Tango - Live Stream, Go Live Reviews

Tango - Live Stream, Go Live Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-07

About: Tango is a social live community app with over 400 million people around the
world! Every minute, thousands of people are making new connections and building
real friendships. Join the new wave of social communication.

About Tango

What is Tango? Tango is a social live community app that allows users to make new connections and build real friendships with people from all over the world. The app features live video streams, instant translation, and the ability to watch and share YouTube clips with friends. Users can also receive gifts and become social media influencers within their community.



- Live video streams for making new connections and building friendships

- Instant translation feature for communicating with people from other cultures and locations

- Ability to watch and share YouTube clips with friends

- Receive gifts to become a social media influencer within your community

- Personalized feed, effects, and unique gifts

- Free to use and available worldwide

- Official website, YouTube channel, and Twitter account for staying in touch with the Tango community.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 54,086 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Tango

- Allows users to talk to family and friends

- Allows users to play games with family and friends

- Allows users to face time with parents

29 Tango Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Please fix the issues with latest update

I mostly use Tango for messaging and has been great. The previous version was working fine. After this last update where the design/layout was changed, I noticed 3 things that bother me. The main thing is that it works fine for hours then the messages start getting delayed. Sometimes it’s not until I open Tango that I receive the new messages. Or I get the messages automatically only to notice they had been sent to me 15-20 minutes ago. Sometimes a restart of the phone fixes this and sometimes it doesn’t. Second issue is the fact that it keeps saying I have 1 new message but there is nothing. The 1 just stayed stuck there. And third, please bring back the heart/loved feature on pictures. By the way I am using an iphone 12 pro with the latest ios version. Thanks.


Bug’s, Bug‘s, Bug’s!

I have always liked Tango because of the fact you can play games with friends, family and love ones! It is so sad to see that Tango has so many bugs in it now… When I receive calls I cannot answer because the talk button does not appear, I had issues with the microphones, Sometimes the video is lagging and it is not because of a Wi-Fi issue it’s just leggy and choppy, sometimes Tango crashes and drops calls, etc., etc., etc.! And for anyone who is curious I am on an iPad Pro 12.9/ first generation. The experience on this device is horrible now! I don’t know if it’s because of a bad update or because of iOS 12 but this issue needs to be addressed and fixed immediately!!! One of my main reasons for being dedicated to Apple is because of the smoothness and fluidity of its apps and this one right here as well as countless others makes me feeling bad about being such a loyal customer for the quality of such Apps! Let’s get it right ladies… SMH!


Did not like it

I signed up with Facebook and have a picture of my mom and I as my profile photo. I used to have Tango so that I could face time my parents ( they are divorced) whole I was away or at the others house. We could play games while talking and do other stuff like that, but I got into Tango for not even a minute when some old guy started to send me weird messages hat were directed towards my mom! The man thought it was my moms account and I was insanely creeped out! And he was hitting on me thinking it was my mom. I couldn’t block him and I had to Change my profile just so he would leave me alone. He worst part was he is 45 and my profile says that my age is 22! (It’s not) which is even more gross. I couldn’t do anything to make I’m go away and now Tango is much worse than it was a few years ago. I don’t recommend it and I hate how it’s changed over the years. I miss the old app where you could only face time your contacts and talk to your friends


I dont like the new version

this app cannot automatic update new version without my acceptance. Last night they updated new version while I was sleeping without notices. And for the new version I cannot post my articles or read my friends’s article posts. I cannot go into my homepage or my friends homepages. New version only allow people have private chat, calls, mostly they focus on people like livestream videos, broadcasting, following people, singing or trying to making money on this app, waiting for people give them gifts. How about the others people like us, we just want to trade more knowledgeable and news or communicating with friends that we trusted? Why they took all our choice to choose.
When I tried to contact them, there is no phone number for customer service or supportive, no email to write.

If you’re aware to loose all your timelines memories, don’t update the new one


Thank you

My dad left me 11 years ago and never came back. I never got to see my other 3 siblings. Because of Tango, I can talk to my dad, my brother, and my 2 sisters. Without Tango I never would have been able to. Thank you crew members. Without you and you app, I wouldn’t be meeting my dad in a couple of weeks. Or my sisters and brothers in a while. Thank you so much this means the world to me and without this wonderful app I never would have known about them. Again thank you so much I thank you with all my heart. This is a true story please read this. When your feeling bad about yourselves and not sure, come look at this comment for self confidence. Look at the miracle you have made happen.



