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Vous avez un problème avec FAX from Phone - send fax? Signaler un problème

Problèmes courants de l'application FAX from Phone et comment les résoudre. Guide de dépannage


  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Jenifer M, les développeurs de FAX from Phone.

About this app

So, if you are looking for free fax sending apps or fax burner send receive fax apps for iPhone, try this fax plus app. ◆ The easy and simple user-interface of this fax app allows you to send fax seamlessly. ◆ Advanced document scanner & image processing feature. ◆ Your device's camera can scan the documents effortlessly to send the fax. ◆ Built-in scanner straightens and converts files to black and white. ◆ Upload any document from your iPhone/iPad including pdf, jpg and png.  Install eFax from Phone - Send Fax app on your iOS device, turn any document into fax and send them effortlessly anywhere in the world!  This faxing app also works as a mobile document scanner app as you can use the device's camera to quickly scan and process your images in the highest quality possible.  Fax from Phone - Send Fax app allows you to scan documents and send fax easily and effortlessly from your iPhone & iPad.  With Fax from Phone - Send Fax app, you can fax documents, photos, receipts and other texts anywhere, anytime.  This is especially useful for businessmen that frequently travel and need to send documents internationally.  With our amazing fax app, scan, edit, and fax any document from your device instantly.  Send any document around the world in seconds.  Install this faxing app on your device to easily convert your device into a mini pocket fax machine.  Use your device’s camera to snap and scan the documents.  Then retouch your docs using the app and send fax to any person at any location!  You can edit the documents such as brightening and adjusting before faxing them.  No need for a fax machine as this amazing faxing app is here to help.  Our app supports more than 100 international destinations so sending an oversea fax is now a matter of a few simple clicks.  Subscription Starts from $9. 99 / weekly , $19. 99 / Monthly , $49.  Just download our app and have tiny fax in your pocket 24/7.