Marco Polo - Video Messenger Reviews

Marco Polo - Video Messenger Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-20

About: Marco Polo combines the best of texting, social media and video chats - all in
one private, easy to use app. IS IT SOCIAL MEDIA? It’s different from typical
social media apps because Marco Polo is real, trusted and built to be good for

About Marco Polo

What is Marco Polo? Marco Polo is a private, easy-to-use app that combines the best of texting, social media, and video chats. It is different from typical social media apps as it is real, trusted, and built to be good for users. Marco Polo is designed to be for your closest friends and family, and it is ad-free and does not collect your data. The app is free to use, but there is a paid membership plan called Marco Polo Plus that unlocks premium features and an elevated experience.



- Unlimited chats and groups

- Voice effects and camera filters

- Notification controls

- Emojis (heart, thumbs up, smiley face)

- Ability to upgrade to Marco Polo Plus at any point

- Marco Polo Plus features:

- Fast forward with speed controls

- Save Polos in HD

- Voice-only Polos

- Custom emoji reactions

- Plus Passes to share with friends and family

- Marco Polo Plus Individual:

- Annual: $5/month billed annually at $59.99

- Monthly: $9.99/month billed monthly

- Marco Polo Plus Family:

- Annual: Less than $2/month per membership billed annually at $119.99

- Monthly: $19.99/month billed monthly

- Payments are charged to the user's Apple ID account at confirmation of purchase

- Subscriptions automatically renew unless the user cancels at least 24 hours before the end of the current period

- Users can manage and cancel subscriptions in their account settings on the App Store

- Terms of Use:

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 2,074,830 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Marco Polo

- Allows users to talk to family members who are in different countries or states

- Convenient to talk at any time of day or night

- Ability to save or erase conversations

- Faster than writing letters, sending tapes, or texting

20 Marco Polo Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Why Aren’t There Any Visible Current Reviews

Perhaps it is because the current reviews are too poor and/or too poignant or pointless, I don’t know... but if anyone cares or is listening, I refuse to believe and cannot possibly believe that I would be the first to complain about the new subscription required to access the features that we had before and are no longer present. There’s little to match the need for or the greed for the ol’ mighty dollar; but for whatever the reason for taking away the features... I think it was of the worst and unethical thing to decide to do, than to just sit down and think up additional features that would warrant a subscription to this magnitudes! Your subscription charge is as much as it would be for providing some kind of private phone number or something! It is infuriating.. It’s not that MarcoPolo isn’t worth any monetary value to have; but it’s wrong for how you’ve taken away what was given as free features, to now dangle to have them through subscription only. My five star views have now changed to one as a result, and hopefully, if you allow this review to be publicly visible, other users or former users will ask you the same question as in my title... or will at least ask you to undo this and make a Marco Pollo2, for subscription with ADDED features worth the subscription being charged.


Best messaging app ever!!

My three siblings are all over the country so we don't see each other often. And we're all busy so even talking on the phone regularly is a challenge. But with Marco Polo we talk several times a day and now feel so much more connected and closer than ever! It's as if we were living near one another and having coffee daily. We all treasure MarcoPolo more than you can imagine. We created a channel for talking to my nephew who is in the Air Force across the country and he really appreciates the opportunity to hear our words of support and encouragement. We have another channel with all the nieces and nephews, allowing us to become so much closer. And we have a channel with our cousins in Italy whom we have never met in person, and that has been really awesome!! MarcoPolo is do much better than Snapchat or Instagram or FB. My only complaint is that as of the last update it is behaving oddly. If I hit the x to exit from a Polo I'm watching so I can jump ahead and record one, it just freezes the screen on the Polo I was watching while the audio keeps playing and I have to force close MarcoPolo and maybe I can stop the Polo that's playing so I can jump ahead. This happens every time I try to jump ahead to record when I'm listening to a Polo. It didn't used to do that. iPhone XS Max with the latest iOS. Otherwise we all love it.


