MyPermissions is a powerful app empowering users to scan the apps they use everyday to see, in a clear and easy to navigate way, what apps have exactly what permissions to act on your behalf and what data they have access to.
We'll check for external connections and third-party apps that are using your online account to access your private information such as post in your name, know your location, contacts and more and show them in an easy to navigate report.
* Scan all of your major social networks to see what apps have access to your information, and what data they have access to.
* Enable 24/7 protection to get real time alerts when apps gain access to your personal information, and confirm your authorization or revoke permissions immediately.
Download the MyPermissions App to scan Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Dropbox and additional services for privacy and data risk.
MyPermissions to scan the apps on your social networks you use every day as well as those you’ve stopped using and have forgotten about.
- Need to enter your credentials? No worries! We don't use, collect, or store ANY of your personal data (we promise!) -- we'll direct you to the account's website and you'll enter your data on their server.
Use Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram and other apps safely by knowing what you’ve authorized.
Discover which apps pose a threat to your most sensitive information, so you can stay connected… and safe.
To provide, manage, and improve our services, we collect a list of the installed apps from your device.
* See at a glance what permissions you have authorized on your behalf through the apps you use every day and those you don’t.
We created MyPermissions because we believe in giving individuals control over their privacy and data.
- Use the dashboard to get an overview of who's accessing your data on all your monitored services.
We use the list solely in an aggregated and non-identifying manner and we do not share this information with others.