail, UKGPro would not load today as usual - it has done this several times already. The only solution is to delete and reload UKGPro to login. This time I just loaded the Classic version. I’ll see if that works better.
12/29 - It’s like being stuck in an episode of Dilbert, where the PHB insists that we release the product before it’s ready. I can’t fathom why someone would inflict this on their customers. Failure to login and failure to effectively navigate UKGPro combines in an epic failure for this product to perform as promised. Someone sold our HR department a bill of goods when they gave them the rosey picture that this was better than the product that we were using. That, or somebody got paid a handsome sum under the table to recommend this product to the management.

Very glitchy

Our office has been using UKGPro for less than one month. It is glitchy, locks up and blinks out frequently . I’ve had to delete/unload and
re-load UKGPro 4 times. My colleagues have run into the same problems. It is very frustrating. It also takes so long for the punch in to open. Not impressed at all. And I’m stuck with it.

How have they made UKG even worse?

Somehow this company has managed to take an already terrible app and make a new one that is 10 times worse. Loading times are even worse, layout is worse. The punch button, which is everyone’s main interaction with UKGPro, doesn’t even show up for 30 seconds and then it takes you to another screen to press another button labeled punch.

I constantly have to close UKGPro and reload it just to do a second task. Used it to clock out for lunch? Gotta close it if you want to clock back in.

Just absurd incompetence.


Please do not use UKGPro. My company recently moved over and it has been an absolute nightmare not only for staff but admin. UKGPro is ridiculously slow, it takes about 5 minutes to get a punch in and most the time you cant anyways. Because of this, have been so many missed punches which admin has then had to go through and fix all of them. Absolutely awful app. EMPLOYERS DO NOT USE UKGPro.

Updates make it worse

My company uses UKGPro for our time keeping and every time there is an update it makes things worse instead of better. UKGPro is slow and unreliable. We are supposed to be able to clock in using UKGPro on our phones, but with this last update I can’t even get to the page with this option.

waste of storage space

even though it's only 350MB, it's a waste of storage. takes about two minutes for UKGPro to load after login, IF it even loads at all. sometimes it'll just be a blank white screen. now you can't even punch in/out or view your timecard on it, forcing you to use ukg's website to clock in which somehow manages to be even worse than UKGPro is

Not even remotely functional.

I haven’t been able to view my information on UKGPro since it’s release, it’s actually concerning! The old app at the very least was functional! But this one just shows me blank page after blank page. What’s the use in creating a new app if the old one worked just fine? For improvements? What improvements? It’s just taking up space in my phone.

Even worse than UKG Ready!

Our company started out using the UKG ready app. It was terrible but better than this one! Pages will not load! When trying to check PTO balances, submit PTO requests, point balances, timesheets, etc. UKGPro will just redirect you to the UKG ready app. So I really don’t understand the point of this version. It honestly just takes up unnecessary storage on my phone. Do not recommend for employers! Prevent the headache and just use ADP.


Our company switched over to UKGPro for clocking in and out, schedule and request time off. It does nothing but consistently glitch. Very unreliable to use when clocking in and out. UKGPro either doesn’t open or just circles and tries to load causing staff to clock in/out late. I am connected to the WiFi as instructed. I have had to delete and reinstall UKGPro weekly, in order for you to get it to function.

Unstable and Not User Friendly

Not only does UKGPro have consistent issues with basic things like login (device agnostic), the UX makes no sense and is in no way useful. The login is constantly throwing errors that would be avoided by basic test cycles. The classic version of UKGPro (which UKG has instructed us not to use) has a design which makes so much more sense. Even the menu in the classic version is more mobile-friendly than UKGPro. We were sold the classic version in our demos, and unfortunately this does not deliver. The many one star reviews of this product are well-earned.

If it ain’t broke…

Of course they had to break both apps and leave us with nothing useful. I was fine with the classic all I wanted to do was clock in quick and occasionally check my pay stubs, but they aggressively made me update to the new one which can’t even do basic things like remember my selection of shortcuts. Every time I open UKGPro I have to reset the time clock to being one of my shortcuts which completely defeats the purpose, and half the time the stupid app just opens to a blank white screen.

