Lira Rate is the first app on the AppStore that lists current and historical exchange rates of the Lebanese or Syrian Lira against the US Dollar.
Lira Rate is not only a currency converter, it has lots of features such as monitoring the exchange rate and it also allows you to convert USD/LBP LBP/USD USD/SYP SYP/USD.
This is not an official or formal reference for the Lebanese Lira Rate rate – it is a simple indicator.
With our chat service you can chat with other users to know the real United States dollar rate within the market.
You can also check the bank USD rate (Lollar) within the app, and convert your bank dollars into LBP.
– 3D touch to launch the converter page, global rates, and USD/LBP pages.
All rates are sourced and averaged from a mix of local currency exchangers across Lebanon.
Global official rates are also included.
We strive to present accurate, timely data, but do not guarantee it is accurate or timely.