Love Marco Polo

My niece asked me to join Marco Polo and I was hesitant at first even though it was free. But what I have come to really love besides the fact that it puts us in contact with each other, is the convenience of Marco Polo. I can talk to anyone in the middle the night when I can’t sleep; I can talk in the early hours of the morning before my day gets started; likewise, I can listen to what they sent to me at My convenience regardless of the time of day or night.

You can choose to save your conversations or you can erase them when you’re done with them. For years are used to write letters that took a long amount of time not to mention pains of the all hands; then I sent tape cassettes back-and-forth to people over the states to stay closer; and texting also takes a lot of time! But with Marco Polo, you can talk as much or as little as you want to but the most important part is you can talk whenever it is convenient for you to talk. It doesn’t matter at all whether the person you’re talking to is awake or not because they’re not getting this Marco Polo when you’re making it. They listen to it whenever they have time and that might not be for a day or two or even a week. That’s the beauty of Marco Polo.

Marco Polo has put me in touch with people that I otherwise was rarely ever in touch with. I absolutely love it and you will too!


Upgrade ? More like downgrade.

As many others have said Marco Polo’s “upgrade” comes across as a poor marketing decision. Every feature aside from the recording of videos themselves has become an up-charge ( 2x’s fast forward, rewinding, recording the bubble when you’re responding to a video, sending a note, sending a picture, etc.) it’s all now ONLY available via plus. Now I was understanding of a need to assist their team / company keep up with demands of increased use due to COVID. However that did not require EVERY capability of MarcoPolo to be only available with a paid membership. Furthermore a one time fee would be more understandable, but $5 a month fee is excessive and an inconsiderate move towards both long time users pre-COVID-19 and newer users who have relied on Marco Polo as a means to stay connected /maintain their mental health during a time of immense financial instability.

Ideally they would have followed suit of many other apps maintaining to users the free version of their app as in and offering a plus version of their app with new features and capabilities
However Marco Polo went about it a different route.
I am going to go about it a different route as well and I will no longer be using MarcoPolo I will use Kinzoo instead.


Free version is suddenly VERY limited

I am a long-time user of Marco Polo, having used it daily for almost two years. Today I received an update that stripped away all of the features I've known and got used to over this time, at the same time the Pro version launched. The features removed from the free version were: 2x speed, sharing photos, text message, emoji and video reactions, and scrolling to a specific point in a polo. I find this to be a very distasteful marketing move, especially at a time when video networking usage has increased due to COVID-19. I don't know the company's historic data on app users or their financial health at a time like this, but it comes off as if the company is looking to capitalize on the demand for people to connect via video; at the same time we see other companys taking the opposite approach of relaxing restrictions and allowing users more features or potential free use of services. To me, the latter are honorable decisions.

I have given MarcoPolo a 2-star review because I think MarcoPolo with all of the features is a robust, quality app. But I'm very disappointed and conflicted by the company ethics to make a drastic move like this with all appearances of capitalizing on potential new business during a time of international crisis. I think a paid version is absolutely reasonable to have, if handled in a better way - creating new features, rather than removing ones that have been around for years - at a more appropriate time.


What The Change?!

Ok so I have a few friends that have MarcoPolo and we all use it ALL DAY EVERY DAY!! I hate/despise Snapchat! MarcoPolo is easy to use and understand!! The ONLY reason I gave it 4 stars is because things like this... and I wish I could add pictures to this review to help illustrate the point I’m trying to make.

Used MarcoPolo this morning and it was the same setup as every other day, midway through the day it updated, or so I thought. The ‘emoji icons’ that where at the bottom of the screen where now on the right side of the screen making it easier to not press one by mistake. There where a couple of other small changes but I don’t remember what they where at the moment because it switches back to how it used to be, hence the ‘reverse updating’ I’m mildly confused/complaining about. I even went through and did a proper update to see if I could get to the ‘new’ changes, nothing. Power cycled my fone, still nothing. Checked for any ‘missing’ updates, none to be found... I really liked the new look and was very pleased with how you ‘cleaned up’ the screen area. Either plz fix it to how it was around 2pm cst or just fix the screen clutter!! Nothing like going to press START and being a 1/10sec to slow and ‘loving’ a message of ‘oh, my moms cat died today...’

