We share the details of the transactions we have opened on the Forex and commodity markets in this application.
If you wish to process more than 60% of our lucrative transactions, you can identify it as a signal, but this application is not responsible for any damages that may arise on your part.
You should visit the application periodically to be able to see the details of new transactions or details of existing transactions.
Your application and Forex, commodity, futures signals may change in success rates.
Our Forex Signals application does not yet have a notification option.
The resulting monetary and financial losses belong to the person who opened the transaction.
You can see our newly opened transactions and past transactions by selecting them from the menus below.
The left hand side shows our newly opened operations.
It is not advisable for people who have no knowledge about financial markets and who are inexperienced in money management to use this practice.
Warning: The actions we have in our application are not investment advice.
The clock on the left side shows that the trade is still going on.
If it is depicted with green currency, it is a profitable transaction, and if it is red, it is regarded as a lossy transaction.
You can review our successful actions on two tabs of our practice.
You can get detailed information about trade by clicking on the process from here.