The sequel to the acclaimed and multi award-winning game Slice Fractions - Best of 2014 and Editor’s choice of the Apple Store.
Slice Fractions and Slice Fractions 2 are complementary and cover different learning concepts inspired by the Common Core.
For the complete learning experience get the Slice Fractions Bundle.
Help Mammoth get his stolen hat back with the support of new creatures that move, multiply and reveal hidden fractions.
We strive to ensure that these games are intuitive and will lead to profound conceptual learning.
Embark on a surprising journey in this puzzle game designed for children 6-12-year-old.
No preliminary knowledge of fractions is required.
We believe we can push the limits of game-based learning.
Your feedback is much appreciated, so please feel free to provide suggestions for future updates.
We produce fun and pedagogically sound video games.