OTHERWISE... This is actually a really good app overall. Again my friends, all in other states, use it DAILY!!


Love Marco!!!

I absolutely love MarcoPolo! It is amazing. We have used it for several years and it enables us to keep in touch as we travel around the world. I have some updates I would love to see in the future. My AirPods don’t continuously stay connected when I’m watching Marco’s. My AirPods work perfectly when listening to anything else on my phone. Can we have an option to lock in the listening to AirPods? I would love to be able to watch Marco’s while doing other tasks on my phone. Can you make it optional for Marco to be screen in screen? Lastly, can we mark polos as unwatched and have that red dot remain? I accidentally touch my screen all the time and my friends are 80 messages ahead of me and then I lose my place when all the red dots disappear. Lol it certainly takes some of the fun out when I stop a Marco to chat back and then I don’t know where I was in the chat. Thanks Marco for your amazing app. I am into my 2nd year as a plus member because I believe in supporting businesses. I love that you are ad free and don’t sell out information. Providing an app is not free and when I break down the price, it’s totally affordable. Thanks for the plus passes so I can show my friends that they need to upgrade as well!


Stay at Home Mom Approved!

MarcoPolo has helped this stay at home Mom keep her sanity! It allows me to talk to friends off and on all day so I don’t just feel stuck at home alone. I LOVE being a SAHM but it can get lonely. So it is so nice to be able to talk to someone basically face to face throughout my day.
My sister and I live only a few miles a part and yet we’d go weeks without talking to each other bc we were both too busy with our kids. MarcoPolo has helped us communicate more than we have in years! And it’s so much better than just getting texts or Snapchat. I hate texting now! I’d much rather send someone a Marco Polo bc it’s so much easier and faster, and I can tell them exactly what I want on my own time. I love that we can have a conversation with each other whenever each of us has a chance. Our free time for a conversation doesn’t have to be at the exact time anymore! MarcoPolo is amazing. My whole family uses it now, and we share a lot through a group chat. It has helped bring our entire family closer.
And it’s so much more personal than Snapchat. On Snapchat I’d only send quick little funny messages to friends or a cute video. But this is more for real conversations. And I love that it’s hands free so I can talk to friends while folding laundry!


Would have been 5 star.... ☹️

👍🏻This is an amazing app and I suggest getting it, but there is one big problem. People who are new to Marco Polo probably won’t mind this, but it bugs me really bad 😩. A while back Marco Polo had all these amazing features like being able to text on Marco Polo when you couldn’t video, sending videos through Marco Polo, sending pictures through Marco Polo, being able to watch the video at two times the speed, being able to send a lot of emojis while watching live, and being able to send a live emoji while watching live (It’s where you video yourself saying something and it will pop up on the screen and the person recording can watch it while still recording). There are probably more features I forgot to name. Well now you have to pay for all those features! I understand adding new features and having to pay for them, but making people pay for features that people have already been using is ridiculous!!! I know the makers of Marco Polo probably ignore reviews like these and don’t even care about if we are upset with this or not, but they should AT LEAST make it cheaper or leave some of the features available😡!!! Other than that I think MarcoPolo is great 👍🏻. I just hope the makers of Marco Polo will consider changing it.


Removed features, added paywall

I am a long-time user of Marco Polo, having used it daily for almost two years. Today I received an update that stripped away all of the features I've known and got used to over this time, at the same time the Pro version launched. The features removed from the free version were: 2x speed, sharing photos, text message, emoji and video reactions, and scrolling to a specific point in a polo. I find this to be a very distasteful marketing move, especially at a time when video networking usage has increased due to COVID-19. I don't know the company's historic data on app users or their financial health at a time like this, but it comes off as if the company is looking to capitalize on the demand for people to connect via video; at the same time we see other companys taking the opposite approach of relaxing restrictions and allowing users more features or potential free use of services. To me, the latter are honorable decisions. I have given MarcoPolo a 2-star review because I think MarcoPolo with all of the features is a robust, quality app. But I'm very disappointed and conflicted by the company ethics to make a drastic move like this with all appearances of capitalizing on potential new business during a time of international crisis. I think a paid version is absolutely reasonable to have, if handled in a better way - creating new features, rather than removing ones that have been around for years - at a more appropriate time.