I love this app! It is the way my boyfriend and talk when we can’t be together and want to see each other but this app seems to be having some real glitches lately that I hope get fixed soon. Even though all my notifications are set it tells me that I can’t make or receive calls sometimes and I have to go to my notifications and turn it off and back on again. Even after doing that I still don’t get a sound when a message is sent to me. I’ve checked all volume controls and they are on and all the way up.
Please help!! I hate missing messages and calls because of this.


Not happy

I have no idea what happened last night I updated this app and totally change the whole thing can’t find my friends and family instead im getting live streamers from Asia and india im Spanish so its not working for me, Tango doesn’t even have a search section and its says the “none of the people I fallow are live” when I know for they are. So I contacted customer Service they told me Apple forced them to disable some features absurd I don’t think Apple would ask this app to take away friends and family to impose new people.


My location still showing even after I disabled on settings

For iOS: I did turned off location services for this app by going to the Settings app >> Privacy >> Location Services >> set this app to Never
When I visist my own profile it show no location BUT when friends and none friends and acquaintance and unknown persons from my area look up my profile it still shows my location.
I do LIVESTREAM sometimes and I had severals people’s harassment me on live telling me: —I am from your same town I want to meet you, tell wich street you live I ll come now. That’s creepy.
most of them didn’t followed me, so I can’t block them all, it is uncomfortable feeling that you’re looking for privacy turning off your locations but this app still show it to other users. When I am trying to avoid especially that.


Problems?? Anyone else??

I’ve had Tango almost 3 years. It’s an amazing app but when I just updated Tango it’s been giving me problems about the notifications. When someone messages me I don’t get a notification on the home screen or my lock screen. It works every now and then but I have to constantly go onto Tango to see if I got a message. I don’t understand what happened? If you can please fix this I would love to rate it 5 stars.


Not Worth It

I posted a background that said, Is prayer your steering wheel?!. They deleted because it is violations to the terms or something BUT, they don't delete or block MINORS getting naked and/or selling themselves on Tango . I have been trying for MONTH to delete my profile. It doesn't work. No customer service and the email they offer doesn't work and they never answer. I wouldn't download this and i definitely wouldn't invest money on Tango. SCAMMERS

I have sent TONS of emails to that same email address and NEVER get a response. I would like to have my profile PERMANENTLY REMOVED from this app. The process of Tango DOESNT work. It says my profile would be removed in 24hrs, lies IT IS STILL THERE.
I have sent emails with the links and NOTHING.



If I could give this no stars i would, like many other people I downloaded Tango to talk to my friends because I didn’t have a phone number yet”I was 10” it was normal until about two months later I started getting creepy messages from random guys with the profile pics as private parts and they were sending me porn saying it was something else like a new my little pony episode so when I clicked on it it would show intense porn and I was scared for life I, also became a victim of grooming and I gave into sending a pic or two to old men I was such an idiot, but it’s been 2 years now I’ve been and still go to therapy because of this but I do not recommend this I want Tango shut down forever so no kid has to go what I’ve been through


No longer fun

Tango was amazing before Payoneer went public. It seems that as a result of that news this app has chosen or been forced to “Clean up” their appearance. This includes monitoring “Private” broadcasts and blocking members for adult content. That doesn’t sound very “private” also there are many scammers and pedophiles. On the flip side, there unfortunately are minors who have gained access to Tango and they will in fact try to broadcast adult content.
The stringent rules have created an unnecessary pressure and broadcasters now actively beg for diamonds outside of their broadcasts. It’s turned into a real crap fest.
At this point, this app is best used periodically if you have nothing better to do for the evening.


This is such a bad app

Hi my name is Hadley I’m a little young I mean bye a lot but Tango is disgusting
I hade 5 people exactly text me to ask what my age was and how I looked they even asked to see my face and this one person texted me you want to see it😏and I said what and he said my big d word I don’t blocked him and told my Guardian on Tango and they didn’t do anything about it but there was this 11 year old who I thought was a good person I told him about Tango and he said you say it’s gross but I sent a pic of mine once witch was gross and then he said and I touch it to I immediately deleted Tango never again am I going on Tango btw one of the boys were 17 and texted me saying send me a pic I want to see how cute you are🥵I feel so violated!


