WORKS OFFLINE With over 718,000 entries, 524,000 translations, 558,000 synonyms, 98,000 definitions and 40,000 examples, voice feature and a huge collection of idiomatic expressions in both languages, this is the best Spanish to English and English to Spanish Dictionary App you can find.
• Intelligent Word List Display: identifies multiple forms of plural and feminine as well as Spanish verb conjugations (even with a misplaced or a missing accent).
Definitions and added examples are included in both languages and all terminology shows detailed classification, making gender, noun type or parts of speech easy to identify.
• Fuzzy Search: Detects misspelled words simultaneously in English and Spanish, offering close suggestions.
• IPA Phonetic transcription for American Spanish, Caribbean Spanish, River Plate Spanish and Spanish from Spain.
- 24,000 + bird names in English, Spanish and Latin.
• Conjugation of Spanish and English verbs, all persons & tenses.
• Covers International, European, Latin American and Mexican Spanish.
Bilingual voice options for regional pronunciation and easy-to-follow verb conjugations create an interactive learning experience.
Even the Spanish VOS conjugation is included.
• Enabled Search for plurals, feminine forms and verb conjugations.
• Identically spelled words in both languages are displayed twice in the List (each with a flag).
• IPA Phonetic transcription for American and British English.
- Part of Speech and other grammar attributes: Noun, Verb, Adj, etc.