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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de First Data Corporation, les développeurs de Main Street Insights.

About this app

With 24,000 owner-associates and operations in 36 countries, the company provides secure and innovative payment technology and services to more than six million merchants and financial institutions around the world, from small businesses to the world’s largest corporations.  First Data’s unparalleled infrastructure and partnerships go “beyond the transaction” with next-generation point-of-sale technology fueled by powerful analytics to detect fraud, gain insights into consumer spending, and strengthen customer loyalty.  Today, businesses in nearly 118 countries trust First Data to secure and process more than 2,500 financial transactions per second.  First Data is the global technology leader in payment technology and services solutions.  Build your business using data, compare your performance to the industry and get actionable information and forecasts.  Use Clover Insights to understand the economic health of your business, industry, or neighborhood.  "Insightics gave us the ability to capitalize on data we would never have the time or the finances to collect or analyze ourselves".  Clover Insights (formerly Insightics) is the only tool that gives you a glimpse into your competition.  Find out how much other businesses around you are making and how many clients they're serving.  You can even monitor how prices change in your neighborhood.  Want to see how ice cream parlors are doing in NYC today?  What about gas stations in Milwaukee?  All day, every day, First Data helps its clients thrive in the evolving world of commerce.