Used to be great, but not worth it anymore.

This was great. We used to use MarcoPolo to talk to family in another country and to send videos of our baby to parents in different states of the U.S. Absolutely loved it. But once they rolled out this premium membership thing it quickly became not worth using. I can’t predict when my kid will do something cute, I take videos and sometimes it happens; but now that I can’t send videos from my camera roll, my relatives just don’t get to see what he does anymore. My dad likes to go on really long explanations about his hobbies, which are great! But they are way easier to watch on 2x speed. Except I can’t do that anymore, so I end up just not watching his Polo’s. The list goes on.

Yes MarcoPolo still has this functionality - if you’re willing to fork over your life savings to them, that is. I get it that developers need income, but a monthly subscription to something that isn’t adding content or regularly updating in major ways is absolutely ridiculous. I would happily watch adds. I would happily pay a one time fee to download. But seeing the developers fall into the growing trend of a monthly subscription just to access 3 or 4 features that used to be standard is sickening, and only goes to show where their priorities really lie.

I will continue to use MarcoPolo because my family doesn’t want to switch to something new; but I will never pay a dime to a company that takes advantage of their consumers.


Update Makes Me Want to Stop Using

I’ll start by saying, I’m a pretty huge fan of Marco Polo. It’s the best of FaceTime and text combined. Want to see someone’s face? Send them a polo. Can’t watch it live? It’s saved for later. It’s a godsend for keeping up with my family who live in different parts of the state.

That being said, I am SUPER disappointed in the new push for Marco Polo Plus. To create a version to be a paid version, I get, but pulling features that were a part of the free version and now making them paid? Not cool. It’s so obnoxious, that I’m about to stop using MarcoPolo altogether and most of my friends feel the same. It’s not worth it, and frankly it’s pretty disingenuous of the company to do this as well. If they would have kept MP as is, and then added different features for plus, that might’ve been an incentive, but to go in and pull back on features we’ve already been using free and make us pay for them—NOPE. Plus, they haven’t even removed the features we had from the screen. You’re an app developer. The LEAST you can do if you’re now going to charge for features that were once free is remove them because my natural habit is to go use them and when I do, I get the annoying add to upgrade. Sorry, MP, I understand wanting to make money with your product, but sell banner ads or something. Very disappointed. 👎🏻


Make this app free again!

I love Marco Polo! It’s been a critical part of reconnecting with long-lost friends. I was however, very disappointed when you changed your app’s accessibility. I’m no longer able to continue benefitting from most of the features that make MarcoPolo amazing without paying the annual fee!

While I appreciate the ad free experience that you pride yourself in, you essentially made yourselves no longer a free app in doing so. Which, in my opinion, was also something you initially prided yourselves in. It’s disappointing! Especially to so many users who have been on MarcoPolo since the beginning! We all went from loving MarcoPolo to being demoted! You held the best features of MarcoPolo hostage to those of us who were already using those features- requiring us to pay to keep using them. I think you should have kept all current members with the capabilities they were already used to it in MarcoPolo and only required new users to incur the annual fee to use the features.

