Who Is The Killer (Episode I) Reviews

Who Is The Killer (Episode I) Reviews

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About: "We would personally recommend everyone to try this game, especially those who
love brain teasers. You’ll love it!" — Gameographics What the people say
about 'Who Is The Killer?' game series: 'Best investigation game I've played so
far! Feels so real!' (Tia00) 'It's not like those one way stories, it really
gives you the freedom to investigate by yourself!' (abighoul) 'Just when you
think you know who the killer is, yo.

About Who Is The Killer Episode I

Speak with characters, investigate crime scenes, guess who lies, look at your dreams to find clues and try to arrest the killer before it’s too late.

This original game is based on classical english detective rules.

It is not a generic adventure game — there is no happy end in this scenario, you can either win or lose the game (if everybody dies).

"We would personally recommend everyone to try this game, especially those who love brain teasers.

Everyday someone dies and you need to figure out who is the killer.

And you have only seven days to stop the murderer.

Everybody has a common mystery story of the past.

— Original gameplay for those who like to think.

Some reviews may contain spoiler.

Everybody could have a motive to do this.

All Episodes support English, Russian and German languages.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 25,037 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Who Is The Killer Episode I

- Interesting murder mystery concept

- Reminiscent of the board game Clue

- Solving puzzles can be enjoyable

- Free to download and play

20 Who Is The Killer Episode I Reviews

4.2 out of 5


It's fine.

I won't harp on the energy system for too long, because everyone has brought that up, and many games have a similar mechanic. However, that's not to say the mechanic is clever or fun. It's annoying, limiting, and predatory with the amount of times you need to pay to get anywhere in the story.

I understand the plight of indie devs, especially for story driven games, really, I do. However, just make the game cost a dollar or two. Or give us the first day for free, and you have to pay a dollar or so to have the rest of the story. It's leaves less of a bad taste in the player's mind, and I think the game could easily be worth a few bucks with a little polish. It's certainly better than the system in place right now.

My main problem, however, is the word puzzles. My god, are they frustrating. The words usually have nothing to do with the characters, it's not just finding words in the letters, it's set words, in set patterns, so if you can't find exactly what the devs coded in, you're stuck.


Not sure yet....????

I love these kinds of games so I decided to try this one. It seems like it will be fun, but I totally don’t have a clue what I’m supposed to be doing!! I went from looking for clues to solving word puzzles but no instruction!! Do the words have to be in a row or just click on the letters?!?! Then, I literally talked to one person, then tried to talk to another, and I guess I’m already out of juice!( or coffee in this game!) I mean, I thought I’d get a little more play time!! Or some instruction to what I’m doing!! I barely started, ran out of coffee, now the charges start-$1 for a cup of coffee that only lasts maybe an hour, if that?? I’ll try another day or so, and I’m ok to buy extras here and there, but dang, that seems like a rip off to me!! Either I’ll get hooked on the game soon, and go broke buying coffee or I’m gonna give it up after another day! Please, give more specific and clear directions!!!!


Hey do you love to pay to win?

I like murder mysteries a lot, and that this is a free app was exciting to me. However, this game is 100% a pay to win game. Unless you have $1 to burn at nearly every opportunity, there’s no way to progress the game as you see fit. I’d be fine if the game made it feel worth it to spend those single bills on opportunity for information, but the puzzles are just heinous. Investigating the crime scene is boring, it holds your hands through the things it wants you to see, rather than actually investigating the body. Being able to question the suspects is awful too because you have to go through word puzzles, but only the words that the game wants you to find. See a theme here? You aren’t figuring out anything or investigating anything and if you do, you need money to see it through. I got to the 5th day but I couldn’t accuse who I wanted to because I didn’t have enough information on them. I really wanted to see it through to the end but it was so annoying I just looked up the answer and then deleted it. Bad game.


Fun, challenging but NOT FREE!

