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Book of Common Prayer ne fonctionne plus

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Common Prayer helps today’s diverse church pray together across traditions and
denominations with morning, midday, and evening prayers for every day of the
year. With an ear to the particulars of how various liturgical traditions pray,
this app offers a tapestry of prayer that celebrates the best of many traditions.

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de School for Conversion, Inc., les développeurs de Book of Common Prayer.

91.3% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Igor Apps

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Book of Common Prayer

100% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Daily Bible Apps

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Daily Bible Apps

About this app

Common Prayer helps today’s diverse church pray together across traditions and denominations with morning, midday, and evening prayers for every day of the year.  Liturgy comes to life as you tap on song titles in the Common Prayer app and sing along with the new monastic Rutba House community of Durham, North Carolina.  Ultimately, Common Prayer makes liturgy dance, taking the best of the old and bringing new life to it with a fresh fingerprint for the contemporary renewal of the church.  With an ear to the particulars of how various liturgical traditions pray, this app offers a tapestry of prayer that celebrates the best of many traditions.  Following the 12 Marks of New Monasticism, this app also offers guidance for putting faith into action each month, complete with links to further reading that will deepen your understanding of how God is at work in the world.  Churches and individuals who are familiar with with Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove will enjoy a video in which the two of them introduce this app and invite users to pray along with them, the communities, and New Monastics around the world. 

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