Thanks for ruining it.

Doesn’t work on smaller screens

I have an iphone 12 and all screens are completely blank. My wife has a pro with the bigger screen and it’s ok on her phone, so I assume the responsive design isn’t accounting for smaller screens and collapses everything to hidden on mine.

Also the okta push doesn’t seem to work on mobile - when okta presents the 3 numbers displayed on the device it doesn’t display anything and eventually just times out. I usually try to just guess which of the 3 is correct.

Totally Unreliable

Sorry to say this is the most unreliable app I have ever used. I am required to use it to clock in and out for my job. On average about three times per week I am forced to delete UKGPro and re-download on my phone because it will not launch. I often get a blank screen. It is extremely frustrating and a huge waste of time. This is the only app I have encountered which does this. Quite unusual especially for a company that has such a large user base. Truly disappointing.

So many timing issues

For an app regarding clocking in, it causes a lot of delays. I recently had to switch apps according to my company from the previous iteration. Now every time I go to clock out I have to log in wasting valuable time. Then half the time I try logging in I just get a spinning circle to which I have to close UKGPro and log in again. Overall get prepared to have your time wasted b

Why Just Why

For the life of me I do not know why my iob picks UKGPro as the go to for scheduling, punches, all that nonsense because it does not work at all. I have been on the loading screen for more than 20 minutes multiple times because it does not want to work. When an apps main design is to help with scheduling, time cards, PTO and all that nonsense and it doesn’t work what’s the point of UKGPro ?

Why does it allow u to punch IN twice???? FIX THIS!

Why in the world does UKGPro allow you to punch IN twice back to back? If you punch IN and then at the end of the day if you hit the punch IN by accident instead of OUT it creates an EXCEPTION that you cant fix. I just wanna remove the 2nd IN and punch OUT. So annoying. If you’re already punched IN it should not allow you to punch IN AGAIN without first punching OUT. Again. Very annoying. Fix this!



Constantly have to delete and reinstall UKGPro in order to be able to login. Once logged in, it “spins” for several minutes before taking me to the Home Screen. And god forbid I close it and try to reopen bc then I have to delete, reinstall, login, and verify. There has to be a stronger word than hate. I would never use UKGPro except our facility just switched to it and I have no choice.

Its worse

Just as slow if not worse as the last UKG. The only thing that changed is a few graphics updates which means nothing. As a time entry app, this should keep you logged in during a standard 8-10hr shift at least. Not logging out immediately after backing out of UKGPro . Zero stars if I could. UKGPro takes away valuable company time from the work day which should be spent more efficiently. This reminds me of the old dial up buffering days. I truly wish my company would use something better. Please fire your designer and hire someone with more experience in the field.

Whoever is responsible for creating this app…

I find it hard to believe just a few short weeks ago UKGPro was rated 1 star. Our large hospital switched to it, and now it is magically at 4.4. I hear nothing from colleagues except it stinks. I think there is something rotting in Denmark. I guess I’m stuck for the remainder of my career with an useable mobile app to clock in with. Thank you for such a valiant effort at recreating the quality of the original Obamacare website.

Still won’t open

Up to version 1.4.4 now, can enter ID and password, says “Signing you in..”, then goes to spinning O logo, and no further. I have dumped UKGPro , restarted phone, downloaded app again with no improvement.

Up to 1.4.7…enter ID, password, says Signing you in, then spinning circle…..that’s it. All these new versions and no improvements.

Have sent multiple email responses and info to the Techs, but no suggestions. Have dumped UKGPro , restarted phone, reloaded app, with out any changes or success.

This app is complete garbage

I have not had a single day go by where I haven't had to absolutely baby UKGPro into doing what I need it to do. The old Pro app was already a dumpster fire, but this thing takes it to a whole other level of terrible. White screens of death constantly, punches going missing even when you confirm they reflect accurately, even the three buttons on the bottom have gibberish text under them half the time instead of their correct labels. I pity the payroll department of any company using this service.