Challenging, addicting and fun as it is disappointing. You only get a few minutes of gameplay per day. You can only get a couple clues before the day ends and you have to wait a whole day for your energy to be restored. Without paying, everybody’s dead by the time you interview each suspect. It just doesn’t really make any sense.
I wouldn’t mind paying for WhoIsTheKillerEpisodeI to begin with, but it pretends to be free and asks for money for basically everything. This is exactly why some ppl hate “free” games w/in-app purchases!!! There isn’t even a way to get energy by watching a video or anything! The only reason I’m writing this review is for 3 cups of energy and after that, no more free chances.
I originally rated this game 4/5 stars, but as I write this review, I’m so frustrated that I’m taking away a star. I’ll delete it before I spend a single penny on energy. I can’t deny it’s intrigue and originality though. Thanks for reading🧐



Love the game concept. Reminds me of the board game Clue, one of my favorites growing up. Was so excited to get started. So energy is cups of coffee. Unless u accuse someone by interviewing everyone you stay on the same day. And I'm not sure if it's a glitch, but it says one free cup of coffee per day for solving the puzzle within the mystery. Free cup of coffee each day you log in sounds great, but here's the potential glitch it doesn't seem to accumulate if you return each day and don't accuse anyone. You have to have 2 cups of coffee for each interview. Unless you pay for more coffee you start out with 5 cups and quickly run out. I've been on day one episode one for 4 days. Not a bad game especially for free and especially if you are a Clue fan. Closer to a 4 star game, but trying to get the extra coffee.


Fun game, but a lot to improve on

Fun and interesting game, but there needs to be a way to either get hints without buying them, or have the word find only have the correct words to find, since there are so many words that aren't the words we're supposed to find. Also, we need a slightly longer look at the portrait before we have to figure out what's in it, because it's too blurry to deduce anything! It's a nearly blind guessing game! Doesn't even show you the picture at the end so you know what the correct answers would have been! Plus it takes way to long to refill energy. And I can't arrest anyone without buying the arrest (which I'm not willing to do) because there's always a character who isn't willing to talk about them.

Overall, this game is really fun, but there is so much that needs to be improved, and way too many in app purchases.


You will spend about 2% of your time actually investigating the crime

You search a murder scene for a minute or two, that’s fine. Then you get to question around 3 people each day if you don’t pay for energy. That “questioning” results in one tiny bit of info, sometimes completely useless. Between the questioning sessions you’ll do longer and longer word searches. Then you end the day, and have to completely guess at finding items in a “dream.” Depending on how lucky you are, you may have enough to question three people the next day, but if you fail, well... too bad. Oh and that time between days is HOURS that you can’t play the game, unless you pay. And if you actually want to accuse someone, you probably won’t have enough energy for that. But OF COURSE all of this could be solved for shelling out $1 for practically every move you make. Absolutely disgusting. This actually may be one of the worst games I’ve ever played.



I wanted to like this game and, at first, I enjoyed it. But after playing it for almost 2 days I had to write this review.
I understand that most free games add in a way to get in-app purchases...but it feels like this game was solely made for that purpose. There’s very little storyline. You run out of coffee/energy before you have any chance of questioning the characters & when you have to end the day it gives two options: pay $1.99 or stop playing for 8 hours (the time changes, at first it was 3 hrs I believe) I’m sorry but that’s a ripoff. I would gladly pay $1.99 for an entire episode. But I’ll never pay that for maybe ten minutes of gameplay.

I like the concept of the game but they need to add in more content if they ever release a second episode.


I’d like to play

Neat idea for the game BUT I think a one-time $5/download would be some serious cash for the developers, since the game is static and my PC in 1985 could have handled it. Apps were more creative and appealing when smart devices started. Games have sadly lost the ingenuity & intrigue-this one has that, but is trying to thrive on the $1 for every step approach. I’m a gamer; I spend money on desktop games and would like some fun on my phone. But here’s the kicker, you can chose to spend $60 on an app indirectly ($1 here, $6 there) with so-so graphics, quasi gameplay & storyline OR buy a real immersive game with excellent game development, a cast, a musical score & all the awesome for the same price. This is why apps are tanking. $1 piecemeal is tearing app development apart. Delete.



I have loved other games I played like this, as I’m sure I will enjoy solving puzzles and stuff in this one as well, I feel it needs a bit more direction moving forward. I also feel the cups of Coffee should have puzzles to get a certain amount of refills per day. Then once you use all the coffee but you get more free ones once an hour but you can only have 5 cups at a time. I feel if it were set up that way people would be more intrigued to buy a cup for money cause they will be hooked and wanting to move forward. That being said I believe the premise behind this game is awesome and lots of fun.


Intriguing game (spoiler free review)

TL;DR If you need you hand held or REALLY obvious clues, don’t bother spending on this series. If you enjoy ruminating over puzzles, this series will give you plenty of simple food for thought.

I really enjoyed this game, the over all mystery of it, as well as the mini games.
In the mini game where one must find the words in the square, all letters must be used, hence not all words you see will be counted as correct. There are also some obscure words, and spellings aren’t always correct in American English, rather they appear to use Australian or British English spellings.