I made a purchase and through the app and didn’t receive my coins

For any developers that looks over reviews this is very annoying and frustrating I was enjoying Tango when I tried to make a purchase and my coins didn’t go through. You guys do not have the proper way to contact someone in app so that the problem can be easily fix Tango Store doesn’t do anything about it but tell us to try and contact you and in ya fine print says if done through iOS if we don’t receive a purchase try to get a refund but Tango Store doesn’t do it I have all my photo and account proof that I didn’t receive anything. Someone please get in contact with me about this matter


do not use this app

I’d been a streamer on Tango for 2 years and used to make amazing money and never had any issues. Until the last two months since they changed their rules. They’re now STEALING MONEY. I had money go missing from my broadcasts and this app claims they can’t locate it. For weeks they told me they would look into the problem and fix it but it’s now been 2 months and they won’t get back to me.
It’s super obvious that they started stealing money once they changed their rules which led them to lose a lot of their income. Highly do not recommend anyone to ever use Tango because they WILL steal from you and won’t do anything to help you if you complain.


An awful app with non existing customer's service

They have slowly converted Tango from a place to find friends into an almost sex shop and the owners of Tango are the "pimps" since they keep the majority of the revenue the "users" or clients make.
If you want to cancel your registration to Tango , it is not instantaneous, they "review" it first and takes someone physically to cancel your account. I've been trying to cancel for over three weeks and I've been ignored. I don't want to have an account with Tango anymore but I can't just delete Tango . They have my phone number and e-mail and can't delete those either. Piece of s... App


Can’t see friends Feeds

This new this app won’t allow to see your friends post. Used to be so easy to see all of your friends post, all you have to do was go to your friends profile and all of their publications would be there for you to see and comment on if you wanted to.
Now all you can see when you go to a friend’s profile are gifts that this app wants you to spend money on.


Tango doesn’t care about streamers

this app has changed their private show policies which dramatically hurt the streamers themselves. A person I follow was banned for kissing his girlfriend on stream in a PRIVATE SHOW. Not a public one. This is absolutely ridiculous.

this app doesn’t care about the viewers either. I’ve contacted support about numerous issues im having and THEY WERE NEVER SEEN. Not even READ. They toss user complaints out the window and ASK FOR YOU TO GIVE THEM MONEY. They do not care about user satisfaction, only your money.

Do not download Tango! Go to their competitors instead. They actually care about the user’s feedback and help with issues.


I’m scared to use

A friend requested this to me to use for him to call me and stuff. I don’t know if this is an app to call random people or just your contacts or friends. Either way I’m still afraid to use this. I mean I used this before and it was great. Great great app. Now come to think of it, I’m kinda scared to use Tango. And I heard one review of people getting naked. And you know me I don’t wanna see people get naked. So that’s why I’m scared to use Tango.


We neee old tango dating app back asap please

The old app give you the chance to add people and chat or video chat with even family around the world but now it’s not the case Tango change 100% even my friend on my historique I can’t get them back or talk to them so please bring back the old app it will work better than any other time
Than you


Another concerned mother

Hello, I am a mother of three girls. and I know that technology is a big part of their life these days. Anyway I found Tango and I had pretty cool games and stuff on it which I found out from downing Tango first myself to review it. And as I did that I realize that there is some very inappropriate things being streamed in the so-called lives, I demand that this will be an option and not something that they will have to see while using Tango . I do not have any complaints about Tango quality because it is a very good app. But I seriously want to bring your attention to the inappropriate things that are being broadcasted , please fix it. Right now I let my kids use Tango while being watched by me. But I am changing my mind about it, Tango is amazing but you really need to remove all of the lives that are inappropriate and maybe put in some educational ones?. Now I have taken away Tango from my children altogether until you fix this problem. Thank you


Keep the long distance relationships close ❤️

Tango is a fun and great way to stay in touch with family & friends who are long distance. Great video quality and sound keeps that face to face contact fresh. You can play games while you chat or fun face masks.

The only reason I didn't give a 5 star rating is with the new live feature there seems to be no settings available to turn it off. Makes me nervous to let my child play in Tango .


What happened?

