Ruler ++

Ruler ++ Software

Company Name:

About: Ruler Analytics is a web analytics and call tracking solution for both large and small businesses.
Headquarters: Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.


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Product Details and Description of

Measure length in inches and cm.

Top Reviews

By AGS2000

Measurements Off

Measurement marks between 3” and 4” are not right.

By Reg0r

Horrible app

Can’t use it for more than 5 seconds before an obtrusive full screen ad with annoying music takes over the app and renders it useless. No close button. Have to quit the app and try again...for 5 more seconds until another terrible ad takes over yet again. Trash.

By I hate this ruler app

So bad it made me want to review it

I’ve never written a review for an app, but it is so bad I feel others should be informed. This app is like the Transformers movie series, it offensively shoves ads in your face and has no value. This app is the Pizza Hut of this app apps. This app should make an app with a this app to measure how terrible it is at being an app. Don’t download it.

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