Collage Erstellen· Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Collage Erstellen· Erfahrungen und Bewertung

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Über: Collage Erstellen können Sie Ihre Fotos kombinieren und fantastische
Fotocollagen erstellen, die Sie in Ihren sozialen Medien teilen können. Es ist
die beste Foto-Kombinierer-App.

Über Collage Erstellen

Wenn Sie sich für den Kauf einer PRO-Mitgliedschaft entscheiden, wird die Zahlung bei Bestätigung des Kaufs Ihrem iTunes-Konto belastet, und Ihrem Konto wird innerhalb von 24 Stunden vor dem Ende des aktuellen Zeitraums derselbe Betrag belastet, sofern die automatische Verlängerung nicht deaktiviert ist.

Collage Erstellen können Sie Ihre Fotos kombinieren und fantastische Fotocollagen erstellen, die Sie in Ihren sozialen Medien teilen können.

• Verschiedene Collagenlayouts: Hunderte verschiedener Formen und Stile! Mischen Sie Ihre Bilder, drehen Sie sie und bewegen Sie sie, um die erstaunlichste Collage zu erstellen.

Die automatische Verlängerung kann jederzeit deaktiviert werden, indem Sie nach dem Kauf Ihre Einstellungen im iTunes Store aufrufen.

• Einfach zu bedienen: Wählen Sie einfach einen Layouttyp aus und fügen Sie Ihre Fotos hinzu.

• Rahmen anpassen: Wählen Sie mit einem Fingertipp ganz einfach eine Farbe und Dicke des Layoutrahmens aus.

'Collage Maker PRO' bietet die PRO-Mitgliedschaft an, ein wöchentliches Abonnement mit einer dreitägigen Testversion.

Mit unserem erstaunlichen Colage Maker können Sie Bilder in Sekundenschnelle zusammenstellen.

Drücken Sie Fotos, um sie zu verschieben oder zu skalieren.

Es ist die beste Foto-Kombinierer-App.


Gesamtbewertung der Benutzerzufriedenheit




~ aus NLP-Analyse von 117 software bewertungen.

0 Collage Erstellen Erfahrungen und Bewertung

5.0 out of 5

Siehe 15 weitere Bewertungen

Not Watered Down Photoshop

️I held off writing a review because I hoped Adobe would fix this problem.⑧ I enjoy this app very much and it's a robust,, useful,☣ full-featured app.> BUT.👾[..].+!accessing it via the Photos app (e.$g.‵∞, by clicking Edit and using PS Express to edit the photo in the Photos app interface) has become buggy all of a sudden☭. More than 75% of the time I edit a pic this way⌘, when I go to save it the screen will go black and the little "working" animation will twirl around and around☟. And it never saves the changes._ INFURIATING:. Often I will close the Photos app," reopen it and try to edit it again only for the same result⑨. Sometimes a third time is the charm and it will save the photo edits♛. Opening the PS Express app before doing this doesn't change the outcome.⑩ I prefer being able to quickly edit it via the Photos app as the workflow is easier than loading manually in PS Express directly (when I have many to go through)%. This only started about 2 months ago.‧ I have iPhone 8,# 256GB,} latest iOS updates.@ Please please fix this,➨ it's been a bug for long enough.˙ Contact me if you'd like me to video record this happening or for help recreating the issue}. Thanks€!*

Nice to have but not the best

👺"There are some things I really like about the appⅤ, and some things I really dislike\. Positives: I really like the ability to create custom looks.; This is a huge time saver♛.👻../ pull up a photo,) apply your own personal style,∞ and the photo is ready to save.| I also like the adjustment tools as a whole.' They are intuitive,; easy to use,☟? and cover my needs for post processing.$ Negatives: I hate the social part of the app.ண Every time I start the app}, someone’s hoot pops up and I need to exit this to get to my photos.. For social feeds&, I use Instagram and I shouldn’t be force fed social media just to modify my pictures.$? This is a more recent update①.#.., you didn’t get that splash screen in the past‧. Ideally we should be able to disable this in settings.& The other negative is the app can be slow or crash at times.€ This has happened for well over a year,👻 and I originally thought it was my old iPhone.+ Nope‵.,..∞ same issues when I got my iPhone X at the end of last year.( It will freeze on a photo and take a couple of minutes to make one adjustment.

