Sleepmaker Rain 1 Reviews

Sleepmaker Rain 1 Reviews

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About: Medically speaking you need a great nights sleep. And who doesn’t love the
rain? Don’t you wish you could make it rain at your own choosing? We can’t
help with Global Warming but we can help you fall asleep at night, relax at work
or escape the city crowd.

About Sleepmaker Rain 1

And who doesn’t love the rain? Don’t you wish you could make it rain at your own choosing? We can’t help with Global Warming but we can help you fall asleep at night, relax at work or escape the city crowd.

Sleepmaker Rain is also perfectly safe to help young children and infants fall asleep.

Designed for any eco – conscious person, or rain starved victim of global drought.

Sleepmaker Rain contains just that.

These are real rain recordings NOT rain effects.

Pure, Natural Rain.

All perfectly looped by a motion picture Sound Engineer, and recorded in Digital Uncompressed Formats.

Medically speaking you need a great nights sleep.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 15 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Sleepmaker Rain 1

- Helps users fall asleep quickly and relaxes them

- Realistic and beautiful recordings of rain and other sounds

- Offers a variety of sound options to choose from

- Can be timed for as long as the user wants

- No ads and free to use

- Works well for both adults and children

- Uses little battery

20 Sleepmaker Rain 1 Reviews

2.7 out of 5


Randomly changes volume

I've been using SleepmakerRain1 for two or three years and generally I really like it! But maybe once or twice a month, the sound will change after it's been all about 10 minutes even when I'm not touching my phone. Sometimes the volume will get very loud, or it will get very soft. I have no idea why this happens. Other than that, I'm very happy with SleepmakerRain1


Must leave app open to listen

New look is very nice but Since the new update, you must have SleepmakerRain1 open to listen to sounds. Not cool if you’re trying to sleep and want your phone locked to reduced battery usage or minimize additional light. Or if you’re trying to get your kids to sleep and want to multitask on Facebook, Imgur, etc. Unfortunately after using SleepmakerRain1 for at least a year, I had to download a new one with better features for usage.


Love this app!!❤️❤️

I had SleepmakerRain1 for awhile now and love it! It helps me fall asleep so fast, as if I did it on my own. It is so relaxing. I love the rain and this relieves so much stress throughout the day when I use it.
Thank you!!


The Update Was Bad

Long time user who is really disappointed in the update. SleepmakerRain1 no longer stores the last sound you used so you have to scroll down and find it every time. Unlike others who have reviewed the update mine does still work after the phone goes into sleep mode.


Sleep maker Rain 1

Who’s bright idea was it to update SleepmakerRain1 when it was working just fine. Now it doesn’t keep a memory of the sound I usually listen to so I have no idea from one night to another and these adds cover some choices. Please leave thing alone when they work well. Darn it all.



It was great until recent changes. Now, I can’t access my favorite rain because it is the last one and the Google ad covers it.

Additionally, It won’t keep running if SleepmakerRain1 is put in background or if the device turns off.


Was a good app once

I’ve used SleepmakerRain1 for a long time but no more. I’ve moved on. Every update makes it worse.


Miss the pause

I miss the pause capability.


A different way to sleep

It's a good app an works but I'm sure it works differently for everyone. When I use it I seem to have more vivid an clear dreams. My dreams seem to be more vibrant an real so idk if that means that I'm falling into a deeper sleep or not but it feels good for the most part. I wake up when I shift in position but when I wake to do that i can't hear the rain while it's going till I really get up in a position to turn. Then I hear it. Like I said I think it works differently for everyone. I feel more..... Whole when I wake like my body is really satisfied with my nights sleep but the biggest difference is my dreams an how deep of the sleep an dream I go into. For free it is very worth it. Good tip is to plug ur phone into some speakers for SleepmakerRain1 sounds to be more clear


So Beautiful!

I am the worst insomniac my doctors have ever seen- not an honor you want, I promise. All the drugs and melatonin were no good. Six melatonin cheer me up but sleep? Nope.
This is marvelous! Beautiful recordings and Oh Miracle!!! I sleep some of the time. It's been a god send. Not always at night but a long nap? I'll take it!
Even if I can't quite drift off the rain is delightful. I'll play it on the big speakers in the living room; Calming is second best to no sleep at all.
I'll be getting the Big Everything App to try other sounds. Insomniacs are cranky and soothing sounds help that.
Thank you so much for this! Bless you for putting me to sleep; You've done a true mitzvah.


