Baby Tracker: breast feeding + Reviews

Baby Tracker: breast feeding + Reviews

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About: While making this application we relied on the experiences of thousands of
parents just like you. We created a flexible input system that allows you to
record everything about your child as fast and as convenient as possible.

About Baby Tracker

This application has been in rapid development since 2012 and we’ve made a lot of changes thanks to the recommendations of parents just like you.

There’s a table or graph view of each 24-hour summary set up to help you stay in touch with your kids’ schedule.

Since then, we’ve regularly received letters from users with gratitude and we’re happy to help.

We created a flexible input system that allows you to record everything about your child as fast and as convenient as possible.

During medical appointments you’ll be able to find all your babies important data quickly.

While making this application we relied on the experiences of thousands of parents just like you.

Our personal development graphs will help you catch anything out of the ordinary.

For each piece of data set, we have a corresponding input style.

Analyzing data in this application is very easy.

No need to calculate things, everything is done automatically.

You will definitely like our filters as well.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 683 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Baby Tracker

- Easy to use and keeps track of daily activities such as feeding, diaper changes, naps, and pumping.

- Provides a summary view that shows the total number of ounces or milliliters consumed in a day.

- Countdown feature helps to keep track of the last time the baby ate or had a diaper change.

- Helps to notice trends in the baby's eating and pooping habits and adjust accordingly.

- Convenient to have everything in one place on the phone.

20 Baby Tracker Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Love this app!

I found BabyTracker a few days after I got home from the hospital with my new baby. Being a first time mom, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I am just trying to follow the guidelines I learned about in all the baby classes... Feeding every 2-3 hours, 8 pee diapers, 1 poopy diaper a day etc. I started writing everything down on paper at the hospital, BabyTracker makes everything so easy, I can view all the daily activities on a summary page, or organized in a chart, and it makes it so easy to see if I am on schedule with everything. It also makes it pretty fun to track everything and then to see the comparison from day to day. I make a little game with achievements out of it. Great app! I love it! I wish I downloaded it before going to the hospital.


Wonderful app!

I found BabyTracker before I had my 1st child 3 years ago and it was a huge stress reliever! As a 1st time mom, I had the normal worries of my son eating enough and diaper out puts. It helped me keep track of how much he ate and even how much I pumped . I was able to notice trend in my sons eating and pooping habits faster and adjust as was best for him. Fast forward 3 years, I just had my 2nd child and BabyTracker has truly helped keep me sane ( with a newborn and a 3 year old that’s tough!). I even have all my sons data to look back on for comparison. I recommend BabyTracker to every mom friend with kids under 1!


Count down is the best

I like BabyTracker a lot. She's 7 weeks old and I'm still using it to log eating and diapers. The count down (when the last time she ate/ or had a diaper change) is my most used feature so I am not constantly trying to do the math- especially in the middle of the night. I took off a star bc I bought the upgrade and I never use those features-- you really only need what comes with the basic package.

Add edit:

Now that my baby is older... I also wish it had a feature that would allow it to sync with other phones. Then my husband could also add her diapers or feedings or when I'm at work, my mom could log her info too. Now that would make BabyTracker AMAZING!


Love this app!

This was the 3rd app I downloaded - finally found just what I needed! Keeps track of everything I need and more! Tracks bottles, nursing, pumping, naps & diapers. I especially like the summary view that not only shows how many bottles she had and how many pumping sessions - but gives me a total number of oz or ml for the day as well. Love it!
Update: I've been using BabyTracker daily for about 4 months now - still love it! I actually upgraded to the paid version to unlock more options and to be able to track multiple children. Now I can use this same app when my older children are sick, to track fevers and meds. Great app!


Does it all!

Not only does BabyTracker track everything you want to track, but it gives you tons of options for how to look at your data. You can filter your tracking list for different types of information, get summary views, and see how long it's been since the last time something happened. You can even track height/weight and see it in a growth chart and whether baby is on their growth curve. It's more comprehensive than I ever imagined, and has more features and ways to do things than any of the other apps I considered using. Definitely BabyTracker you are looking for!


Great App!

This is a great app!! After searching and trying out a few others, I've been very pleased with this one! It's quick & easy to record the data and makes it easy to go back and check information if needed. I do wish you could record pumping both sides at once and that it differentiated between poopy & wet diapers in the summary tab, both those are only minor tweaks. Overall it's been a great help for us and even my husband will remind me to record a feeding or he'll come tell me when he's changed a diaper so I can add it! The summary tab is useful when we go to the pediatrician as well!!


It's really free!

I tried several other apps like this and just about the time I'd get a good chart going showing my son's eating & sleeping habits, the 'free trial period' I wasn't aware of would end! BabyTracker works great and does not make you pay for the basic stuff you'd expect it to do. The extras it asks you to pay for aren't even that important (to me). It tracks everything I need and also graphs it for me which I really like. The only pop up is just one asking me to rate BabyTracker and I see it once every couple days which is no big deal in my opinion. BabyTracker is definitely worth having. 😊


This app will help keep you sane!

I started using BabyTracker back in 2016 when my first child was born. It was incredibly helpful to log how long he would nurse, which side, how long he slept, how many ml of a bottle he drank, etc. Due to sleep deprivation the first few months after birth are a blur and keeping track of things is tough! I also used BabyTracker with my second child. I didn’t need it extensively after 6 months but still use it to log weight, height, milestones etc. A great app that is very easy to use!