I know this has been an extraordinary season! Which makes it that much more amazing to have the use of apps like Marco Polo! I hope you continue to find way to make MarcoPolo better and most of all, cheaper! 😁


Almost Perfect

I absolutely love MarcoPolo! I use it quite often and it comes in handy when I can’t text or want to pair visuals with the message. I feel like MarcoPolo could be the next platform to blow up, but there is one major problem:
On my device, about half the times I try to use Marco Polo, a huge glitch comes up.
When I click on a video to watch, it will work for about 1-2 seconds then the screen goes black. The audio still plays but the screen stays black. If I tap the screen nothing changes, but if I press the home button, the video will work for a couple seconds before going black again. Even pressing the power button doesn’t work. The only way I can shut down MarcoPolo is either waiting for it to crash, or pressing the home button multiple times until the home screen finally appears. I have tried to reinstall MarcoPolo in case there was a patch or the glitch was a one-off thing on my phone but the issue continued.
This is a huge issue that would deter people from using MarcoPolo . It seems like the customer service here is great so I hope the glitch is taken care of soon if it’s affecting others as well. I have an iPhone by the way, in case that makes a difference.
Many thanks for reading my complaint, and good luck with your business. 🙂


Limited options now

Marco Polo was a great tool to keep in touch with distant friends a family. To share memorable moments with them live, for them to either watch along or later at their own time. HOWEVER, since this new paid version, it took away a lot of important FREE features, one of which I appreciated the most which was to be able to fast forward through the Marco. NOW, it’s forcing me to watch the entire Marco or else it’ll just keep the “1” next to it until I watch. I have a Marco that my mom did, and she didn’t realize she was still recording, so I have this hour long Marco of her phone in her pocket and moving around that I can’t just forward through. That’s really annoying. Also, the quick response while watching the Marco was awesome as well. I get it, everyone has to make a $1, but it’s a bit unfair to A. Not even warn us about the changes, or at least I don’t remember getting anything about it. B. Giving us GREAT features for FREE and then saying...”like that huh?? Now give me money for it!!” That’s like inviting guest over for dinner, then after they enjoyed your food, charging them for their plate. I think if you ADDED more features and charged for the NEWEST features but keeping what was initially free FREE then I could give Marco a 5 star rating. But having to pay $60 for MarcoPolo or $5 a month for features that were freely given initially is a bit unfair.


Deeper friendships

I heard about MarcoPolo and decided to download it and invite the women from my weekly church small group to join. We began a group chat that just has not stopped or slowed down one bit! I didn’t think it would be such a hit or so well used, but everyone loves it. We check in with each other nearly every day. Sometimes for small, funny moments. Sometimes for deeper, longer or more serious reasons. But the overall effect has been a much greater connection than we’ve ever had- and our group has been together for about seven years! There is just something so much more intimate and connective about seeing each other (seeing people in their environment, hearing their inflections and watching them process through thoughts vs. a well composed or edited text message). Compared to texting, which was our most used form of communication before, this goes way beyond. With busy days and conflicting schedules (and boisterous children), it’s almost impossible to have any kind of regular phone conversation. MarcoPolo makes it feel as though you’re entering the other person’a day and they are a part of yours in a much more fun and dynamic way. I wish we would’ve discovered this sooner!


Struggle bus

When I first heard about Marco Polo (MP) I was stoked because it seemed like the perfect app to stay in touch with several longtime friends that I’ve known since middle school that live far away. It took time to get used to the idea, but we caught on quickly and have used MP every day. We couldn’t have been happier with MP until the developers removed all the basic features, at the time, to the paid platform. Even basic features that helped users move through a MP post quicker were removed to the pay platform. For the users that were here before the format change it has been a difficult transition. To be candid we have been looking for a new platform to communicate with one another. I wish the developers would have been more creative and just kept features like fast forward in the free app and moved some of the less important features to the paid version and then developed some unique features to entice users to the free app. Unfortunately, they just gutted MarcoPolo and left longtime users with a bad taste in their mouth. Also, I realize there are features like emojis and audio/visual modifications, but again those should be the features offered in the paid platform and the basic utility functions like speeding up should be available on the free platform. That’s why I give the developers 3 stars.


