People with a history of strokes, seizures or heart problems should consult a Doctor before using any of these binaural beats audios.
IMPORTANT: Do not drive or operate any equipment or machinery while listening to any of our subliminal binaural beats audios.
The technology contained in these audios is very powerful and may initially cause some emotional discomfort, anxiety or tingly feeling in the head.
All of the sessions available on this app include Theta Wave Technology and/or Binaural Beats and Subliminal Technology.
If they persist, immediately discontinue use of the subliminal binaural beats audios.
If you are uncertain about any pre-existing medical condition, consult your Doctor before listening to any of these audios.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Virginia and any cause of action instituted hereunder shall be brought in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
These audios are not sold, nor promoted, to cure or treat any illness or disease, and you represent that you are not purchasing these audios for such use.
The author is not a medical doctor but a Board Certified hypnotherapist in the state of Virginia in the United States.
If you are female, please do not use these audios while breastfeeding or pregnant, unless instructed by your physician.
Also including Affirmations sessions created by Hani Al Kasem.
By clicking the “accept” button you agree to these terms and conditions.
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These feelings of discomfort usually disappear quickly.