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Point the camera at the barcode of a product (even if blurry) and instantly
compare the prices at thousands of retailers. Product information, user reviews,

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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Vision Smarts, developers of Pic2shop Barcode & QR scanner.

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85.71% Contact Match

Developer: Vision Smarts

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit Pic2shop Barcode & QR scanner Website

68.09% Contact Match

Developer: Gamma Play

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit Gamma Play Website

About this app

Now also scan QR codes and barcodes directly in Messages. - Barcode scans with the built-in camera on all devices. - Online Stores: Amazon, eBay, Target, Walmart, Buy. com, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Capitol Supply, Computer World, CD Universe, Unbeatablesale. com, Ritz Camera, Office Depot, Sam's Club, Kmart, Walgreens, Sears, TigerDirect, eCost, NewEgg, Radio Shack, and thousands more (really! -QR codes: visit link, add contact to address book, etc. 2.  It will, with the quick scan of the bar code tell you right there in the store if you are about to do a bargain price, or if you should walk away and get that product elsewhere". "The live (i. e. "Pic2shop is amazing.  Point the camera at the barcode of a product (even if blurry) and instantly compare the prices at thousands of retailers.  Pic2Shop searches local libraries for what you are interested in and will even tell you if it’s checked out (and when it’s due back! ).  Point the camera at the barcode until the red line turns green (super fast! 3.  I saved $70 last week scanning items and finding them at a lower price at a different merchant.  The store manager dropped the price to the competitors in front of me after I scanned products and showed him".  Find out where the product is cheaper and save money. 4.  I've been using Pic2shopBarcodeQRscanner a lot over the last 4-5 years, mostly while shopping for toys for my son.  Product information, user reviews, etc. , are just one tap away!  For me, it is able to find the product 9 times out of 10.  If you like the new Pic2Shop, please tell your friends!  QR CODES: Even if they are difficult to read, blurry, skewed, etc.  Pic2shopBarcodeQRscanner will save you lot of money, and it's free!  LIBRARY SEARCH: Why pay when you can check things out?  Thank you for your support. ** Please report any problem to support@pic2shop. 

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