Functionality Became a Commodity & it’s a “Too bad! So sad!” Situation

Marco Polo lost more than a star when functionality became a commodity. I’m sad to report I just don’t use MarcoPolo as much as I used to, since everyday functions such as texts, forwarding, emoji choices, playing video at 2X speed & more are now paid/premium services, only accessible w/the $60 a year Marco Polo plus version. This is everything ever threatened by other types of social media that never occurred; for Marco Polo however, it came to fruition, and it’s rotten. I plan to search for other apps that are as functional as Marco Polo used to be. Have Nots who used to be Haves are worse off than Have Nots who never knew any better. I was excited for a minute, when I read a developer reply to a similar comment (I KNEW there would be a ton of similar comments/reviews!) that one could switch back to the old version, as long as MarcoPolo was on the phone before April 2020. That is NO LONGER TRUE! Now I’m stuck as a “have not” who used to be a “have”. That’s the worst! I know what I’m missing out on—including the opportunity to go back to the old version. I WILL try kinzoo next, as I know there are enough stupid rich in the US to keep MP developers laughing so loudly, all the way to the bank, that cries of dissatisfaction from former customers will not be heard. SMH.


Not the company I thought it was

I want to start by saying that I have used Marco Polo for years as a way to get in contact with my long distance friends, and outside the occasional technical bug or two, MarcoPolo has been great. So why am I giving this a one-star rating?

Very recently, Marco Polo has decided to run some testing on their updated product, Marco Polo Plus. I was selected as a participant in this marketing research of theirs. And I wouldn’t have an issue with this, except that nearly all features I had previous to Marco Polo Plus have been eliminated. I cannot use the 2x speed button, I cannot drag ahead or behind in a video, the video reaction feature disappeared, and all but two reaction emojis have vanished. If I want any of my old features back, I must pay for the Plus version and get several extras that I never asked for.

With this said, I feel highly devalued as a customer. I would have been more than happy to pay $5/month for additional features, such as the ability to take notes and refer back to them when responding, along with more emoji reactions. I use MarcoPolo every day. And now it is certainly not the “comforting” social app that I remember. It has become a royal pain. There are also more technical issues than before since they decided to make me a participant. Had they gone about this differently, they would have had my business in a heartbeat. Very disappointing to say the least.


New Update/Plus

I understand that paid subscribers allow for the free to remain. But, taking away features we’ve been using and putting them into a paid version is just like if snapchat started a paid tier that allowed for written chat and it was taken from the free tier who had been using and loving the feature. It wouldn’t seem like the biggest deal but it would drastically change the experience. Or if Facebook opened a tiered level and only allowed paid users to access messenger and groups. It would ruin Facebook but it would take some vital aspects away. Companies are working hard to give more free features, and “covid times” aren’t ending any time soon, you’ll have business, you’d get investors, someone will ultimately as to buy you out. Why not add different speeds for the paid tier and keep 2x for free? Allow filters and additional length for in Marco Polo responses for the top tier and keep the normal response for free? It seems you’re asking people to pay for what they had and pay for the promise of more to come? Make the more start now and have people pay for expansion of options, taking options from people is like taking the forks from everyone sitting in an Italian restaurant and telling them that the spaghetti in front of them is awesome, but now forks are an extra $5... poor business practices, the spaghetti isn’t good enough to eat with my hands when other restaurants give me a fork for free.


Marco Polo even for the old, but young at heart!!

I recently turned 50 and have been using Marco Polo to connect with some other old friends from high school and college. I have never left a review for an app before, but I decided to today because I just left a video for my friends and I realized how long it would have taken me to write it in a text or a phone call to all in the group. You get it all done at one time. You don’t feel like you are getting them at a bad time and they are being polite talking to you. I do not really like FaceTiming not sure I guess it’s that I feel like your still could be interrupting them but now you can see it in their face. With Marco Polo you just send and answer on your time. You still get the facial reaction to what you had to tell them and again it is so much faster than texting and you can get across what you want to say by your facial expression. Oh did I mention it’s easy!!! Anyone should be able to use it young and old, personal or work related. Just try it out. There are fun things you can add and funny voices and if you want you can also respond back by text!! Enjoy have a fantastic day!!



