PAM Air ne fonctionne pas? problème ou bug?

PAM Air ne fonctionne plus

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PAM Air is a project of D&L Technology Integration and Consulting JSC. It
provides real-time ambient air quality information and air pollution warnings in

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Problèmes courants de l'application PAM Air et comment les résoudre. Guide de dépannage

Guide complet pour dépanner l'application PAM Air sur les appareils iOS et Android. Résolvez tous les problèmes, erreurs, problèmes de connexion, problèmes d'installation et plantages de l'application PAM Air.

Table des Contenu:

  1. Problèmes et solutions PAM Air iPhone

  2. Problèmes et solutions de l'application PAM Air Android


  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de D&L Technology Integration And Consulting Joint Stock Company, les développeurs de PAM Air.

37.84% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: D&L TECH., JSC

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de PAM Air

71.43% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Pamela Rf

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Pamela Rf

About this app

Offically launched in Feb 2019, PAM Air wants to contribute to the community a simple, useful and easy-to-use tool so that any individual can monitor and update air quality information and be alerted on air pollution in the areas at where they, their family and friends are living, travelling and working. Website application. - From PAM Air’s network of sensors.  PAM Air’s network of sensors is being developed with “socialization” model in which individuals, organizations, companies contribute to the network.  Any contribution to PAM Air’s network shall help millions of people protect their relatives and family from air pollution.  PAM Air’s approach is “Citizen Science” and it is most effective and suitable if it is used as “indicative” information: the trend of air quality and possibility of air pollution.  It provides real-time ambient air quality information and air pollution warnings in Vietnam.  The first and foremost objective of PAM Air is to voluntarily contribute and be responsible to the community and the society.  The contributions can be in a way of sponsoring locations to instal the sensor, or sensors’ and their operational costs or both.  PAM Air is a project of D&L Technology Integration and Consulting JSC.  PAM Air looks forward to accompanying with individuals, organizations and relevant agencies on actitivies to make a greener, cleaner and friendly Vietnam. 

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