Search your exact location or zoom in and out of our easy to use maps to find your hyperlocal weather and see whatβs happening in your surrounding areas.
Our mission is to provide accurate, short-term and personal forecasts based on weather reports from real people, experiencing real weather.
With easy to follow graphics get a clear picture of the weather in the exact location you want to search.
Haton? provides 4-6 hour weather forecasts with pinpoint accuracy.
We wonβt be telling you what the weather will be doing tomorrow, instead we will help you decide whether to go for that walk, put the washing out or play that round of golf, right now.
Haton? is starting a revolution in Weather.
Using our 'now and later' forecasting be prepared for any changes in weather conditions for every outing.
Be reminded of the essential clothes and accessories needed for your weather by choosing our clothes page.
Haton? automatically accounts for humidity and wind chill to help you appreciate what the temperature really feels like.
For more details please visit our website or follow Haton? on Twitter @HatonWeather.
Our unique forecasting function is based on community driven real time data.
By selecting different screens, you can also find your local temperatures, wind and road conditions.
Haton? is not restricted to any specific location.
Use Haton? wherever you are in the world and for all your holiday and business trips.