Buyers can easily do their shopping due to the high number of categories offered by BYMOV, find products of all luxury brands for your wardrobe, If you are a fashion addict, you will probably find some good deals on shoes, smartphones, handbags and so on then finish with a good deal on a pair of sneakers.
BYMOV is a marketplace offering a high number of categories of products on lifestyle, fashion, haute couture, the technology and a lot of other things.
BYMOV allows access to a wide range of products : it goes from Menβs Apparel to Womenβs Apparel with Smartphone categories passing by the Decoration and even categories for kids and multimedia.
Once the application has been downloaded and after creating your profile, scroll across the categories and subcategories on the home page you are interested in, or select the name of the article in the search bar.
BYMOV is a marketplace in which all person can submit a sales announcement of item news or used on video form of 20 seconds.
Once the article is found, view the video, click on the information sheet (More information) in which the product details are located.
BYMOV is also a social network where you can follow the last user trends, you can chat with people to buy or sell and make connection them.
With BYMOV, you can watch the items of your choice with 20 seconds video ads.
you can improve your search by brands and also thank to subcategories such as Beauty and Fashion Accessories as well as Jewellery.
Your video should highlight the article.
A difference is made when you add comments, a PITCH to highlight your article.
Shooting your articles to sell or click on an item to buy instantly.
You should indicate a title for your article on sale, some keywords.
These videos will be visible to a large number of buyers.