Amazing Ninja Reviews

Amazing Ninja Reviews

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About Amazing Ninja

You are a skillful ninja, your goal is to kill the red ninjas and save the blue ones.


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20 Amazing Ninja Reviews

4.2 out of 5


I luv it!

I started this game about three days ago trying to pass the time. I was so bored at home and cannot go out to play by myself . My parents don't usually have time to take me out . So I stay at home . Every weekend I finish my homework early,so I get to play my iPad. I found this game and tried it . Once I started, I kept trying without noticing the time . I couldn't stop myself until my mom tells me to get ready to have my meal. It is so fun! The first few times I simply got zero points. I get killed before even having a chance to killed any red ninjas , but as soon as you get the hang of it,you start to get more and more points earned. I took less than two hours to go from zero points to thirty points . I really suggest everyone to try the game.


Good Job!

This is a really fun(and slightly addicting) game. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone! :3
Unlike some of the reviews I have read stated, this is not a ripoff of flappy bird. Where do you even get that guys? You jump from block to block, jumping over the blue ninjas and slashing the red ones. It sounds nothing like flappy bird.
I do wish you would consider some of the suggestions others have made, especially being able to slash while jumping, and perhaps choosing between three or four different colored ninjas. And less ads, but that aren't so bad, you can exit out of them in like five seconds.
This is a great time killer, perfect with or without wifi. I can't find any glitches, I love the way the ninjas look, and hope you get this game guys!



I really enjoy this game. Although, there are a few things I can think of that could improve this game. First of all, why not put levels on the game? And if you complete a level, perhaps we could earn something that resembles money. (Like ninja starsšŸ¤”) With those we could buy new outfits for our ninja, or something simple like an original color change. The blade could also have a color change. I think power-ups could be placed on the field, like super jump, super speed, invincibility, and maybe even a throwing star power upšŸ˜‰. I think changing the background should also be an improvement/privilege that would make the game more enjoyable. Go ninja! šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤«


Genji ult

What I like to do is slash three times at the beginning and yell, "Ryugin no ken wo kurae!" So it's like Genji ulting, and then it kinda just feels like Genji with the carbon fiber skin. Then the enemies are Mei (blue) and Winston (red). You have to jump over Mei's ice wall or your ult is blocked and you can't get potg, so you have to jump over the blues. Then Winston will take you out if you just try to deflect so you have to use your Dragonblade before he kills you, and if you dash over him, he'll use his ape jump ability (I forgot it's name) and kill you, so you have to kill him with your Dragonblade. It brings a whole new level of fun to the game, especially for Overwatch players who are good with Genji.



This a good game, need a few thing though. Like maybe other costumes, or maybe other enemies, OR maybe even a bosses that would be fun. But otherwise it's a really fun game to play, it's a really good way to pass time, and right now my score is forty eight working for fifty now. Good game tho to play. I hope they update this game to help the players get more experience of the game. Hey! Maybe the can have a storyline or something but I don't mean to be rude, they can do whatever they like I just hope they do something like that. I highly recommend this game to people who like timing games. But that being said it a good game for families to play.
Funnnnn game tho.


Great game but...

This is a great game. Although I do wish a few things could change. First of all I wish the people that youā€™re running through didnā€™t just pop up. Itā€™s slightly annoying. Thatā€™s why I always lose. I also wish that the timing wasnā€™t SO crucial! One time a red ninja guy killed me even though I attacked him at what seemed like the right time. PLEASE fix that! I got this game because I really enjoy playing Clumsy Ninja. I definitely recommend that game. I love this game and over all this is a Awesome game with miner problems. Yay NINJAS!!!! Please fix these bugs.


Air šŸŒŖSlice )

I simply wish that A you could correct your self if you accidentally jump instead of attacking, a solution might be to slice down and cut your enemy. But to make it fair you could have something that keeps you from doing it on a double jump. Another problem is that if I jump on a blue guy he falls over and it thinks you ran into him, I think there should be a different animation where u jump on there head and they crushed and the run ends. But you could also have an animation where they hold their hands up and you can keep going. Thank you for reading this. I hope you consider.


