Memmy for Lemmy Reviews

Memmy for Lemmy Reviews

Published by on 2023-11-11

About: Discover the Fediverse with Memmy, a client built from the ground up for Lemmy.
Discover new communities with people who share the same interests as you.

About Memmy

Push notifications keep you in check with the community, with no cost to you.

Discover the Fediverse with Memmy, a client built from the ground up for Lemmy.

Designed intuitively for all users, Memmy will help you feel right at home through the Fediverse.

An easy to use comments view, allowing you to easily keep in touch with the community.

A beautiful array of themes to choose from, allowing you to personalize it to your style.

Seamlessly explore the Fediverse with an intuitive search.

Stay in the know with push notifications, included at no cost.

Beautiful design, inspired by Apollo and elevated to a new level.

Discover new communities with people who share the same interests as you.

These are just a few things that we offer and there is so much more to explore within the app.

Fully open source and transparent.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 635 combined software reviews.

340 Memmy Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Heck yah! The mad lads actually did it!

this app has quickly become my most used app - I love it! It respectfully builds on the legacy left behind from Apollo, RIF and AlienBlue.

The developers clearly put a lot of love and care into this project. this app delivers a streamlined, easily customizable and intuitive way to access Lemmy and the Federation/Fediverse.

No ads, no timed nag screens, nothing hiding behind subscriptions, no bull. It’s like Reddit if the heads actually cared about it’s content creators, volunteer mod teams and user’s experiences. 🤘🤘


Perfect for exploring lemmy!

Lemmy and the Fediverse can get confusing, but Memmy does a great job of being you set up and helping you discover new communities, in addition to being a clean interface to vote your content.

One feature request I have is to mark as read on scroll + auto-hide read posts. Sometimes the content can get repetitive as I use Memmy throughout the day. Thank you!


Awesome start!

Thank you so much for making this awesome app, it’s already great and I know it’ll get even better. I don’t miss Reddit at all (or u/spez).

Some ideas for future updates: 1. Add friend feature, to be able to follow their future posts. 2. Be able to like comments the same as posts, by clicking the up/down arrows. I prefer tapping to swiping


Great app and developers to start the Fediverse journey

I've been part of this app from one of the earliest beta releases, and it's been incredible to see the progress the dev team has accomplished. They have been great at responding to user feedback and implementing new features.

Thanks to this app I took my first steps into decentralized social networking. I can't recommend it enough!


A rising star

Memmy has managed to fill the Apollo shaped hole in my life very quickly. It's missing some features but while I was following its beta release it was apparent the creator is doing massive daily updates so it's all up from here. Help build the next great *non-corporate* place on the internet for people to talk by supporting Lemmy; and if you're looking for a solid, familiar experience to do that from iOS, give this app for Lemmy a shot.


Rapid development

Been using this app for a couple weeks since it was in TestFlight. In just a couple weeks it’s gone from obviously being a beta app to starting to look really polished. There are still a couple of very minor bugs, but it’s by far my favorite lemmy app. And the dev has been improving it every day!


Great Third Party Lemmy Client

Been involved since the early TestFlight and this developer has been churning out updates almost daily (and sometimes more). this app is to Lemmy what Apollo was to Reddit. And Memmy is still in its infancy in terms of continued development. Excited to see what it looks like long term. That’s about the highest complement I can give.


A great start!

I see a few quirks around multiple accounts.

Settings > Accounts only shows the first account I have logged in with. But tapping Change Account Settings then shows me the other accounts.

After logging into multiple accounts, the profile page no longer loads.



After being forced out of Reddit due to third party apps discontinuing, I was stressed trying to find the next thing to flock to. Once I found Lemmy, I knew we were onto something special, but the lack of apps was disheartening… until this app. Wow, it’s like Apollo died and got resurrected! Seriously amazing job, developer.


Natural Successor to Reddit’s Apollo

You can already tell a lot of love has gone into development here. The dev is very responsive in the this app “community”, and the transition from Reddit to Lemmy has been very smooth thanks to Memmy! Kudos for making the sign up process for Lemmy seem easier here than on the native sites.


The Best

I have been beta testing this app since one of the earlier beta versions, and both the speed of development and the dedication of the team behind Memmy is amazing.

I’ve tried a few different beta apps during the Great Migration to Lemmy, and this one is by far the best. FIVE STARS.


Excellent start to what will be an amazing future with Lemmy

With all the drama with Reddit, it feels so good to have an alternative. Although there is a learning curve with Lemmy, it’s well worth it. this app has made the transition so comfortable. I feels so much like the old 3rd party Reddit apps making the transition flawless.


Welcome to the Fediverse.