Keeps requesting a new password

:I started using Adobe Photoshop in 1992 while in College to become a photojournalist.> I remember still the awe I felt going to Mrs♧. V’s class?-. What incredible things would I see today?유 I try to hold on to those feelings in a world now full of altered images.♨ It’s exciting&, yet sad,️ that we seem to have lost ourselves in the realm of the surreal\. I believe this app is incredible.➨ There is no competition for handheld devices._ Constantly improving while keeping its roots steady./ At this point," I use the remove flaws tool as I used the original clone tool with great precision.♧ If you’re at all confused or frightened by all the options photoshop has to offer,‥ my advice to you is the words Mrs♚. V once told me.(.&.&Just play-. If I could give you any advice for improvement,% I’d say look to the filters on instagram.Ⅴ I still prefer their options to any others offered here♚. And the effects offered by Carbon are brilliant️! I’d add a Leica effect for selective focus and unique background pixilation and a hasselblad effect for a medium format look.⑤ That’s all.유 And if I could have my old clone tool with the choice of brushes.*^.[.I’d be in Heaven.| Thank you👺!👻

Best editing app for my photography EVER!!!

☣It’s everything you can expect from Adobe!⑤ The favorite ,⑤ to me anyway,➨ is the collages variety②! It’s not just squares beside each other⑩, you got everything you can imagine including cool shapes like triangles or circles with as many photos as you can want( I don’t know that for sure ∞, but so far I have used a collage with 12 photos and it looked awesome

Phenomenal, but...

ⅨIt’s great%?! Even though I am still slowly learning the ends & outs of everything it has to offer,+ so far I am all about it

My “Go To” Photo Editing App

➨I have been using this app for quite a long time👾. My favorite filters were the pop of color ones:, where I can take a photo of a red flower in front of green leaves and the filter can make the leaves become gray and enhance the red color], so it pops out beautifully.️ I recently took some new photos of flowers and when I was about to edit them€, I noticed a blue star by the filters☟. It turns out that out of nowhere,, my favorite photo-editing app that provides users with limitless opportunities to edit photos and express their creativity has decided to start charging for frames,👺 filters,!% light-leaks%, etc.< I understand that the developers of the app may need money,| but I am still disgusted how so many of the options that make it stand out from other apps are going to be locked away soon unless you pay.\ When the filters are taken away,@ I will be deleting this app since it will not have purpose on my phone anymore⑨.˙


?I loved the old photo shop phone apps☢. They were sooooo much better than this one③. There used to be the photoshop app that mimicked the full program with layers etc (this was my go to app for a long time) and then there was the photoshop express app that was more for preprogrammed filters etc (which was ok but not my favண, but totally understand having it because not everyone wants to full DIY correct/adjust your photos)♨. They have both been replaced with this current HORRIBLE MESS of an app^. This app has taken all the control away from the user and replaced with prefab settings that are useless}. The layers feature is gone which is what I used most%. I’ve tried to use the collages feature but it doesn’t work properly_, freezes all the time:, you can’t even flip an image?유?=^? What the hell?☠ I’m so incredibly disappointed in this app." Please please please go back to the old version/features.③ This is useless and frustrating to use⑩.?

this did a great job & the right thing

^I am a busy Mom who is working as a Photographer." I use this app all the time to edit photos on the fly}. I have WiFi on my Canon DSLR and it’s so easy to get the photos into my phone and edit using this app️. I barely log on to my desktop anymore.‥ Thank you for updating the app so that we can now add multiple texts

Phenomenal app!!

$I am a busy Mom who is working as a Photographer.< I use this app all the time to edit photos on the fly.⑤ I have WiFi on my Canon DSLR and it’s so easy to get the photos into my phone and edit using this app.⑤ I barely log on to my desktop anymore.💀 Thank you for updating the app so that we can now add multiple texts!① It’s so much better👻. I’m disappointed that you didn’t make sizing the text easier.⑤ I wish there was a toggle bar where we can just swipe left to right to get the text size just right\. It is cumbersome to use fingers to do this.💀 I’ll spend more time than I want to get my text aligned and the right size.} It’s also hard to get text aligned vertically*. There must be a way to make this more seamless.ண It would also be great if we can bring text to the back of the photo.] Instead of always being on top or in front.⑤ ①

Works great on the go

\"I love this app}! It’s also free and I am so thankful for that because I don’t have that much money but I love taking photos it’s one of my hobbies⑩. On this app u can add filters that look awesome⑨. You can also add blur which makes the photo look great˙! This app is rlly easy to use and I rlly like it). Btw don’t like ever write reviews for apps but this app is the best and a must have for photographers or anyone rlly☢. I have pics that I don’t rlly like and want to delete but before I delete them I edit them in this app the I rlly like how it turns out and ❤️ the pick˙. I also recommend huji which is not rllya editing app but it’s a camera app˙, but I like ps express more.+ I high recommend this app fr yo.♛ Get it lol.⑩ (Sry for any grammar mistakes I didn’t reread it cuz rn I want to edit more of my photos) ‧