With game restarts early on, it’s easy to solve within 3 “days” without paying or signing up on Facebook. However, if you want to see ALL of the clues, and help support the developers, it’s worth a dollar or two per episode.

I solved it in three “days” first, then went through the game again just to play the mini puzzles. The latter were quite challenging :)


Just started

I just started the game so I’m not sure how I completely feel about it but in saying that I have enjoyed myself and the game play so far I believe I will enjoy this game a lot the one thing that Would bother me is if I have to use real money to get anywhere in the game but so far so good I m not opposed to watching ads for energy but I don’t want to get to a point in the game where unless you purchase energy you can’t continue I’ve had other adventure mystery type games where this happens so fingers crossed.


Great game but...

I think this game is a great puzzle game and mystery game but the fact that you don’t have very much to do is not very constructive. When I saw this game on an ad I thought it would be a awesome game because I love murder mysteries and of course I down loaded it right away. But just as I started to play it really bummed me out you can’t even interact in the game. Which got me really disappointed. I mean if you are going to make a murder mystery game please let it have more things to do! And you have to play the same thing again which is also really boring and it says there will be more mysteries but there is which makes a little irritated. I hope you update it in the future.


Fun but disappointing

This game has an good story and interesting characters except the game mechanics, they are a pain in the neck. You have to find the hidden words and since I’m dyslexic it makes it 10x harder. Plus the game is basically a pay to win, I tried multiple times to play the game and I even payed for it a few times but it was still a pain and disappointing. People don’t have money to waste on a game that isn’t that good during a pandemic, so please make it easier and make it better! If you try to improve this game and make it easier it would be a pretty amazing game but until then, don’t waste your time.


Review for coffee

The game is very stupid. You have to use coffee to do investigation. And it seems like there is no other way of gaining coffee, except paying money. I stoped playing the game because I had one leftover and I needed to. And I didn’t want to buy a coffee. Then I came back and still had one coffee and couldn’t do investigation. Which led my to this review for coffees. After I use up the three coffees I will receive. And they don’t give me any free ones I am deleting the game for good. I’m not paying for this wired game.


It’s interesting!

I’ve just started playing after my last attempt. I didn’t completely understand back then and am now trying once more. It’s an interesting game and I’m excited to see where it goes, though I have yet to make it past the first day. That’s mostly because of the lack of coffee, which I have to say dwindles very quickly. If there was a video/ad available to stock up the coffee instead of a purchase, that would be a lot better. But overall, excited to come back when the coffee is refilled and continue! ^^


Full of mystery

The game is really good, and I like how it doesn't reveal too much and lets you find out things as you go along. The only thing I find that is annoying is the fact that you have to spend coffee on your actions. I don't mind it, but just for investigating you have to spend two cups of coffee and I think that it's too much because you can't get the amount of coffee back fully in a reward.


Reviews for energy

Giving it five stars because I'm pretty sure that's what I'm supposed to do in order to get energy, which by the way shouldn't work like that. This game may appear free but it's extremely expensive if you actually want to play and win quickly so to speak. It's a great story, I get it. But the game is just too much. It doesn't make any sense to have to do all of that it asks. There should be different ways to get more energy through out the game.


Great mystery

I am still figuring the game out but I like the suspense of the game. The music puts you in the right mood to get into character. I don’t really understand the investigation of the crime scene, if you just find what they tell you or if that just a guide for your first investigation. I also really do t understand how you get free coffee on Facebook page by figuring out some clue. That one baffles me. Not explained well at all. Aside from that I love the characters, the feel of the gameplay and the graphics.


Too hard to earn energy

It is way too difficult to get anywhere in the game when it takes soooo long to earn “energy”. There should be many more options for us players to earn energy for free, watch videos, like on Facebook, more mini games.......not every player is willing to spend their hard earned cash on games like this, not to say though, that we could download more games if we had the opportunity to watch ads, to earn more energy, as well as any other possible purchases we may make from the ads we’re seeing. Just something to think about. Haven’t gotten to play long enough to know if I like it because you don’t give us enough energy.

Is Who Is The Killer Episode I Safe?

Yes. Who Is The Killer (Episode I) is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 25,037 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Who Is The Killer Episode I Is 37.6/100.

Is Who Is The Killer Episode I Legit?

Yes. Who Is The Killer (Episode I) is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 25,037 Who Is The Killer (Episode I) User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Who Is The Killer Episode I Is 52/100..

Is Who Is The Killer (Episode I) not working?

Who Is The Killer (Episode I) works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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