Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn Reviews

Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn Reviews

Published by on 2023-10-17

About: The fastest way to look up which foods are High, Low or Medium FODMAP foods. 8x
faster than the Monash University app*.

About Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn

We have found that decreasing effort and friction to lookup foods leads to more lookups per user and greater knowledge and more FODMAP friendly dietary choices.

* Our studies have shown that Fast FODMAP Lookup has, on average, an 8 fold reduction in elapsed time to locate a food's overall FODMAP level.

Fast FODMAP may ask for access to your step count data if you are linked with a dietitian who has requested it or you choose to enable step tracking.

The fastest way to look up which foods are High, Low or Medium FODMAP foods.

The two things that matter most when you are trying to follow a low FODMAP lifestyle.

The data will be handled and used in accordance with Nourishly's privacy policy and terms of service.

The best way to learn and remember which foods have High, Low or Medium FODMAPs.

Using modern space repetition learning games to train your brain is fun and effective.

As soon as the app launches you can start typing and see the results as you type (an idiom called incremental searching).

The lookup function focuses on just SPEED and ACCURACY.

Looking up a food item should not be a pain, it should be FAST and EFFORTLESS.

Collection of this data is completely optional.

We integrate with Apple's Health App to achieve this.

8x faster than the Monash University app*.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 18,145 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn

- Provides a flash card learning section for the FODMAP diet

- Allows users to look up foods and determine if they are low or high FODMAP

- Enables users to keep track of their food intake and how they feel after eating

- Offers food plans with custom and suggested meals and snacks

- Includes an interactive game that familiarizes users with safe and unsafe foods

- Provides a massive log of foods that are rated low to high FODMAP

- Tracks mood, exercise, stool, and medication

- Offers meditation and skills

- Provides notes of encouragement throughout the day

- Allows users to store recipes, meal plans, and a food diary all in one place

- Offers a bunch of bonus features

- Provides a quick response from developers to fix issues

20 Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Add Filter for Reintroduction Phase by Group

I have been using FastFODMAPLookupLearn for a few weeks and overall find it generally pretty quick and helpful in everyday lifestyle things like shopping and looking up recipe ingredients for cooking at home. In a few weeks I will be starting my reintroduction phase and I can’t seem to find a way to search or sort by the FODMAP groups. It would be great to have that feature for example if I started to reintroduce the “F- fermentable” group for a week or maybe the “O- oligosaccahrides”, it would be so helpful to know all the foods that fall in that category because it may not be so intuitive as say generally knowing that onions, apples, broccoli, watermelon, certain cheeses and breads etc are high fodmaps (if I don’t know which FODMAP group they fall into). So maybe in an updated version there could be both the red, green, yellow color and then next to it also the acronym letters for FODMAP and a filter feature for people who are in elimination and re-introduction phases, or simply trying to figure out which groups cause them problems. Thank you.


Way more than I expected

I had no idea how intuitive FastFODMAPLookupLearn is going to be. I’m using it to track my meals and how I feel/react after meals. I love that you can share your progress and results with team members who may be working with you on your journey. I love that you can simply take a picture of your food, it gets captured with a timestamp , instead of having to write down everything you eat. It all shows neatly in the timeline. I’m starting to use this instead of my other micro nutrient tracking app, The other app has its purpose but this is faster and better for basic food allergy tracking. Love the centralize nature of it and how I can add comments and thoughts after each event.

My only wish is that there was a way to export the data to PDF or google calendar to share with people who do not have FastFODMAPLookupLearn .


Great App!

I started FastFODMAPLookupLearn today and it is great. It asks so many questions that make me feel like I have something to look forward to. I have recently started the FODMAP diet and this is a helpful help that helps me learn what foods I can and can’t eat (has a flash card learning section). You can look up foods and it will tell you if it has Low FODMAP or High FODMAP. I am able to keep track of what foods I eat and how I feel after. You can write what you eat and/or take pictures. You can set reminders to write and/or take pictures of your food. It is overall one of the best apps I have come across, especially with IBS. I highly recommend getting FastFODMAPLookupLearn!


Good response from developers

I chose FastFODMAPLookupLearn based on looking at the worst reviews and seeing that the gripes were mainly user error and also how quickly the developer responded to the review. So far I find FastFODMAPLookupLearn easy to use and useful although I will probably skip a lot of the questions on the diary. Wanted to say that the most annoying digestive issue I have which is “urgency” (as in needing to go with little warning) isn’t listed on the choices of reactions to food. Given that I think this is a common problem can you please add it to the check list? I think the fodmap diet is going to help fix my gut issue but tracking down which foods trigger my issue is the most useful part of a diary. Love the lists! I can’t eat anything😂! Can you add pear to the fruit list? Thank you!!


So helpful and very convenient.

Ive been struggling with certain digestive issues for a few years now, but only recently have they been getting worse. FastFODMAPLookupLearn has been wonderful in helping track down the root of the problem. You can set food plans (with or without custom and suggested meals and snacks), keep a food log, and play an interactive game that familiarizes you with foods that are safe and foods that aren’t so. And! In case you forget and want to double check if a food item is safe, there’s a massive log of foods that are rated low-high. It’s a very thought out and organized app.


