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ToneStack GO ne fonctionne plus

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ToneStack GO is the ultimate UNIVERSAL app for signal processing: with the
LARGEST and BEST selection of AMPS & FX, the latest advancements in modeling
technology, and an unbelievably powerful yet simple interface – it simply
shreds all the other guys. Right away, enjoy a classic amp & cab, and 7
meticulously designed FX.

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Yonac Inc., les développeurs de ToneStack GO.

57.14% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: VOX Amplification LTD.

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de ToneStack GO

About this app

ToneStack GO is the ultimate UNIVERSAL app for signal processing: with the LARGEST and BEST selection of AMPS & FX, the latest advancements in modeling technology, and an unbelievably powerful yet simple interface – it simply shreds all the other guys.  ToneStack GO offers a huge range of amps, cabs & FX: from sparkly clean to sizzling hot bias tube amps, iconic stompboxes, pro-grade rack units, and high-end reverbs, ToneStack GO the most complete plugin suite on the iOS.  Thanks to ToneStack GO's state-of-the-art “Virtual Circuit” technology, each ToneStack GO unit is the digital mirror image of a real analog topology.  ToneStack GO also brings many powerful guitar FX to the iOS for the first time: polyphonic octaver, harmonizer, realistic spring reverbs, virtual-reel tape delays are just a few examples.  Unlike other FX apps that try to copycat with EQing and other gimmicks, ToneStack GO recreates the intricate designs of the real thing.  Built-in tuner, metronome, special onSTAGE mode are just a few other amazing ToneStack features.  ToneStack offers a powerful 8-Track recorder —first 2 tracks free— with plenty of friendly features.  ToneStack GO lets you run a whopping 64 amps & effects simultaneously* so you can let your imagination run wild.  You can match any amp with any cab (all cabs have 3 mics with distance & position settings); you can insert any unit anywhere – even between amps and cabs like a true FX loop.  MIDI learn is super-intuitive thanks to ToneStack GO's interface: all the amp & FX controls are MIDI-programmable.  For even more power, ToneStack GO includes our unique ABY unit.  Fire up the built-in Tapedeck to quickly record an idea; create loops, or manipulate audio with its Hi-Q pitch/time shift.  Split your signal anywhere: run dual amp setups, switch or blend FX chains, or multiplex your signal via frequency splitting – countless permutations, all up to you.  Expand to a total of 46 amps, 44 cabs, and 101 FX – the largest collection on iOS.  The result is a warm, responsive tone with the natural behavior you find in analog units.  Effortlessly create UNLIMITED banks and presets – share them at the touch of a button. 

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