GotSoccer Team Reviews

GotSoccer Team Reviews

Published by on 2018-01-30

🏷️ About: The GotSoccer Team represents the biggest advancement in GotSoccer’s line of Apps and is packed full of innovative technologies that managers, coaches, players and parents can all access seamlessly at their fingertips. The GotSoccer Team App takes the hassle and hard work out of managing a team, and makes getting a team on the field easier than ever before! No longer will a manager need to send multiples emails, make of doze.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

😎 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 57 combined software reviews.

Read 15 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

2.2 out of 5

Their entire software ecosystem is a complete disaster. They have multiple apps, seven different logins not kidding. One of the seven is called a universal login that’s supposed to link all of the accounts but good luck with that. They can’t even get their branding right, the names got soccer and got sport are used interchangeably which confuses everything.

My attempts at using the software through Safari and the apps wasted over an hour of my life. I tried using a windows computer and it worked without a problem. What a joke!

Terrible App

The only function GotSoccerTeam serves is as a calendar. That’s it. And they can’t get that right. Three in our household have downloaded GotSoccerTeam. Only 1 of us can view the correct schedule. The other two have only limited game info; one of us needs to log in every time GotSoccerTeam is pulled up. Games disappear and reappear. Often times GotSoccerTeam has been down on the weekends.. you know.. game time. And now we are showing game schedules from teams in TX and CA. We are in SC. Trust me don’t waste your time in this one.


I can’t wait until the inaction of GS and their development team catches up with them and they loose market share. The site stinks and is in desperate need of an update and GotSoccerTeam is just a calendar. Need to contact another team via chat? No can do. Not here. Need to get your opponents phone number when you are at the field, can’t do it. Remove this as quickly as u install it.

App rarely works

GotSoccerTeam worked for the most part but with latest iOS update, the calendar function doesn’t work at all. Sometimes the Teams list works and you can access virtual ID cards that way, hence awarding the one star. It was a useful app for clubs and coaches with multiple teams but no longer worth the space.

So many reasons why this is dumb

GotSoccerTeam doesn’t make sense to get, when other apps like team cowboy do the same for free! So many reasons why GotSoccerTeam is dumb!

1. You need like 4 got soccer ID’s. One for you, one for your team account, if you’re a coach one for that. Than a universal got soccer app.

2. In order to unlock any features of GotSoccerTeam that make it worthwhile, the cheapest you have to pay is $50! Just to invite people to a team on GotSoccerTeam .

3. Trying to find any support for this is like trying to find a 1/2 inch green string on a soccer pitch.

4. So many better apps that do this better and for free

The Worst

I’m an age where it’s easy to make apps and websites that are user friendly, it’s baffling this site and app still exist. Great idea and concept, but please for all the families out there get a new website and app design. I can design an easier to use site/app on square space.

Don’t use it. Garbage app

Hands down the worst app I’ve ever had to deal with. You can’t log in ever. The site is crap when you can actually get it to work. Someone please create a new app. It doesn’t have to be great just needs to be better than this garbage

Doesn’t work 80% of the time

Glitches when trying to log in. Sometimes will show upcoming games- sometimes not- it’s a crap shoot!
Will not synchronize with a calendar- errors out every single time.


What a waste of time. Their are bad apps for soccer out there better than this. Avoid!
It even asks you to enter your phone number like xxx-xxx-xxxx and there is no - button!
2 stars is 2 too much
Why do organizations use this?

Such a hassle

GotSoccerTeam would be fine if it would actually keep you logged in. If you have to sign in EVERY time it defeats the whole convenience of using GotSoccerTeam . I can pull up the website faster. PLEASE FIX THIS.

Killing my Calendar

I need GotSoccerTeam because my league requires virtual player cards now. GotSoccerTeam is populating my calendar with random tournaments from around the nation. It is to the point that my calendar is becoming unusable. I hate it.

This is for the club office

I’m a manager with the teams login and password. Does that work on the team app? No. You have to have a “universal login” Useless. I’ll use safari on my phone I guess.

Not user friendly

Tried to use it but found it hard to navigate and log on.


There are way too many tech people designing apps that have no clue on user friendliness or what an app needs to be able to do, to be used effectively.


First I give it two stars with the hope it will improve enough to deserve the second star. I am a competitive coach with multiple teams with intense schedules and travel etc. I decided to get the $100 premium membership which it made me get for EACH of my teams!

I have experience with team snap and was drawn to GotSoccerTeam based on the fact it pulls your schedule directly from GotSoccer. Honestly, the schedule is the only redeeming quality of this whole app. The user interface is absolutely horrid, there are no options found in the free versions of competitive apps for team based communication. When you do use it for notification, the new message alert won't disappear from the main app badge on your phone making you think there are new messages when there are not. Inviting players and families is a nightmare and a month in I still find it difficult to get any real management value whatsoever.

Best advice I can give is to let my $300 investment serve as warning to just follow your own team for free. Use the free version to get your real time schedules and use some other app for actual team management.

And last but not least, I called there support and they returned my call 4 days later and could not provide a single answer to any of my questions on why features weren't working. An app without support is unacceptable.

Is GotSoccer Team Safe? 🙏

No. GotSoccer Team does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 57 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for GotSoccer Team Is 13.7/100.

Is GotSoccer Team Legit? 💯

No. GotSoccer Team does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 57 GotSoccer Team User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for GotSoccer Team Is 63.3/100..

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The GotSoccer Team App takes the hassle and hard work out of managing a team, and makes getting a team on the field easier than ever before! No longer will a manager need to send multiples emails, make of dozens of calls and log into various website, manually enter every game, and keep track of reschedules by going to another website, as The GotSoccer Team App will allow you to do everything you need from one place and at the ease of your fingertips.

The GotSoccer Team represents the biggest advancement in GotSoccer’s line of Apps and is packed full of innovative technologies that managers, coaches, players and parents can all access seamlessly at their fingertips.

The GotSoccer Team App does more than just cater to managers and coaches, however, providing a whole bunch of neat and exciting features that players and parents will definitely be eager to take advantage of.

For example, players will be able to notify their team of their availability, get information on upcoming events, view their schedule and results, keep in touch with their teammates and much much more.

Schedules, scores, and standing will all update automatically for GotSoccer Leagues and Tournaments.

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