- Over 60,000+ inspirational quotes and quotations from more than 200 of the greatest people who ever lived.
- Quotes from authors of more than 17 vocations such as Coaches, Sports, US Presidents, Scientists, Nobel Prize Winners, Military Leaders, Religious Leaders, Political Leaders, Racial Rights Leaders, Authors, Philosophers, and more.
- Different categories of quotes such as life, love, sports, business, and entrepreneurship, among others.
- Quote of the Day feature that is random but can be customized to preferred quote.
- Thousands of quotes to inspire and motivate users.
- Inspirational and motivational for all men and women.
- Share quotes and thoughts via social media using a single click.
- Amazing categories that users have never seen before.
- Disclaimer: The app is a self-contained app with a part of the content from the public domain. The purpose of the app is to provide entertainment/general information to users. All the quotes and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources and believed to be in the public domain.