Worst work app

I don’t even know where the start. UKGPro os just horrible honestly. It takes 10 to 10 minutes just for anyone I work with to even get into UKGPro ( app or computer) the old one is more pro then this one. I hate using it I hate having to keep submitting time fixes. You can’t see your time off request for some reason. You can’t see your employee number anymore. I I still don’t understand why we even had to switch I hope it wasn’t for just to have a pretty looking app to use. The old one was just fine and if it needed any changes they should have done it on there. Also I think most of these “5 star ratings” are fake 9/10 literally say I love UKGPro.

This system is utter trash

HR people: if you are considering a move to this platform, I highly advise against it.

Several times out of the year, the system will go down, either for maintenance, or some other reason. This leaves me unable to punch in or out, and has created numerous disruptions to our facility.

The password change system is utter chaos. The system will not allow you to proceed with a login/punch-in until you change your password, has unreasonable password requirements, and has repeatedly rejected password changes for me that meet all the criteria. It will then lock me out of the system altogether when I continue to try new passwords, leaving me to have to rely on HR to get me back in. Our HR people are equally baffled by this.

I am currently urging my company to dump this platform in favor of something that’s reliable.

Bad app, terrible service

Our company uses UKG for payroll and scheduling and punching in and out of work. Since I started using it with them about 7 months ago it has had problems the entire time. Often times it doesn’t let you punch in or it won’t let you log in all together for “technical issues” and this will be the case for the entire staff often. I honestly don’t know why we keep using this service. Literally any other payroll and scheduling service would be better.

What the heck

Is anyone trying to make UKGPro better? UKGPro is essential for jobs across the country, and it never works. It either can’t connect to a server, or it fails to login, or the main screen won’t load if it does log in. It doesn’t remember the favorites tabs I have set. I have had to reinstall UKGPro three or four times now in order to get it to function for a limited time. There have been no good reviews for this iteration of UKGPro , and it seems like nothing has been done yet to improve it. I’d like to be able to clock in and out of work so I can get paid. That would be nice.

Worse than its predecessor

I used to use UKG Workforce and was suddenly told a couple weeks back by my company that it is no longer supported and I would need to download UKG Pro.

I have had nothing but problems.

My MFA login info does not save for only UKGPro - I do not have the issue anywhere else, so I don’t believe it to be an issue with my MFA client.

At least 5 times in the last two weeks, after I enter my login info, the “wheel” indicating the information is processing just spins perpetually. Again, I don’t believe this to be an issue with connectivity as I did not have the issue with Workforce and do not experience the issue in other apps/my browser. Closing and reopening UKGPro has worked each time, but I should not have to do that to make it work.

These issues cause delays in clocking in/out and cause me to have to make manual adjustments (much to the chagrin of my HR department).

I guess my biggest complaint is that I don’t understand what needed to be changed between Workforce and Pro. You had an app that, more or less, worked decently. Of course there are probably things on the back side that customers don’t see, but I would have hoped a company like UKG would test a successive solution prior to rolling it out.

1 star until fixed.

Hot garbage

My employer just switched to UKGPro from using ADP. No function works the first time, it always has trouble connecting to the server, it takes 10 seconds to complete each function that I’m trying to do and that’s IF it completes the function I’m trying to do. Punching in and punching out is an absolute joke. What a terrible and unreliable time-keeping app. I wish my employer could immediately switch back to ADP. I’ve used ultipro and UKG pro in the past. But it’s never been this bad.

Horrible app.

Cannot count the amount of times it crashes, or now when I try to access it to approve PTO requests, it lets me use face recognition to sign in than spins once and tells me it signing out. Worst payroll app around. Not user friendly, always crashing, and impossible to get into since yesterday as it won’t let me sign in but instead says it’s signing me out. Tired of huge corporations skimping and going cheap just to save a few bucks. Makes my job 100x harder.

The Worst

For an app that is so imperative to the everyday operations of many companies, I’ve never used anything worse. I’ve had to delete and redownload multiple times. My password is never correct (even though it is). As a supervisor, I’m manually clocking out employees throughout the day, as they work remotely and are unable to utilize the mobile resource we’ve told them to use. Please fix it. It really dings any efficiency we hope to gain.

