Weed Shop The Game app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

Weed Shop The Game funktioniert nicht

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Buying a run-down Medical Marijuana dispensary is easy, turning it into a weed
empire is not! In order to become a local weed tycoon you'll have to grow your
own weed, upgrade your weed shop, deal with trippy stoners, stand up against
local thugs and more. Do you have what it takes to make it big in the weed
farming business? WEED SHOP THE GAME FEATURES • Advanced Gameplay Do
whatever it takes to become the next weed tycoo.

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Miho Oseto, den Entwicklern von Weed Shop The Game in Kontakt zu treten..

41.38% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: Koolbros

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Weed Shop The Game Website besuchen

About this app

Do whatever it takes to become the next weed tycoon: promote your weed firm with fliers, keep your customers happy by handing out free joints, watch out for shoplifters and thugs and complete various tasks from your corporate bosses.  In order to become a local weed tycoon you'll have to grow your own weed, upgrade your weed shop, deal with trippy stoners, stand up against local thugs and more.  Upgrade your weed shop from floor to ceiling (literally) with Rasta & Pimpin' themes and decorations or expand your back room grow op for increased weed output.  And if the stress of running a weed shop gets to you, pack a bong and blaze up on your own pot in the Chill Area (Shop Upgrade Required).  Deal weed to and interact with the weirdest and trippiest medical marijuana patients or hire the Joint Buddy to do it for you.  Buying a run-down Medical Marijuana dispensary is easy, turning it into a weed empire is not!  Grow a huge variety of the most popular Indica and Sativa weed strains.  Do you have what it takes to make it big in the weed farming business?  Get a hydro setup, add nutrients and watch out for the spider mites.  Experience what it's like to grow weed in an awesome 3D setting, because 2D weed games are so 2013! 

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