Threads - PI Apparel Avis

Threads - PI Apparel Avis

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À propos: Threads is the community for people who work in the fashion industry,
specifically those concerned with products. It provides opportunities to connect
with fellow professionals, share engaging content and discuss the latest topics
that span the full value chain from early stage ideation, to DPC and
development, production, supply chain, e-commerce, re-use and upcycling and more.

À propos Threads

It provides opportunities to connect with fellow professionals, share engaging content and discuss the latest topics that span the full value chain from early stage ideation, to DPC and development, production, supply chain, e-commerce, re-use and upcycling and more.

Threads is the community for people who work in the fashion industry, specifically those concerned with products.

Subscription is required to access some parts of the app.


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