Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Erfahrungen und Bewertung

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Über: Help Sparky the Fire Dog® and his pals solve a mystery!  Sparky and his
friends stop by Aunt Dottie’s house to pick up items for the grand opening
party of her Best Beepers Smoke Alarm Factory, but when they arrive, they spot a
strange character sneaking away with a big bag.  Who is he and what was in the
bag?   Children and parents will love to read along and solve the mystery
while learning key fire safety messages.

Über Sparky The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms

Help Sparky the Fire Dog® and his pals solve a mystery! Sparky and his friends stop by Aunt Dottie’s house to pick up items for the grand opening party of her Best Beepers Smoke Alarm Factory, but when they arrive, they spot a strange character sneaking away with a big bag.

Includes ideas for educators about how to incorporate the app in the classroom and help kids learn about fire safety while practicing literacy and math skills.

Play the interactive game, collect batteries to power up and smoke alarms to complete each level, and then solve a math problem to move onto the next level.

Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms was produced by the National Fire Protection Association.

Children and parents will love to read along and solve the mystery while learning key fire safety messages.

Kids can choose narrated and highlighted text or click the mute button for read-to-myself mode, helping emerging readers and strong readers alike.

Learn about the importance of working smoke alarms, what to do when the smoke alarm sounds and escape planning.

Guided questions encourage kids and parents to discuss and think about the story.

This app includes activities driven by the Common Core State Standards.

We care about your kids and their safety.

Dance along to the music video starring Recess Monkey.

This app contains gated areas to ensure that only adults can access anything that would take you outside of the app.


Gesamtbewertung der Benutzerzufriedenheit




~ aus NLP-Analyse von 0 software bewertungen.

0 Sparky The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Erfahrungen und Bewertung

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Ist Sparky The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms sicher?

Ja. Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms ist sehr sicher zu bedienen. Dies basiert auf unserer NLP-Analyse (Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache) von über 0 Benutzerbewertungen aus dem Appstore und der kumulativen Bewertung des Appstores von 0/5 . Justuseapp Sicherheit sergebnis für Sparky The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Ist 79.1/100.

Ist Sparky The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Legitime?

Ja. Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms ist eine absolut legitime App. Zu dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde gelangt, indem 0 Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Benutzerbewertungen durch unseren maschinellen NLP-Lernprozess geleitet wurden, um festzustellen, ob Benutzer glauben, dass die App legitim ist oder nicht. Basierend darauf beträgt, Justuseapp Legitimitäts Wertung für Sparky The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms Ist 100/100..

Ist Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms funktioniert nicht?

Sparky & The Case of the Missing Smoke Alarms funktioniert die meiste Zeit. Wenn es bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert, empfehlen wir Ihnen, etwas Geduld zu üben und es später erneut zu versuchen. Kontakt Kundenservice.

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