Hot mess of an app. Buy the real one.

I’ve used FastFODMAPLookupLearn twice for a FODMAP diet. IMO, after using this to eat with for 3 months, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. On the surface it seems helpful, but it’s missing crucial info to make it helpful to people living with this diet.

1) Data is disorganized, missing, or needs editing. Sometimes there are multiple similar entries for the same foods. Just look at the oatmeal section if you don’t believe me. Or “coconut milk with insulin”- whatever that is supposed to be. Lots of foods are missing, too- inulin, pectin, celery powder, grape juice concentrate, raisin juice, gooseberries, etc.

2) Only the low ranges of “safe” foods are listed and their FODMAP categories aren’t listed (like the “unsafe” foods). The problem is that you can stack “safe” foods of the same type and trigger a reaction by eating too many of that type at the same time. How much of a safe food is too much?? Which foods can be combined safely?? FastFODMAPLookupLearn does not help with that.

3) Also, the high fodmap foods don’t have a safe amount listed. I don’t need 8 Oz of OJ to make a marinade, I need like a few spoonfuls. So how much OJ is a safe amount? Why is the low range not provided?

Save yourself the trouble and cough up the $8.



I’m inlove with FastFODMAPLookupLearn, so many great features and above it all it’s free too! Has the food diary in it and it tracks your mood, food that your taken, exercises, stool tracker and medication tracker as well! I love how it has meditation, skills and the best one of all is that it introduces you to other apps that helps you with your IBS! I’ve suffered for quite awhile and decided to adventure new things to help me and then I stumbled upon FastFODMAPLookupLearn. So helpful and I’m grateful for the creators and team that made this. Thank you guys and bless your hearts for helping us in need 🙏♥️


Seriously... a life saver!

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to the creator/s of FastFODMAPLookupLearn. I’ve been trying to juggle so many moving parts of my dietary issues since February, but this is the first time it’s felt manageable. FastFODMAPLookupLearn is so intuitive and I can’t tell you how incredible it is to be able to store recipes, meal plans, AND keep a good diary all in one place. It seems ridiculous that on top of all that, I get notes of encouragement throughout the day! It’s apparent to me that this was born from good people who truly have the desire to help others. I’m amazed and grateful!


Only somewhat accurate

My husband is just starting his low FODMAP diet, and as we were looking through the dairy and cheese sections in FastFODMAPLookupLearn, we found the info provided wasn’t completely accurate. Many of the foods listed in those sections are at least medium, if not high FODMAP. But FastFODMAPLookupLearn states that they are low- medium. This is a problem for someone new to the diet who is especially sensitive to dairy products. I would recommend doing a google search if you’re in doubt of the advice given on FastFODMAPLookupLearn just to be on the safe side. It is very user friendly otherwise and for that I would recommend. I may just pay the 7.99 for another FODMAP diet app that may be more accurate.


Great app! Please fix the Diary!

Update: I can confirm the diary is fixed. The developer response was quick and it works!

I have one more thing that would make FastFODMAPLookupLearn perfect! I think I know which FODMAPS bother me and I want to have a way to show those foods by filtering. Is it possible for an option to show all foods in the lookup screen by default and have the filter only show the foods I need to avoid based on my filter settings? No other app does this and it would make things so much easier! Thanks!

Everything that's already been said about FastFODMAPLookupLearn is on point. My only problem is that when I change the settings for what I want to log in the diary, they don't save. If I close FastFODMAPLookupLearn or it background times out, the settings reset! This is very annoying. If that got fixed, FastFODMAPLookupLearn would be perfect and I'll change this to a 5 star review.


Very helpful

I am new to this diet. After experiencing stomach and intestinal pains on and off for months I am not paying much more attention to my diet. After doctor visits, blood test, ultrasounds, etc.... we think it’s a food related problem. Having FastFODMAPLookupLearn I can see immediately many foods that I have eaten that may have caused me all of this pain. It will good to have FastFODMAPLookupLearn on hand and I won’t remember everything I should stay away from. I hope this diet will work for me.


Great aid in navigating low fodmap diet

I love all the features to help to track your health and diet, navigating the low fodmap diet and a bunch of bonus features. Really impressed. My only complaint is I have forgotten to log a meal or such until the next day and I have accidentally marked it to the current day as it defaults to that and you can’t go back and change it (you can change the time, but not the day). Other than that, this is such a nice app.


Life saver

It’s been a long journey for me. First it was it’s your gallbladder, it wasn’t. Then you have sludge, I didn’t. Then you have gastroparesis - wrong again. Many, many different diets. It was exhausting mentally & physically and I finally go to the Mayo Clinic and started my new diet - FODMAP. FastFODMAPLookupLearn helps me grocery shopping and quick reference guide at home. It has been a huge help in my recovery from constant pain. I would highly recommend it to anyone suffering from SIBS &/or IBS.


