Renowned as the world’s most unbiased and diverse source of in-depth gear news and reviews, PG delivers insights on a wide range of instruments, effects, and amps—from entry-level to high-end.
In addition, you'll also receive real-time updates on breaking news stories and PG’s latest videos—including Rig Rundowns, gear demos, reviews, how-tos, and more.
Each issue is packed with enlightening interviews with the most compelling players on the scene today—from rising indie icons to metal shredders, jazz heads, country twangers, avant weirdoes, singer-songwriters, and more.
We also have a stacked lineup of industry experts sharing their know-how on everything from DIY gear projects to stompbox geekery, recording, performing, vintage instruments, optimizing your gear, and more.
Even better, every one of our reviews features sound samples and/or video demos (with wi-fi connection) to give you an even clearer idea of the gear’s capabilities.
If you’re addicted to guitar and bass, there’s no better app than Premier Guitar.
But the PG app has loads more than that.
And it’s all in one app.