Update problems

Sleepmaker app has multiple issues since the latest update. 1. Advertisement banner covers choices in SleepmakerRain1 , therefore you can’t access that choice. 2. On iPad the clock timer sometimes disappears and you can’t change the timer length. 3. SleepmakerRain1 turns off once the iPad or iPhone closes or goes into “sleep mode” which defeats the whole purpose of SleepmakerRain1 .
My family has been using SleepmakerRain1 for years without issues and SleepmakerRain1 has become our “go-to” for a good night’s sleep.
Please help tweak it back to what it was.


Ehhh Fix The Sound

I have really bad anxiety so listening to the rain really helps me get my mind of things.... It's great I like the gentle rain and actually sounds like rain verses a lawnmower trying to pass itself off as waves.

It's gentle and calming totally worth it . I've even become dependent on it to fall asleep at night

However the last update did something weird with the sound so it's really quiet or you can't hear it at all. I found if you just delete SleepmakerRain1 and re-install it , it works normally. I have to this a lot though. I wish they'd fix it



I have always fallen asleep when it rains. And that's why I love SleepmakerRain1 so much. I don't like apps where it has rain, and then a fan, and then the beach. Because there is only one sound of rain!!!! SleepmakerRain1 has SO many different options for what type of rain gets you to fall asleep!! It's so easy to use and has NEVER cause me problems! Been using it for almost 2 years now!! My favorites are: gentle (with distant thunder), gentle (onto forest foliage), and medium (rain against Windows). Would recommend for anyone and everyone!! :))


Can’t Live Without It!

I have been using SleepmakerRain1 for many years “every single night.” It has to be close to 10 years! I can’t sleep without it. My favorite is “gentle forest foliage”...there is one other I like being called (I think) “rain with distant thunder.” In the morning, if I don’t turn it off, it lulls me right back to sleep, making me so relaxed that I can’t wake up. It’s also great to use for a short power nap, blocking out distracting background noises. I love SleepmakerRain1 so much!


Wonderful App

I have a very hard time falling asleep partly due to health reasons. My doctors and I have tried everything, but it was not until I found the Sleepmaker apps and started using this one and the storm maker app did I start falling asleep a lot faster. It also helps me stay asleep when I set the timer for several hours. This has made a huge difference to me. Thanks for having these wonderful apps. I highly recommend these apps to everyone.



I've always had trouble falling asleep, and when i bought SleepmakerRain1 about a year ago, the sounds were so real that i relaxed and would fall asleep in about 15 minutes. Everytime i use it, i fall asleep. It is absolutely amazing. If it ever closes randomly, thats because of updates, and recently there has been several more sound options added in SleepmakerRain1 . Well worth the investment, and it does continue to play after you lock your ipod/ iphone.



Does what it says which is getting more and more rare with apps now.
I love all of the FREE choice, I love NO ads, and I love we can time it however we like.
I have no idea how an update could better SleepmakerRain1 - it can't for me I don't think.
If you like listening to rain while falling asleep this works beautifully. My 6 year old daughter and I both use this and she loves it as much as I do. I wouldn't hesitate to get - even buy - another app with this developers name on it. 


Fast asleep

This makes you fall asleep very fast if you just lay and listen to the sounds your eyes close slowly and you fall fast asleep =). All you have to do is hit the little info button and you can set the timer for how long you want it on for I always have this on all night on my ihome and I use to plug it into my surround sound it uses little battery and helps you to relax very easily ZzZzZz very good application.


Can u tell

Can u tell that these sounds keep on looping over and over again?? The first 1 (gentle) u can hear a bird churp listen hard and be in a quiet place once that bird churps count to 13 then ull hear it again over and over!!!!! Then on the second 1 count every 4 secs then ull hear some water drops the same exact thing over and over!!!!!! I gave SleepmakerRain1 1 star because this was pure lazyness that the deloper did

Ps. Srry 4 typos I'm tired and I don't feel like redoing anything at 3:56 IN the morning


This is so stupid it works.