Finally we have a high quality app for Lemmy on iOS. It has most features that make for a smooth experience. Coming from Apollo, there is enough here to feel familiar. Looking forward to seeing how this app develops.


Great app

One of the first apps I tried for Lemmy before it came to Memmy Store. Has been great ever since. Constant updates from the creator makes it a great option to use. I look forward to seeing how the future of Memmy turns out!


Memmy is an intuitive and feature filled app for Lemmy.

As a long time Apollo user, I was searching for a great mobile native app to use as I begin exploring Lemmy. this app give me everything I was looking for. So glad to have an app for mobile again. Great work by the devs.


The best iOS lemmy experience yet!

Memmy provides great multi account support and is for the most part. Very bug free. Only minor hiccups here and there. Developer is also very quick at updates. Definitely my favorite lemmy experience.


Lovely interface to the fediverse!

I’ve been following this project since the beginning and I absolutely love it! The developers are great and responsive to bugs, issues, and feedback! So glad to see it release officially!


Great App For Diving Into The Fediverse

Memmy came out quick. Great functionality for accessing the Fediverse. Makes everything easy and accessible.

Look and feel similar to Apollo (R.I.P). Not there yet buts a it’s a great start. 10/10. Totally recommend.


Incredible Lemmy app!

I've been using this since Reddit announced their plans to destroy the platform, and this is the best Lemmy app out there! Everything seems solid already, and the dev team is very responsive. Check it out!



The fediverse is off to a good start with apps like this making it so easy. Been a user since it was in beta and it just keeps getting better and better.


A way into the Threadiverse

I’m really encouraged by the promise of Lemmy/Kbin. A decentralized version of my favorite social media site (Reddit) which can’t be bought or sold, or messed with through the API

this app is so far my favorite app to access that space. It’s light, fast, responsive, and offers some good customization. It reminds me of Apollo which it clearly takes inspiration from while not being a complete knock-off. I’d highly recommend checking Memmy out


An excellent way to navigate lemmy

If you were an Apollo user before that other website killed off third party apps you’ll find that this app is almost a drop in replacement for it. Everything is intuitive and I haven’t encountered any substantial issues yet.

I have been really impressed with the pace of development and I’m happy that R****t refugees have a replacement option!


Really cohesive app!

I have been using it about a week now and have been loving it! Took me an hour or so to really figure it out proficiently but part of that is just figuring out lemmy in general; WHICH Memmy does a wonderful job walking you through and explaining. I have wanted for nothing in Memmy. Hats off to the devs and their dedication to troubleshooting and updating!


Dev is taking on a Goliath task and winning

Dev couldn’t have slept in a week or more, doing everything possible to build an awesome and familiar app for Lemmy to support a budding community in the wake of Reddits turmoil. Every release on test pilot/App Store has brought new features and fixes at break neck speeds. Truly don’t know how your doing it bud, take appropriate care, and keep crushing it.


Excellent app, and successor to Apollo!

Memmy is awesome and it has been so inspiring to see how quickly the developers have spun this up and continue to make updates. this app made me feel at home in the Fediverse by giving me a front end that looks and acts very much like Apollo. Check this one out, I think you’re going to like it!


Amazing for an early release

Really easy to navigate. Sincerely a good option as a lemmy mobile app. Still, I can’t figure out how to dismiss the alert icon for post replies. I’ve tried opening them, long hold on the alert screen, and all the hamburger menus. I still can’t figure out how to dismiss the alert indicating they are unread.


Off to a great start.

So currently Memmy is on its initial release, so anyone expecting it to have all the features of its Reddit equivalent like Apollo will need to wait a bit longer but, with that being said Memmy is off to a great start. The swipe to vote gestures give it an Apollo-like feel, the UI is snappy, smooth, simple and readable. And let’s face it, it’s not like there are many Lemmy clients for iOS to choose from at the moment. If you want Lemmy on iOS natively, then this is your app. This is definitely a better way yo do your daily browsing versus the web interface. There’s some features I’d like to see added eventually but the better place for mentioning those feature requests is probably GitHub.


Great native Lemmy experience!

A very smooth experience (interface, loading speed, etc.). Still missing some features that web has, but it’s not something that detracts from the experience that much. This is especially true since Memmy is actively being developed with new features coming out once or twice a week. Feature suggestion: unblocking communities, or allowing them to be found in the search feature so they can be unblocked.


Absolutely stellar.