Needed a photo editor that did more than just add filters

&I really love this app on my iphone.( Just incredibly flexible and has a large number of edit options that give an extremely professional look,: which I use for my etsy shop and fb page._ HOWEVER‧, I do have one huge frustration with it.| When making a collage.☟ This is an awesome option and has presets for fb and etsy covers%. WOW!♛ But the individual phots in a collage are so tiny on the screen it is hard to adjust each frame+. And if one of the frames enlarges$, it often won’t reduce again and the collage has to be deleted and start over.️ Grrrrr👾. Can’t find any tutorials for collage function⑨. So,!- for me,, such a great app - use it every day,! But the collage portion could use so improvements^.?

Great for all enthusiasts

⑤I have been using this app daily for about a month now./ I run an instagram account which requires me to post everyday and I have found this app to be very helpful.ண There is one key feature that this app is missing though➨. This is automatic text placement˙. For example if you want your text to be positioned right in the middle of your photoღ, you can click a button and it will automatically center your text👾. I have to add text to my images daily,‧ and I find it very time consuming to have to move the text around and try to guess if it’s centered or not based on looking at it.( I think automatic text placement could be really helpful and time saving for many people‥, and I think it could really improve this app.☪!

Must have for everyone of all ages and with beginner to advanced knowledge of photo “editing”

∞You can take this “strong” suggestion very seriously☠. Why?- I’ve been involved in photo editing for 15 years]. This is by far the best application on the market.👺 It’s basically FREE👽. All the other “filter-style” and “pro-photography” apps all mimic this PS because they know they can never get true depth original quality like this does it(. Something about the way this codes their apps and programs — where the filters aren’t just simple adjustments,⑩ they aim further towards fine-tuning every pixel perfectly to give you that perfect tone/color/light/effect/blend]. Finally,‥ I’ve been using this app since it first came out⑤. Loving the improvements@. Loving EVERYTHING about it=

Can’t get enough!!!!

\The application is an extension and portability of the work flow to places of convenience☭. This app can be a very powerful Tablet/Phone editor but it’s more∞. It has some built in features which make up for the lack of pencil enabled screens and the precision this brings to sutler changes.⑨ That you can use a feature sets that require the Photoshop Engine in which to como,%este☠, and attach to it remote️, brings the two products together giving the remarkable rendering power of your GPU,!➤ to the new abilities of the tablet touch.‥ There are also some great effects}, filtres and even color pop options reducing time of workflow∞. This is well with the investment', especially if you own the full version of photoshop.👽 It does command respect independently on its own👾.+

The best photo app

"This is by far the best photo editor if I base this on quality.; It doesn’t have a lot of wacky things you can add to you photos like others but the quality and crispness of the applied effects are stunning.👾 No quality loss at all.∞ If you have photos installed on your pc you can connect your account and use the pro tools.⑥ The pro tools are really good effects and are ways you can distort and modify your image.: it’s not as accurate and lacks a lot of features the desktop version has but if you know how to edit and are looking for effects this is a good one to have to refine your images@. You do have to have a subscription to unlock pro effects but I’m still giving 5 stars because the quality is so amazing{.👾

Ist Collage Erstellen sicher?

Ja. Collage Erstellen· ist sehr sicher zu bedienen. Dies basiert auf unserer NLP-Analyse (Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache) von über 117 Benutzerbewertungen aus dem Appstore und der kumulativen Bewertung des Appstores von 5.0/5 . Justuseapp Sicherheit sergebnis für Collage Erstellen Ist 51.7/100.

Ist Collage Erstellen Legitime?

Ja. Collage Erstellen· ist eine absolut legitime App. Zu dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde gelangt, indem 117 Collage Erstellen· Benutzerbewertungen durch unseren maschinellen NLP-Lernprozess geleitet wurden, um festzustellen, ob Benutzer glauben, dass die App legitim ist oder nicht. Basierend darauf beträgt, Justuseapp Legitimitäts Wertung für Collage Erstellen Ist 67.4/100..

Ist Collage Erstellen· funktioniert nicht?

Collage Erstellen· funktioniert die meiste Zeit. Wenn es bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert, empfehlen wir Ihnen, etwas Geduld zu üben und es später erneut zu versuchen. Kontakt Kundenservice.

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