By using the at "@" style multiple letter search you could return a large number of words.
The crossword search tool database contains over 270,000 words from both American and traditional English.
To search for individual missing letters use the full stop "." symbol.
Crossword Search Tool is a stand alone product with no need to connect to the internet.
█ A CrossWORD Search Tool is a great tool for solving the most difficult crosswords.
You can search for individual missing letters or for multiple missing letters.
To search for multiple missing letters use the at "@" symbol.
Crossword Search Tool is very quick and easy to use.
If you are returning a large number you may want to change you search pattern to something more specific.
To start a search simply click the box marked "Enter txt pattern..." and a keyboard will popup.
For example typing D.G then hitting RETURN will find every 3 letter word from DAG to DUG.
For example typing D@G then hitting RETURN will find every word from DABBING to DYNAMITING.
The search results also appear on the same screen.
Due to the memory limitations of mobile devices I've restricted the returned results to 1,000 words.