Worst App Ever

For my employer, Cedars-Sinai, to move to UKGPro for clocking in and out is a farce. There’s a reason why this gets 1 lonely little star. It’s completely unreliable, already deleted twice and had to download again. App keeps crashing. And the process to ask for time off or fix a an accidental punch in or punch out is ridiculous , you have a better chance of passing a bill in the Senate! Our employer needs to do a lot better. Good luck to all.

Doesn’t work well

The company I work for just made us switch from the classic version of UKGPro to this version. The classic app would glitch from time to time but then would go back to normal. This version works for a few weeks then it starts to glitch and eventually will not work at all. It is then that I have to delete UKGPro and reload it to my phone for it to work again for the same cycle.

Not functioning

After downloading UKGPro and signing in, it won’t let me do anything. Home page doesn’t display tiles like it’s supposed to. It wants me to add shortcuts, which isn’t working. So I can’t put in time requests or see my accruals.

App Completely Broken

I can’t view my pay, profile, etc.

Constantly bugged

UKGPro is terrible, I am constantly having issues with UKGPro. It crashes and freezes everyday, it takes 2 minutes to load, I have to restart UKGPro almost every time I use it. At this point I just assume that it’s not going to work on the first attempt so I give myself 5 minutes to clock in/out. Even if you get in UKGPro it will still mess up, the clock in/out will not appear causing you to have to close app and restart but if you do get to the clock in/out sometimes it will freeze and crash.

Bad app

Won’t even let me log into the dang thing just a white page after I put my information in

App is unusable.

App constantly freezes or errors. Unable to log in, had to reload the old app just to get online.


This is a terrible app. I use it in order to track my hours at work, but in the last two weeks UKGPro hasn’t even opened. The new update did absolutely nothing and I haven’t been able to record my hours properly. I’m pretty sure it is the new update that destroyed UKGPro .

Poor Quality App

Constantly freezes or will just show a blank screen when trying to look at pay info. User interface for time off requests is clunky and can be confusing. Overall UKGPro needs a complete redesign with input from regular users, not HR managers.

Abysmal App that makes me want to cry

Terrible app always gives me trouble when logging in, its simple interface is a lie as UKGPro crashes and simple acts of clocking in and out sometimes aren't logged

Very disappointed that my company uses this company to log hours, i would rather physically write down every shift than to use this awful app.

The idea is there, I just wish it wouldn’t take me four or five minutes to clock in or out or something

Worth the pop up on classic

Buttons along the bottom say “oneapp.footer.home” instead of home, shortcuts are annoying instead of all the tiles of the previous app, and pretty choppy/laggy timesheet. Moving back to the old one until it gets better.

Trash app

UKGPro is absolute garbage. There is no way that UKGPro is a finished product.

If you want your employees to hate life on a daily basis, get UKGPro. Since the moment our company switched to UKG pro, we have had app crashes, issues with info not transferring, time punches failing to register after 20min of ‘loading’, you name it!

UKGPro forces you to have a 15 character password and locks you out after ‘one or two’ incorrect logins; multiple of us have had to get admin resets…. I have even been locked from my account after entering the correct password which was autofilled for me after saving the password…. the whole thing is just absurd.

If you are an employer and you force your employees to use this, you deserve the exact opposite of the ‘72 Virgins’ thing.

Can’t log in

Ask to put in code after doing so it say move back to old app

Company is a joke

One of the worst apps I’ve ever used.

Still have not fixed since global crash

This is the weakest HR app I have ever used, can’t even get a copy of your paystub.. its very remedial. They require a password change every 3 months but can’t do it thru UKGPro , I have to go to my settings to change it, I’ve never had to do that with any other app. And since the global CrowdStrike debacle, I have not been able to sign in at all. Tried reinstalling and that didn’t work. So basically, the weak app doesn’t work at all anymore. Honestly, this should be fixed by now. I don’t recommend UKGPro at all.

Doesn’t even work

UKGPro is terrible and a massive downgrade from the old one. Not a single thing is visible in UKGPro and it’s plagued with coding variables that aren’t meant to display actual text. Uninstalling and redownloading the old one.