Not 100% reliable

Been using FastFODMAPLookupLearn for months now. It’s mostly good but at times my husband would still have bad “IBS” days. We figured it was normal, you never know w IBS.

However, today he had Brussel sprouts and a blueberry smoothie in in the morning which are on FastFODMAPLookupLearn as low (Not even medium). Well, he had a crazy bad IBS episode.

We follow FastFODMAPLookupLearn like the Bible. Well I google blueberries and it states to be careful with the amount mostly in smoothies. And what about Brussel sprouts???? HIGH. They’re a High FodMap

This is the whole purpose of FastFODMAPLookupLearn. I’m disappointed that it’s “mostly” good but not 100% accurate.

I recommend the Monash University app which is also called FODMAP. But make sure it’s the real one. It’s $8 dollars but it’s so worth it. Doesn’t seem to have erroneous information like FastFODMAPLookupLearn.

So sad but can’t afford to have these IBS nightmares.

Now I wonder if those bad IBS episodes in the past were triggered by foods that are mistakenly labeled on FastFODMAPLookupLearn. Very disappointing


Great app!

I just found FastFODMAPLookupLearn and am so relieved to have found something that I am hopeful will actually help me manage my symptoms! I don’t know much about Fodmaps and FastFODMAPLookupLearn lays everything out so nicely in such a way that I’m not overwhelmed by my attempt to make the switch to a low fodmap diet. It also has a diary tool which allows you to keep track of what/when you eat, your mood, your exercise, etc. I’m so happy I found it!


Makes low fodmap journey EASY

This was soooo helpful. I just clicked FastFODMAPLookupLearn and typed in a food. In a split second it would tell me what was ok or not. That's what made it possible for me. Being able to just whip out FastFODMAPLookupLearn and know rather than finding a website and scrolling through or finding a screenshot or carrying around a book like I did before I found FastFODMAPLookupLearn .

Thank you so much for making this



I never thought I’d need to be on a low FODMAP, gluten-free, dairy free, nut and soy free diet.
I never thought I’d have such consistent pain that would shut me down from many daily activities. I always hated the idea of tracking my daily eating habits. I just wanted to eat a meal and go on with living or savior it with friends.
I haven’t been free from pain or able to enjoy food with Sibo and IBS. I’m so thankful for the knowledge from FastFODMAPLookupLearn. It has guided me through the “do’s and don’ts”of food choices and it has also encouraged me to log all my meals while providing recipes and hope.
I can honestly say that while I still have days that are a struggle.
I have a plan for optimal wellness!!!
Thank you for FastFODMAPLookupLearn.



Excellent resource!

For me, it’s been a stressful transition to the FODMAP diet. Most online resources list only a handful of foods. FastFODMAPLookupLearn is the most comprehensive list I’ve seen. It’s especially helpful when dining out or shopping. I enjoy the game, it really challenges my memory and I’ve noticed I’m much better at identifying food FODMAP levels. I definitely feel more optimistic about my ability to comply with the diet. Many thanks to the creator(s)!!!


Easy lookup easy entry

FollwIng a FODMAP diet can be daunting. But FastFODMAPLookupLearn makes it super easy to make the right choices. I also appreciate the food and stool logs. This helps me be more aware of my choices and provides vital information for how I’m feeling and what may have triggered a reaction. I’m sure it will be very helpful in my next doctors appointment. I wonder if there is a “download logs feature” to make it easy to share with healthcare professionals


Great features!

I absolutely love the diary section and meal planning section of FastFODMAPLookupLearn. It is beyond fantastic and covers everything, even your bowel movements! However, I think the list of foods is lacking. It doesn’t include everything and some items will show as medium or high today that I have read can actually be low if eaten in small servings. I’m going to continue using it for the diary section and meal planning though! Especially for free it’s amazing!



I just downloaded FastFODMAPLookupLearn two hours ago and I already used a recipe on it. It is a wonderful app and has so much information on it. The only thing I would say is on the recipes, at least as far as I could see, they did not list how many servings a recipe was at least on the one that I made. Otherwise this is a great app I will continue to use it!


Easy and helpful

Starting a fodmap diet is a challenge and FastFODMAPLookupLearn helps so much! I love the feature of planning meals in advance and getting recipes and then it’s easy to replace an item if I change my mind. Tracking symptoms and moods is helpful and I like that it’s optional so not a burden.

Only criticism is the gifs — I don’t like/need and can’t seem to turn them off.


Best option available

This is a great tool to help you quickly navigate food choices. I can’t even imagine going through this process without it. It is BETTER than the expensive alternative and is significantly more streamlined. With that said, many of the items I attempt to look up are not listed (on any of FastFODMAPLookupLearn options). Hopefully, as time goes on the list will be expanded.

Is Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn Safe?

Yes. Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 18,145 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn Is 51.6/100.

Is Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn Legit?

Yes. Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 18,145 Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Fast FODMAP Lookup Learn Is 69/100..

Is Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn not working?

Fast FODMAP Lookup & Learn works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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