I'm not going to lie. I'm a huge skeptic. Especially because I'm so bad about falling asleep. I'm the lightest sleeper and will Become alert at any creek of the house or car driving by. I've always taken at least an hour and a half to fall asleep. I downloaded SleepmakerRain1 because of curiosity. I've used it the last past two nights. I don't remember falling asleep. All I know is I didn't turn the track off, and I woke up feeling great.


I miss Sleepmaker ALL IN ONE!!!

I enjoyed being able to mix a subtitle rain sound with a stream with puddles. Now, rain - rivers - thunder storms - beach waves.. they're all separate apps! As if that wasn't inconvenient enough, they won't even play simultaneously!!!😡 So if I'm already running a rain sound, it automatically stops once I press play in any other sleepmaker app. PLEASE BRING BACK THE ALL IN ONE OPTION!!! Or at the very least fix this issue.


New version is a step back

SleepmakerRain1 was perfect before the most recent update. I'm very irritated with the timer setting now. It isn't as straight forward as it once was. You use to be able to pick the time and it was always set to it. Now I've got to make sure to select the timer ever night or I wake up
to SleepmakerRain1 running in the morning. This function is the most problematic for me, when my phone isn't plugged in over night.

The main screen before was great. It had all the essential buttons with no frills. I didn't have to search for what I needed.

This update was a step backwards in my opinion and I'd like to see it reverted to the version before this one.


The best

I have tried many rain apps and this one takes the cake, I’ve been using it for about 3 years and I use it every night.


Only rain sound i like

The rain is the only one I like and I’ve been using it for years


Not as Good

I agree with others when they state that this edition is a step backwards. The timer operation is awkward and the abrupt ending is annoying. The removal of the gradual fade, which was in previous editions, is disappointing. Too bad this is so because the sound quality is really good.


Update the all in one please

I paid for the all in one sleep app you sold. It needs updating. Now with the iOS 11, it won’t play


Loud ads on a sleep app!?

I've used SleepmakerRain1 off and on for years as needed and liked it. BUT opened it tonight, started my calming noise, set timer, and then loud shooting noises start from an ad! The complete opposite of what I wanted... Will be finding something new after all these years: sudden loud noises is a deal breaker for what SleepmakerRain1 is for.



One of the best features of SleepmakerRain1 USED to be the subtle fade when the timer ended on the rain. It was a nice, calming way to wake up. Now it's a sudden end that jolts you awake. Please fix! Not sure what changes were made that actually improved SleepmakerRain1 in the new version. Just feels more cumbersome.


What happened??

There used to be a fade out option. Now it just turns off suddenly, if it even does that at all. Sometimes it just plays all night. I wake up and it's still on way past the 2 hr setting.


New version significantly worse, why??

Used to start sleep timer automatically when starting sounds. Now requires manually enabling it every night (and clicking through an interstitial ad)


Good enough

The interface isn't suited for the retina display, but you never really stare at it for long enough. A lot of the sounds have obvious compression on them and some aren't long enough. It's really obvious some of them are quick 4-6 second loops (Gentle onto canvas) which is distracting. But still, the free version is great. I set the sound to 'Gentle with distant thunder' which is perfect because it's a very long recording and I I just go to sleep. All the options are nice but that's my go-to. It also crashes if you select Medium Downpour. I mean most of it is a piece of crap but I just pick my sound, turn off my screen, and go to sleep. Can't complain too bad.



Ads designed so they look like you can close them, but they just take you to a website. Confusing controls. Much worse than prior versions.



Perfect,I use it all the time.


Please bring back all in one

My sleep hasn’t been the same since



the application has to be open to be used. Please fix this. Very very upsetting.

Is Sleepmaker Rain 1 Safe?

Yes. Sleepmaker Rain 1 is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 15 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Sleepmaker Rain 1 Is 29.2/100.

Is Sleepmaker Rain 1 Legit?

Yes. Sleepmaker Rain 1 is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 15 Sleepmaker Rain 1 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Sleepmaker Rain 1 Is 41.5/100..

Is Sleepmaker Rain 1 not working?

Sleepmaker Rain 1 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Sleepmaker Rain 1? Post a Review

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