First-Time Mom

Overall I like BabyTracker , it's easy to keep everything in your phone at your fingertips rather than writing down on paper. I also like above the icons, it tells
you how long it's been since your last feeding, diaper change, etc. Some suggestions for improvements would be a way to sync apps together, my husband and I both downloaded BabyTracker but I wish I knew when he changes a diaper, etc. so it would be awesome if we could somehow link our apps together. I also don't understand when pumping, you have to choose left or right, I pump both left and right at the same time but that's not an option.



I have been using BabyTracker for 3 months and am so pleased with it. I have even gotten several other new moms to switch over to using BabyTracker too! I religiously record nursing, diaper changes, sleeping and bath time. My favorite feature is the graph capabilities. It is awesome to see trends in sleep and nursing patterns. I also cloth diaper so it is a great way to make sure I know when the last diaper change was. I love seeing height and weight measurements graphed as well. Excellent app and everything I need is in the free version which is so nice!!!


Exactly what I needed, minus the annoying pop-up

I'm updating my review and lowering it to 4 stars simply because BabyTracker keeps interrupting me with a pop-up asking me to rate it, even though I already have. This must stop!! Otherwise, a good app. Here's my orig review: I downloaded a handful of other baby tracking apps before settling on this one. I'm exclusively pumping and it's a great app to easily keep track of pumping and bottle feeds. It's nice to also have the summary view to see how much I pumped/how much she ate in a day. I do wish that you could easily record that you pumped on both sides (I always do both so I just ignore what side it says).


Greving mother needed to pump

I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks. 4 weeks be for she could survive. I wanted to pump for her to help preemie babies and for my own health. I needed an app that would work to help keep track of when and how much I was pumping. It's been great to use.
I look forward to using the other functions when I conceive again. Being able to keep track of multiple babies means when I have another I can add them on and not let go of my sweet girl Yui who never got the chance. Love BabyTracker ! Thank you!


Excellent tool!

I have used this through the first several months of both my daughters. It is wonderful! Being able to keep track keeps it so much easier when they need to switch from mommy’s to daddy’s care and or the babysitter’s. Great to be able to look back and see if there is a pattern starting to show through in those first few months. The breastfeeding timer is great and it keeps track of what side I finished on... cuz sometimes I can not remember!


Love it!

Doctors and lactation nurses should suggest apps like this. It makes nursing a baby a lot easier.
At the hospital they gave me paper to fill (number of dirty diapers, frequency of nursing...) but papers are of the past. An app like this is way better. It’s as simple as a click of the button. Papers get lost, but phones/devices are always in our hands. Now I recommend BabyTracker to my friends/family who are expecting.
Thank you for creating this genius app ♥️


Piece of mind

Although it's sometimes a challenge to keep the phone so close when you have a million other things going on, BabyTracker has been really helpful keeping track of our newborn's progress. We can go back and check the last time of feedings and sleep, keep up with times and types of diaper changes and track weight in those first crucial days. BabyTracker has given us piece of mind while adjusting to our new life and it's very easy to use.


Love it!

Only been using it about 4 days and so far I'm loving BabyTracker! It's easy to use and helps me keep track. I'm not sure if I will buy the upgrade but so far it's helped keep great track of bottles for my son. He won't nurse so it's nice to see how much breast milk he gets (I'm an EPing mommy) vs formula. He for sure prefers mommy's milk than his Alinentum formula! Was able to tell the lactation consultant exactly what he's been getting! I Also love that it totals up the ounces he's drank and how much I have pumped!


Very handy app

There is no way I could keep track of all my baby's diaper changes and nursing times if I didn't use BabyTracker. My mommy brain is already mush from the exhausting task of caring for my 3 week old baby. I can't even remember what side I nursed her from most of the time. But BabyTracker makes it super easy to check. I also use it to track her nightime sleep. It has a lot of other options to keep track of but I only use those three.


Love app! Wish it could be between mom and careers

I love BabyTracker! Baby not mine, but I look after her! I am
Able to write down baby’s history, feeding etc!

I would love it if it could be sinked to another person like mom! Right now I take snap shots of baby’s day and message her pictures! But, it would be great if we could sink documentation, and this way baby's history could be all together with each person involved babies life!


Awesome app for awesome baby

I simply love and depend on BabyTracker. Seems from the moment you go into labor there's a lot of clock watching to be done. BabyTracker takes the stress out of this because it helps you track the diapers, how long you breast-fed, and which breast --- takes the guessing out of the equation. It's so hard when you're sleep deprived with your newborn to keep track of days and hours. Thanks to BabyTracker, you don't have to!


Data delight!

BabyTracker is helpful for every day use keeping track of your babies schedule, but it is even more helpful for when you need to see trends. Once you've been tracking, there are tons of view options to help you see patterns and outliers. Is my baby sleeping less? Is my milk supply going down? Did he eat more than usual today after his shots? I highly recommend! Can't believe it's free.

Is Baby Tracker Safe?

Yes. Baby Tracker: breast feeding + is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 683 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Baby Tracker Is 59.8/100.

Is Baby Tracker Legit?

Yes. Baby Tracker: breast feeding + is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 683 Baby Tracker: breast feeding + User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Baby Tracker Is 100/100..

Is Baby Tracker: breast feeding + not working?

Baby Tracker: breast feeding + works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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