Worst Designed App I’ve ever seen

UKGPro in general is terrible. To actually see your schedule you have to wait 10 secs for a calendar view to show, only the calendar shows what days you’re working and not the time. Then you have to wait another 10 secs to View your schedule on the list view is some what barely, until you notice that you basically can’t look 5 days in advance. If I want to pick up an open shift, it’s like trying to open a jar of pickles with hands coated in oil. If a day says it has 12 open shifts, but only shows me 2 of them, then I don’t know those other 10 shifts! For the punch in and punch out, there’s no real notification saying that I successfully punched in or out.
My place of work changed to this and got rid of When 2 Work. That app feels like a perfectly crafted system where you can actually view what you want to.
Fix UKGPro so that you can actually see what you want, or don't make a app.

App is pretty much useless

The UKG pro worked for a few weeks for me. Now it’s just useless. I cannot access anything to do with Workforce management or with my schedule. Can’t view a schedule, can’t submit availability, pick up shifts nothing. Try to access it on a computer?…nope … Http status 500 internal service error. My IT department opened a ticket with UKG 3 weeks ago …. And nothing. Horrible customer support at this point. UKGPro is garbage.

Update: it’s been 7 weeks with the same issue …….and when you get a developer response and they ask you to email them with more details to help assist you , that’s even more worthless than UKGPro . You get ZERO response from them. If there was a rating less than a 1 that would be more accurate. Horrible experience.


why did you ask us to switch to UKGPro which quite literally lets you do absolutely nothing? can’t punch in, can’t view pay, can’t view paystub, can’t view schedule.

at this point i don’t even think ukg has anyone working on their app development. this is horrible.

Slow compared to UKG Pro Classic

UKGPro is not an improvement compared to the classic version. Please work on speed

Update did not fix issues

App freezes constantly, have to reboot often before it works. Still no option for Face ID or remember me option which means you have to type in your user name and password every time you log in. Plus when your phone times out you get logged off, then have to type it all over again. UKGPro is such a hassle to use for punching in.

Hospital time keeping

This may be the worst app ever, freezes frequently and I end up having to delete and reinstall it to get it to open at all. Most of the other times it take so long to load and punch in that it makes me “late”. I’ve all but given up using it. It’s a waste of memory use on my phone. Disappointing that such a big hospital chose such a terrible app.

Worthless App

It’s absolutely ridiculous that a multibillion dollar company can put out such a worthless app full of so many bugs. They are charging their customers hundreds of thousands of dollars if not more and this is what they get. That is unethical.

I’ve never hated something more than ukg

Dear developers, kindly shove UKGPro where the sun doesn’t shine and don’t come back until you fix every issue. Second time already I’ve had to delete and redownload UKGPro because it keeps on crashing on me. Everything about ukg is really just an inconvenience. Also when plotting, itd be nice to have a visual calendar instead of having to toggle back and fourth between everything. Seriously, read the reviews and get it together.

Absolute Garbage

UKGPro is awful to use. I have to use it daily for clocking punches and it won’t load, won’t recognize my fingerprint, tells me my password is incorrect. I spend the first 5-7 minutes each morning just trying to clock in and meanwhile, I’m losing time spent paid on my time sheet or have to waste more time trying to get in the desktop version. Our company mandated a switch to UKGPro from a different organization and it’s been awful since.

Has potential, but not meeting it.

My company used the older version, which had it’s problems, but it was more reliable. Since moving to this version, I’ve had to delete and reload UKGPro twice now, and I’m expecting to have to do it again in the future. It’s only been good for, at the most, a two week period. I get it set up, it works for several days, then it loses my settings, and finally, won’t load at all. It probably should have been tested better before launching. I may not reload UKGPro too many more times and say the heck with it.

UI is not readable

You would think for a single use app, it would be somewhat decent at that single use. This is not the case here. For a worker to punch in or punch out, any reasonable person would separate these functions to make them easily understandable. UKGPro combines these into a Single Button literally labelled "punch in or out". Which of the two you had just done is not indicated anywhere. In fact, the only visual representation of you having punched in or out at all is tiny gray text that appears above the button saying "last time punched". Again, which of the two is not represented. There is no way to track how long you have been clocked in beyond that. No meter, no counter, nothing. Hire a UI/UX designer.