Great game, but one complaint

Every thing about this game is great, but maybe stop some of the ads, It gets very annoying and ads are the only reason why I stop playing after 5 minutes because they get really really annoying. I am definitely not paying $2 for no ads, that is ridiculous. I know that is how you guys make money but really, I mean come on, cut off some ads and that would be great.


Hmmm...seems ok so far but would be much better with some more depth and development to the game

The game seems good so far and I canā€™t believe Iā€™m dating this but it might be a bit....too challenging. Maybe there could be some sort of revive thing. And there should be more options like getting to choose the color of your team and the enemyā€™s team, and maybe some boost thing where you can spawn a teammate to help fight the enemy. And also you should have a multiplayer where you can be on teams and fight with real people, whether itā€™s player vs. player or a larger team. Maybe add more options to the game and it would feel more complete


Good way to kill 5-10 mins at a time.

Simple, quick way to kill 5-10 mins at a time. I don't think it's meant to be too complex. It's an offline game so it's also good to break up time on a flight or something. Just try to keep beating your high score. I wouldn't change anything. Def suggested esp if you're just looking for a simple game that launches quickly for flights and quick time kill.


Amazing Game

I love the game it is perfect it's a lot better then the thief game but the thing is whenever I jump on to the next platform a guy would randomly appear and I would die. What I'm suggesting is that when you jump once or twice you can swing your sword and it will move you forwards. Hope this will be added into the game but I love this game keep going! But also maybe add some skins to lol šŸ˜…


Great Game!

I have gotten this game before and now that I have it again I don't know why I ever deleted it! I absolutely love this game, good way to kill time! I'd give this five stars any day! I also recommend stick hero, witch is a great game. I have one suggestion, witch is I accidentally jump over the red ninjas a lot and I think there should be a way to attack them when you do that. Otherwise it is a great game!


Cool game ,butā€¦

First of all I really like the game ,but it would be better if there were levels you could complete. Second of all I would like it if there were something like coins to earn and you could use to get stuff. Third of all I wish there more than one costume . Well if you ignore all that itā€™s actually a very cool game once you get the hang of it.



Best game to kill time! Very simple and basic nothing complicated just tab left to jump and right to swipe the sword.
Makes you want to keep playing to get a higher score
So far so good! Recommend it for those who like simple games and want to have a game while you're waiting for something or someone makes time go by fast


Don't Bother With Ideas

This game is great, but Ketchapp no longer updates it. This game is hard, not flappy bird hard, but hard. The reason it has no music? So you can play your own.

I discovered the color matters, red is red land, and only has reds. Blue only has blues. Yellow is red-heavy, but blues pop up. Purple usually has equal amounts. Green is blue-heavy. None of these are indefinite. Results will vary occasionally.


I love it but one small complaint

This game is obviously one of the best games that ketchapp has ever made but the reason that I didn't rate it five stars was because of your characters inability to attack while in the air and I think that would be very helpful because some if the enemies are right in the edge of the platform and you land right on them and die.


Fun but...

This game is really fun! But the downside is the ads are really annoying and there should be less. I know that there is an in app purchase to remove ads but it doesnā€™t say how much money it is! Please make sure you make it so it says how much money it is in the next update! Overall great game! Just say how much money the in app purchase is.


Great game, good animation, only one problem.

The death animations donā€™t match. When you or the blue ninjas die you fall over, when a orange ninja dies he evaporates. I think that it would be better if everyone evaporated when dead. Other then that one animation this has been my 2nd favorite app since I started using it.


Few suggestions

This is a great game but there are a few thing that could be changed. 1. You should get a point when you jump over the blue dudes. 2. You should be able to attack the red guys in the air. 3. You should be able to triple jump. Other the those things this great game an it kills boredom.


The best

Ok the game is amazing lit it's just to amazing whoever is annoyed with ads just turn off your wifi and turn it on airplane mode or if your phone Is activated by some phone company all is do the just turn off cellular network and wifi and then airplane mode overall the game is amazing

Is Amazing Ninja Safe?

Yes. Amazing Ninja is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,373 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Amazing Ninja Is 62.8/100.

Is Amazing Ninja Legit?

Yes. Amazing Ninja is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,373 Amazing Ninja User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Amazing Ninja Is 76.6/100..

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