
Corporate Expense Cards

Stop wasteful company spend and save thousands of dollars with a unified Corporate Expense Card from Justuseapp.

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What is a Corporate Card?

Corporate cards are credit or debit cards issued by a central issuing authority like a Bank to a company. The main purpose of a Corporate card is to manage and track expenses across the company to one source of truth. Usually, banks issue one or two cards to an entire company to manage spend and all purchases somehow have to be squeezed into the few company cards.

Justuseapp Corporate Cards are linked to an original Corporate Card of your company and using that as a source of funds, you can then issue Virtual and Physical cards to your employees and contractors.




Example Use Cases

Justuseapp Cards are intended for secure payments and are engineered to help your business grow without breaking the bank. Our cards are useful for:

Paying for and monitoring spending on recurring software and services like AWS, Asana, Trello,, Azure, Mailgun, etc.
Streamlining spending across the company to one source of truth, simplifying accounting and financial management across multiple departments.
Reimbursing employees and contractors for expenses incurred in executing a contract or carrying out a job.
Providing perks to Employees like Neflix, Spotify, ClassPass subscriptions, etc.

Benefits of Our Corporate Cards

Manage your company expenses and be in control of it's finances. Here is what we offer:

Create unlimited Cards monthly
Justuseapp caters to everyone - from businesses with simple needs with less than 10 employees to larger organizations with more demanding needs.
Set Spending limits, Freeze spending, Deactivate Card, etc
While disbursing cards, Finance can set limits on cards, deactivate cards at anytime or freeze spending all from the company dashboard. Controlling your business's expenditures becomes easy.
A Single Source of Funds
The company's bank-issued Corporate Card acts as a single source of funds across the entire company. No need to get approved for credit limits by us. Come with your already existing corporate card and spend at your company's pace.
See and Monitor Card Transactions
See all transactions and card authorizations across all cards issued by your company, in one place. You can also download your account statement for taxes or accounting, with custom integrations coming soon. You are always in control.
Accepted by all merchants
Our virtual payment cards are valid and issued in partnership with Celtic Bank USA (FDIC Insured). The cards are accepted anywhere virtual and plastic cards are accepted worldwide, with Low risk of getting declined by merchants.

Get Started with Corporate Expense Cards

Make your company finances go a longer way. Manage your finances and corporate spend with Justuseapp.

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