This new version of the app was not ready for customer use

Since we started using UKGPro we have come across issue after issue. UKGPro has a lot of potential but the product feels like it was not tested long enough for consumer use. The newest issue we are seeing experiencing is that before recently, we had the ability to access Time and Attendance on UKGPro and now it is gone! The issue is corrected with a simple delete and redownload but how many times do we need to delete and redownload UKGPro to fix random issues that pop up sporadically?

Can’t wait to be able to log in!

Still unable to log into UKGPro . I have to use a web browser in desktop view or use a laptop. At least UKG ready worked.

Can’t even access the app

Can’t even sign in. All my credentials are correct I can sign into the old app no problem. Every time I try on the new UKG pro app I just get a green circle endlessly spinning.
Why my work chose to use this company is beyond me.

Does not work

Worked great for a week. Now I keep getting a black screen or app fails completely and shuts down. Not ready to be used yet. Will continue to use Classic version until bugs have been worked out.

What server issue

UKGPro won’t load at all as soon as I get to the Authenticator it tells me that it’s having trouble connect to the server so I switch back to Classic and use that for a while and now the Classic isn’t working. I have no good words for either.

Still trash

Somehow it glitches and crashes even more than the old app. Has less features, is less responsive, and only displays in portrait mode (especially annoying on an iPad where I use an attached keyboard).

Try again.

Slow and glitchy

Was having errors signing into server even though the classic app still worked. UKGPro is more sluggish with nothing to show for it. I’ll keep using the old app until this has had a few updates

Navigation is Impossible

In this version of the UKG app there is no way for me as a non-supervisory user to navigate back to the home page. The only option to close the menu you are in closes out of UKGPro and the tenant URL is cleared erasing your access information. UKGPro in not usable.

Awful company making awful apps just for revenue

They have multiple apps and websites that all look and act the same and every single one gives me trouble logging on. My job solely uses this for me to see my pay and time for sick along benefits like insurance. Instead of making a quick money grab how about helping the users of your heinous app

Use of the app

I don’t know about anybody else but for me personally I’m having trouble working my way through the system. It’s not very simple. It’s not very user-friendly. Sometimes it takes me three or four tries to get what I want done I shouldn’t have to try three or four times in order to get something done. I should be able to look it up very simply and just do it that might be efficient, it’s not user-friendly not for someone like me

Step back from UKG Pro Classic

I installed this mobile app after I got a notification in UKG Pro Classic that there was a updated version of it and after installing I must say this is the laziest mobile app I’ve come across in a long time. It’s basically a wrapper around the antiquated looking UKG Pro website which definitely is not designed for mobile responsiveness whatsoever. Everything is tiny as the entire webpage is shown on screen.

I understand it must be a pain managing the both mobile and web versions but at least make an attempt to make it way more usable for mobile users if the intent is to move to one version.

Consistently Slow

I regularly have to check and see if an update is available because it just plain doesn’t work most of the time. Reinstalling/updating UKGPro seems to work, and there is some good functionality to this tool, but I just wish it was faster and more reliable.

Ukg pro mobile

The mobile version is abismal. I have to use it for work and nothing loads and the response time is awful. You cannot set up Face ID as it does not load at all. Furthermore, when checking anything else on UKGPro I sit and wait because I have decent patience and when it supposedly is done loading there is a 50/50 chance I actually see what I need to. Very frustrating to use and is causing problems for me with the pineapple portal.

Kind of feels like an app

It kind of feels like an app but more like a wrapper for the website not necessarily a true app. Wish it could allow me to stay logged in while in background during lunch time so it makes it faster and easier to just punch out and punch in. 1hr to 30mins be good no need to go beyond that. Otherwise logging back in every time of exiting UKGPro can become tiresome especially when it’s immediately exiting UKGPro by accident.

good on a computer not on a mobile phone

you can get by with using a phone but it definitely is more user friendly on the computer. My biggest issue is how on my phone the inbox button (tries) to navigate me to the inbox but has the loading circle. this circle of loading never ends. i have never been able to access my inbox on my phone. yes there is a back way to your notifications but it doesn’t always work. i like ukg pro (once i’ve learned how it works) but they really gotta improve on their mobile app.

