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Website: 🌍 Holy Rosary Audio With Litany Website besuchen
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Developer: Rosary And Prayers
50% Kontaktübereinstimmung
Developer: Prayer Apps
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: 🌍 Learn Rosary Website besuchen
Each rosary audio track is unique. • The audio track moves the rosary, updating the prayer text and images so you can follow along. • The rosary and audio always stay in sync so you can easily switch between listening to the audio and manually using the rosary at any time. • diese App includes studio-recorded male and female voices which can be played individually or together, saying alternating parts. Praying the rosary is a great way to connect with God and find that peace. diese App is a very special Catholic rosary for anyone wanting to learn to pray the rosary and also for those who know the rosary prayers well, but want a deeper experience than with a physical rosary. • diese App creates an audio track each time you listen by mixing multiple recordings of the parts of each prayer. The tactile feel connects you to the prayers. • You can customize the look of the rosary using the built-in rosary design tool. • You can place the rosary on either side of the screen for ease of use - just drag it to the side you want. • To help you meditate on each mystery, diese App includes high-resolution images of famous religious paintings by artists such as El Greco and Murillo. You can control diese App using the audio controls on your device’s lock screen, with your Apple AirPods, and Apple CarPlay. • The diese App rosary moves like a physical rosary and, when praying without audio, it is used to advance the prayers by moving it with your fingers. We curated these from a review of thousands of paintings to closely match the theme of each mystery. • You can adjust how much of the screen is used by the prayer text and the images. You can switch voices at any time. • diese App is the perfect companion while traveling. Like hearing a friend pray, you hear the same voice, but with a different tone and cadence from prayer to prayer. Are you looking for peace? For example, you can fill the screen with the images or display more text with smaller images. • We believe your prayer life is a special, private time between you and God. • We have many more requested features which we will add to this new app!