The series begins with “Who is Nephi?,” an adapted first-person account of Nephi’s experiences as his family leaves his home in Jerusalem, and then returns with his brothers on the Lord’s errand to retrieve the plates from a wicked man named Laban.
The second book "The Tree of Life" is an adapted first-person account of Lehi telling his family about his vision.
This is a series of vibrantly-colored storybooks that will help make the stories of these sacred scriptures come alive in a way that will engage your children as they become familiar with the characters and lessons.
The object is to simplify the main stories in the Book of Mormon so they are easier to understand and remember for children.
Your children will watch and listen as Nephi cheerfully obeys the Lords commandments, and learns the importance diligence and faith as he puts his trust in God.
In this book we follow Lehi through his whole story and and with what it meant for his family.
Although this is not the most exciting story we hope the illustrations and interactions will keep kids engaged and learning.
Our Third Book "The Promised Land" is our best book yet! Now you can tap on people in the story and get additional dialog.
LDS Primary Stories is a growing collection of uplifting, educational and FUN storybooks and coloring books for LDS kids.
The story is as close as possible to 1 Nephi 8 while still readable and understandable by children.
The price we set for these books is to help us be able to add more content your children can enjoy.
This book has multiple voices to add to the value of the book.
Your kids will be too entertained to realize that they’re actually learning the gospel.
Note: Please keep in mind that the illustrations and development for this project is very expensive.