Although Sesli Sözlük started off as an English-Turkish dictionary, over time, it expanded to support 20 different languages.
Sesli Sözlük offers its users a database of 20 million words with pronunciations in 20 different languages.
Sesli Sözlük has been established in 1999 and has been a leading dictionary in both Turkey and the world.
When it comes to words, you’ll find what you’re looking for at Sesli Sözlük.
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Turkish-German translation and Spanish-Arabic translation are just a few of the translation pairs that can be found on Sesli Sözlük.
On our journey to become the best online dictionary, you’ll find that we always strive to provide the highest quality service.
Learning vocabulary is easy and fun with our language games, and you can have the best dictionary experience with an iPhone, iPad or other iOS device.
As mentioned earlier, we want to share all 20 million words in 20 different languages with our users.
- I love Sesli Sözlük, it's very helpful.
You’ll find that you can use our application at home or on the road, in whatever language you need, both online and offline.
On top of this, we offer professional translation, article proofreading, editing, content writing, transcription and interpretation services.
The video function not only helps to improve your accent but also strengthens your ability to remember words.
We have come to be known for our pronunciation feature that helps you listen and learn, and have never really focused on making a profit.