I love Tango when it is working, but lately I have not been getting any notifications. I contacted this app support (which response time was amazing. Quick reply).
I tried everything they suggested like uninstalling app and then reinstalling. Notifications worked for a short time and then stopped. I think my girl is feeling like I’m ignoring her. The call quality and video talking was amazing before they added the games and all the extra stuff. I wish I had the original this app when it was a simple app for talking and face time.
Don’t give up on it, just fix it.
Please please please fix Tango.


i use to love the app

This used to be a really good app I could talk to friends and family no matter where they were. And then live came about and jumped on the bandwagon and I started doing live never got paid for it because the person that they do payments through which is the only one place called payioneer they be with me issues for several miles with paying me so there's no points for me to do lie. Are you still love the discover button and see who's local it was a good way to meet people and the chat with people locally I miss the old this app bring the Discover me back


Works well but sleazy

Using to communicate with my young daughter who is on vacation. Gave her a deactivated phone. Works great over wifi for calls and video. However don't care for the social media network especially the pictures of all the "most liked" folks. It all looks a little sleazy Ana's makes me wonder if this is some hook up venue. Had to give my daughter instruction not to click on those by accident and start messaging with strangers


Crappy hope the big fixes fix this cause i wrote them 6 times

I hope they fix the recent call thing cause when i make or receive calls on Tango the calls go into my recent calls on my iphone and the connection is crappy even tho i got good wifi we can’t hear on the phone it cuts in in out so i hope they or you guys fix that


Apple restricted iOS version It’s 17+ Apple. Wake up

First, if you complain about your children then you are a poor parent. This is an app for young adults Not for little kids
this app and the Yango community does a great job removing underage users

Second, If you are underage do not complain about the content. You do not belong here

THIRD: Apple do not restrict my ability to choose.
I want to go to private room It is my choice. Not your choice Apple.
Apple has blocked access to Private Rooms on iOS devices (iPhones , IPads )

Stupid move Apple. Think about it
Private rooms mean broadcast is not visible on preview of public streams.
You have to pay to enter.
You have to be invited!
Access is already restricted!


Tango is great

this app is just such a great app! Whatever you are looking for socially you will find here. There are tons of sweet people to get to know from all over the world and in a sense the community here becomes like a family. I recommend checking it out weather you want to get your feet wet broadcasting or if you’d like to just meet someone special to get to know.

Souka   9 months ago


Joe bonn   1 year ago

Why tango live scams and girls beg money you allow it

Joel Born   2 years ago

Still owe me 50$ back

Kirk   2 years ago

Tango has girls that i paid got no prvt are most girls cammers

Gracian   2 years ago

I can't redeem my diamonds because of account under financial? what can i do? how long it takes? help me

John   2 years ago

Tango is a complete RIP off. Don't join this app as you can Never leave. It takes a grip worse than a gambling site and will let you spend money beyond your means. It won't stop you spending money and you can't ban yourself like a gaming site. I can't recommend this site at all.

Lynn Lynn   2 years ago

To the " concerned mother's & parents " this TANGO APP IS ONLY ))) FOR ADULTS!!! 17+ & UP! READ THE RULES, this app is for MATURE adults! So we are keeping the app the way it is! For adults only !!!!! Thanks. Tango please change back to how you use to be, let us do group privates shows again !!! We are adults!

Jumraiz   2 years ago

I am using tango for the last few months and I have noticed that tango is cheating its steamers with a tricky gifting system as steamers receive a very small sum as compared to the exobirant amount tango charges to its viewers to sell coins. For example, if a steamer collects10k dimonds he/she receives $50 on their redemption and to earn 10k dimonds, a steamer requires gifts worth 14.5k coins from viewers of which approx 70% he/she earns as dimonds. But on the other hand tango receives minimum 140$ from viewers to sell 14.5k coins and that's too when coins are bought in bulk using the cheapest option available otherwise cost can be much more higher if coins are purchased in small quantities. So anyone who wants to support someone on tango should consider the fact that his/her friend will only be receiving less than 30% of the money he is paying to tango. It's a simple mathematics anyone can check it by doing little calculations.

Darky   2 years ago

Beware full of scammers especially from the developers. Heaps of underage nudity including as young as 12. App should be banned !

Is Tango Safe?

Yes. Tango - Live Stream, Go Live is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 54,086 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Tango Is 20.7/100.

Is Tango Legit?

Yes. Tango - Live Stream, Go Live is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 54,086 Tango - Live Stream, Go Live User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Tango Is 55/100..

Is Tango - Live Stream, Go Live not working?

Tango - Live Stream, Go Live works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $67.00
Yearly Subscription $10.00

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