Meh…some bugs to work out

So I have to use UKGPro as a semi remote worker per my employer. It works better than the old app but I still have to double check that my punches when through. My biggest frustration is with with the location feature which seems broken. I have it enabled to have the location access as UKGPro requires to use the time clock. I never change my settings yet it frequently reminds me of the requirement and takes me to my settings. I don’t change anything on the settings page because it’s already correct but I have to do this before UKGPro allows me to clock in. When I’m in a hurry this is an extra delay.
Also UKGPro uses my Face ID but randomly will require my password and two factor authentication which of course also adds time.
When it works it’s fast and easy but I never know how it’s going to work.

Geo location does not work half the time

Since our company switched to this system it has made managing your schedule ten times more difficult. Even close to a yr later and staff is still struggling with figuring it out. Since company switched to minute pay the geo location does not always work. If your punch does not go thru first time input for a manual over ride. Our store leaders keep complaining how much more work this new system is. Apparently punching at the old time clock means more work for management because they now have to approve every punch. Twice our union has had to file pay grievances for us because the system goes down a lot and outages that last more than a week. Please let us input sick pay request. Management has to over ride it. Availability works great if management or lead takes it as a suggestion not a half to. Our hours gone down with this system and staffing hrs repeatedly cut. I have gotten to the point that i no longer care, will do the bare minimum and will not go out of my way for this company any more. It’s pretty much gotten to the point where i will only do what is in esced. Union dictates you can not write one schedule then change it repeatedly thru the week.


Recently I downloaded this for work and it’s an amazing tool to have! But my app after redownloading it and updating it looks very old compared to the way that it looks on my co workers phone. Mine looks like I’m scrolling through safari and his looks like a legitimate app when he logs in.. not sure what else to do after I deleted it and re downloaded it after updating it to 1.5.1

Lots of bugs

Constantly crashes and needs to be reopened to operate basic functions of UKGPro. Would love the ability to sync to my calendar from the mobile app. I still haven’t been able to figure it out on desktop version because it doesn’t recognize my password. Has better capabilities than HotSchedules but functionality isn’t there.

This app is not 100% reliable

Out company needs an app that is consistently accessible and accurate. It gets irritating how many times we have had to deal with info not being available, punch in not ready when we need to record hourly, changing passwords incessantly and then still having issue punching in or getting access to our data. It concerns me and makes me worry if my data is secure. I would like more reliability.

Works alright

App only works if you type in password will not work with Face ID

Needs Refining

I downloaded UKGPro after getting hired at Knott’s Berry Farm and don’t have a lot of complaints except for a small number of things. UKGPro takes quite a long time to load, which isn’t too much of a problem for me since I usually clock in about 5 minutes before my shift, and after about a month and a half after downloading, UKGPro crashed every single time after I log in to check on my schedule. I had to rely on the website to check my schedule and pick up shifts. I didn’t have this problem when I had a different app for my first job. I had to delete UKGPro and re-install it for it to work properly again. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t have again, at least not any time soon.

Could be better

I’m starting to like UKGPro , but it could definitely be better. There should be Face ID so that I don’t have to type in my login info 4 times in a row plus do a duo secure login check 4 times. Might be a glitch, but it kept refreshing to the login page and then freezing, so I had to clear UKGPro & reopen it again to type in my login info 2 more times. It’s aggravating. Also, my accruals do not show up so it’s a guessing game of how many I have.

User friendly, but I have a suggestion…

I love the “sync my schedule”, however, we still have to sync it every week instead of it detecting new schedule changes. And when we do sync it, it shows up as a new sync, so, for example, this week (today being Sunday) I see my daily schedule listed twice in my calendar, and next weeks is listed once. And I will update it when my new schedule is posted on Friday, so this week will then show 3 times, next week will show twice, and the week after will show once. Is there anyway to refine that aspect?

Needs a shift punch verify button.

