ESPN app not working? crashes or has problems?

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

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Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of ESPN Problems 🔥

- Buffer times are ridiculous

- Can't watch what you want to because it won't load

- Ads, commercials, and content trying to run at the same time causing the app to not work

- Error messages saying “something went wrong, please try again later” or just a spinning wheel that goes for awhile before timing out

📋 12 Reported Issues:

Steve Barrett 2023-12-29

My ESPN app keeps crashing after about 10 to 15 seconds. I can either be reading an article or I can be watching a video that’s on the app and it crashes. I’m up on the latest iOS update and I’m on an iPhone SE do you have any suggestions for how to fix the issue.

Anthony 2023-11-27

ESPN app disappeared from my Sony smart tv

Trenton Putnam 2023-11-07

ESPN App Keeps closing after 5 to 10 seconds after opening, tried turning off my phone and is still doing it.

Greg Myers 2023-03-26

App crashes after about a minute. Restart phone or app does not help.

Glover Theo 2022-11-05

Parental control issue

Cat Martin 2022-09-24

When I try to log in by provider in the espn app on my firestick, it lets me choose the provider but then takes me to a white screen with “ssocompanionapp” visible in a black bar at the top left of the screen. There is nowhere for me to log in. I’ve been using this app on my firestick and logging in this way for years with no issue until now. I’ve tried deleting and re adding the app and clearing data and cache. Please help! I wish there was a way to enter a url and log in from my phone like I can do for espn+. So frustrating!

David Behrens 2022-09-05

Starting on 9/4/2022, every time I open the app . It closes after about 10 seconds .

Scott Deines 2022-06-29

The ESPN app on my iPhone 13 pro crashes after about 45 seconds every time I use it nice deleted and reinstalled but it doesn’t improve

Deanne Carr 2022-06-07

ESPN live not playing on my iPhone. I’ve deleted and reloaded app and rebooted iPhone with no success

Joseph 2022-05-21

ESPN + crashes at the very least, 5 times during each UFC event that I watch. At this point, I’m ready to stop subscribing and just start pirating it. Nothing I do fixes it and there is zero rhyme or reason to it happening.

Christopher Johnson 2022-05-19

ESPN app keeps crashing on iPhone 13 I have latest update as well have force quit reloaded I give up

Marcus Yee 2022-04-24

ESPN app on iPhone 13 Pro could not start since at least January 2022. Has downloaded latest version 6.67 on iOS 15.4.1. Tried changing settings available on iOS with no success. There were times the ESPN would start to launch then blanked out. It would show the app was in session but with a blank screen. When switching to the app, it would come up with a blank screen (with the ESPN logo) but then shut off. Had tried deleting and downloading multiple times with no luck. Please let me know what else I can try. ESPN+ subscriber but can't take advantage of it due to the ESPN app issue.

Showing 1-12 of 12 reported issues:

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