With everything going on in the world of forums and social media, I (like many) am trying to find a place to have discussions and get legitimate information that isn’t a cesspool, and isn’t a privacy nightmare. Lemmy is a great place, but a bit crunchy to navigate. this app for Lemmy is unbelievably good, very reminiscent of my beloved defunct Apollo. If someone is looking for a replacement for Reddit, I couldn’t recommend this more. I am a LUE to Digg to Reddit convert, and this is my new home. I’m just elated such a wonderful app ALREADY exists. Easy 5/5.


Just wow!

I’ve been a this app user since the date of its test flight release on Lemmy. I was looking for an Apollo like experience. From day one it was so impressive how well it functioned. Allowing me to comfortably leave Reddit completely in the 2nd week of June. Progress and features have been rapidly added since then. Congratulations to the developers for making an app that’s a joy to use and has been remarkably stable even before its release in beta!


I am amazed by the quality of Memmy!

I have mostly switched from Reddit to Lemmy and after missing Apollo for a few days, this app has just about filled that hole. It is early days yet but it is impressive the rate of development on Memmy, and the quality of the experience and addition of new functionality every few days. Highly recommended and I will make a donation to support an effort such as this.


Recent update

Liking Memmy so far and appreciate that it’s still a work in progress, but the ability to switch between accounts appears to have been lost with the last update (or I’m just blind). It still shows all my accounts in the settings tab, but I can’t see any way on the Feed page (or elsewhere) on how to actually switch between them. Previously there was a drop-down at the top for that.


Good but new bugs in today’s release

Memmy will auto dark mode when you open it then change correctly to the light more my phone is set to. Both my phone and Memmy are set to auto switch. Clicking into an image then clicking the X to close the picture bugs out, loads a different picture, then sends you to the top of your scroll back.

Otherwise a very good app, thank you.


Did you use Apollo? Here’s the lemmy equivalent

What happened to Apollo and reddit is shameful, but Memmy is exactly what we need to move on from that fiasco. The development of this project has been moving incredibly fast and the state it’s in already is very impressive. The UI is already very nice looking and makes lemmy useable on iOS. I’d suggest anyone who enjoyed Apollo over the years to check this out.


Needs the ability to log out and back in

Great app! But had to give 4/5 because the recent hacking of several Lemmy instances have proven that we need a way to be able to log out of, and back into, our accounts which unfortunately doesn't seem possible with the current iteration of Memmy. Hopefully it'll get implemented sometime in the near future.


Great way to use Lemmy!

So far Memmy has done a great job of bringing Lemmy to mobile. Feels about as close to Apollo for Reddit as they could get in such a short amount of time.

One bug / un-added feature I want to mention (don’t have a github account), is it appears the only way to clear an item from your inbox is to reply to that comment.

Keep up the great work!


Loving Lemmy on Memmy

An intuitive and evolving door to the Fediverse and Lemmy (an alternative to “It-Which-Will-Not-Be-Named”, still famously faltering about in real time ATM).

The developer is very transparent and communicative, but I would recommend checking his GIT before asking about features or reporting bugs in channel. Do subscribe to this app.

I’m excited be part of the user base, and Lemmy


Fantastic app

I’m coming from Apollo, and I love the feel and ease of using this app. I’m using TestFlight beta and any problems I have, have been fixed/updated before I can send in a ticket. The user experience is continually getting better; both on this app and Lemmy. Thank you and keep up the work!


Great until the last update

I had zero issues and loved it until the most recent update

Now Memmy crashes constantly, it won’t load comments the majority of the time, and the upvote/downvote buttons don’t respond half of the time. There’s also an unnecessary browser within Memmy now when you click on any links, rather than opening the link in your system browser.

It also removed all of my settings when it updated, so I had to reconfigure the entire app.

If it was just a little slow or had some issues, I would probably stick it out and reach out to support or wait till the next update. It’s pretty much unusable in its current form though, so I’ll be switching to another option.


It’s good

Things to look out for: 1. Don’t make accounts in Memmy . Memmy shouldn’t have signup functionality because lemmy instances require different actions and agreements from the user. It’s also much easier to go to the desired instance than type the instance url in the signup view. 2. You can’t edit your community details from Memmy and finding communities is unreliable. Do it on the instance website in a browser and then you’ll see it in Memmy . 3. Bugs. One example is that a certain tab would crash but only when using a specific lemmy instance and not others. So I signed up for a different one and that fixed it. I sent the crash report to the dev. I don’t assume it’s the developer’s mistake.

Is Memmy Safe?

Yes. Memmy for Lemmy is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 635 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Memmy Is 43.7/100.

Is Memmy Legit?

Yes. Memmy for Lemmy is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 635 Memmy for Lemmy User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Memmy Is 81.6/100..

Is Memmy for Lemmy not working?

Memmy for Lemmy works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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