Works well. Makes clocking in and out easy.
However I have no idea how many times I’ve accidentally hit the shift in button when I meant to hit meal out. I think you need to add a pop up that says “you are attempting to clock in/meal out/meal in/ shift out. Are you sure about this choice?” Then have a verify and cancel button. If it had that small pop then it would be a 5 star app.

Not bad

Everything works fine and looks great, but every time I click on a notification that says that my work schedule for a specific week came out, it does not allow me to view the home screen and I have to reopen the application.

Wrong message

I take issue that UKGPro ’s way of telling me I need to update my password when using Face ID is to tell me I have connection issues. It took me a day to figure this out. I couldn’t understand why my coworker was not having any issues. Hopefully, we can figure out a way to communicate better in the future!


It’s easy to use. It has slot of helpful and useful features. I recommend the use of UKGPro for business and etc..

Not working

Does not display tiles

Visit to you tomorrow

Good but good job and


UKG’s app was such a nice addition! It’s so convenient!

Am I using a different app than everyone else?

Every single review has just been dunking on UKGPro and I don’t get it. I haven’t seen any of the issues others are reporting, and not to mention UKGPro is MILES better than the old one (it’s actually a self-contained app that doesn’t redirect you to 50 other apps and webpages! That’s awesome!)

Devs, keep up the good work.

Finally, improving!!

Happy to see that the latest updates have not crashed UKGPro , I was able to get in quickly and the home page came up fast. Thank you!!

I will

We can do

Easy to Use

Had some response issues as any new app does in the beginning, but since then has been working flawlessly! Very easy to use and communicate with my employer. I can even search for answers to questions I have, on top of the usual stuff like clocking in and out.

Not Looking Back

Just switched to this one from the Pro Classic app. And it’s night and day. The UX is so much cleaner and I can request and approve time off with a couple clicks. App is lightning fast and most importantly I appreciate the additional security since this is where I have my pay info. Well done!!

Very easy to use and Navigate!

Love that I can access my Pay info easily, W2s, submit my PTO, see all by enrolled benefits, org charts, my Team’s info and do Performance all via Mobile. I forgot what benefits I signed up for and was a good reminder when I was able to see my Benefits summary.

User friendly for ‘non’ Techies

Wow, what an incredible app! UKGPro has truly revolutionized how I manage my time. UKGPro has it all. The user interface is intuitive, making navigation a breeze. Love the payroll feature!
10/10 download!!!

Love this app

Super easy to use and includes HR, Payroll and Time all in one app!

The Time Off request is great - use the Adv. Options button so you can see your scheduled days and all of your balances before making the request.

Also works with our SSO!

Better experience for employees

I have been using the UKG Pro app for almost 4 years now to punch in, approve punches, and manage everything I need to as an employee and manager. The experience and visuals are very clean and makes it super easy to use.

This app has saved my life

I have spent some time using UKGPro, and honestly have been loving it. Not sure what all these other reviews on about. My team has loved it, it has been super reliable!

Easy to setup and use

I loved the ability to prioritize my services. Overall UKGPro is responsive. The flow is clear. Thank you for building this.

Love the new home page

Love how newer versions have better performance and how I can edit and select my default shortcuts.

I have to

We will be

Is UKG Pro Safe? 🙏

No. UKG Pro does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 65,006 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for UKG Pro Is 12.7/100.

Safety Analysis

83.2% of users say app is Safe 👍

9.1% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

7.7% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is UKG Pro Legit? 💯

No. UKG Pro does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 65,006 UKG Pro User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for UKG Pro Is 31/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

UKG Pro collected the following data from you:

  • Data Linked to You:
    • Financial Info
    • Location
    • Contact Info
    • User Content
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Contacts
    • Diagnostics

How was your experience with UKG Pro? Post a Review


Simple and intuitive by design, the UKG Pro mobile app gives you instant, secure access to relevant employee information, tools, and insights helping you stay productive and engaged on the go.

From clocking time and flexing schedules to checking pay and setting aspirational goals, you’ll discover how delightful work can be.

Your organization must enable access to the mobile app and some features may need to be enabled by your admin.

Say hello to the mobile work experience built to help you thrive at work.

Please note, the UKG Pro mobile app is only available to authorized customers of UKG.

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