I like MarcoPolo because it allows users to send and receive videos when it’s convenient. It’s hard to FaceTime when people have different schedules and live in different time zones. Besides, I love getting video messages over text messages because I can tune into the persons mood, I love to see their face, it just makes me feel like I’m closer and it’s made all the difference! I have friends who have use this and loved it with their grandchildren! I personally started using it when I was homebound for an extended period of time due to illness and getting video messages from friends was always a highlight!
My only suggestion (and reason I gave it four stars instead of five) would be to not make people wait for some of the “bells and whistle’s”. Sometimes it’s the little things make MarcoPolo much more interactive and fun. Why not give those to everyone so they have a full experience from the beginning? At the time I’m writing this you have to have been a user for 30 days AND have sent at least 50 video messages. I don’t think people view getting to use emojis while watching live as an incentive to keep using it as much as they might see it as a reason to quit using it. The more interactive the two parties can be the better.
Otherwise great app.


Great app, but has some flaws...

I have loved MarcoPolo since the moment I downloaded it. Everyone I’ve introduced it to has also loved it. It’s a great way to keep in touch, and it can easily fit into the busiest schedules because the videos can be watched any time. One of the greatest features of Marco Polo is being able to see that your friend(s) is/are watching your live video. In the last month or so, this feature has been extremely inconsistent. It will not show that my friends are present in the conversation, and vise versa, it does not show them that I am active. This is the same with the emojis. Even when a user is active and present in the conversation, the other users can not see any emojis that are being sent. It seems the only way to correct this issue is to force close MarcoPolo and reboot it. My friends and I have to do this several times each day we use MarcoPolo . Super frustrating! I still love MarcoPolo , but I do wish they would correct this issue. Also, adding the ability to send chats while a friend is talking would be super helpful! Similar to Facebook/Instagram/YouTube live, how the users can send comments that the person streaming live can view during the video. Also, MORE EMOJIS!!


Love love love

I love love love Marco Polo. I was introduced to it my my mentor initially who was using it to have group chats with her students. At the time I had just moved halfway across the country with my family and knew no one in my new city. I felt so isolated and disconnected. So I started introducing MP to my friends and now I feel more intimately connected with them than ever before. I have my work from home moms from before that I connect with, my best friends and even friends that I only used to get to chat with once every few months bc of time zones and busy lifestyles. We’ve all grown much closer and I’m so thankful for MarcoPolo. I have even had weekly (or more) chats with my cousin all the way in Australia - that was always a hard one to maintain bc were on opposites sides of the world and our times hardly ever matched. My kids get to chat and connect with their cousins in Australia and also our friends from our home city. One tiny thing I’d love (just updated MarcoPolo so maybe it’s already happened) is for MP to render color better when in brighter light so I don’t look like a ghost haha! Other than that please don’t mess with MarcoPolo too much!


Marco Polo is the best way to connect digitally

MarcoPolo has helped me stay in contact with my family(there are 9 of us and we are all very close but live in different cities), I can see them anytime I want and let them in on what’s going on with my life and also have incredibly deep and meaningful conversations with my FRIENDS!! MarcoPolo is MarcoPolo for all of my introverted/social anxiety ridden/recluse babies too- girl, you can STAY CONNECTED and participate in ALL of your friends lives with the click of a “start” button! You can stay involved and get back to their videos whenever is convenient! Seriously, if you have a hard time getting out or can’t always participate in stuff with your extroverts(cause let’s be honest extroverts always latch on to introverts and that’s how we socialize😂). But MarcoPolo has been a HUGE game-changer for my introverted friends who never go out with me!! Now we have great conversations(some serious, some fun, some silly), and I get to see their faces everyday if I want to! It’s a great way to remain connected without having to over exert yourself by going out all the time💓


Needs more privacy and easier delete function

First of all, thanks for a free app with a fun concept.

That said, I really wish there were a feature to select and delete multiple chats at a time. I didn’t know when I gave MarcoPolo access to my contacts that it would automatically spam my page with everyone in my phone on MarcoPolo (including a few I don’t even recognize). I use MarcoPolo for family and a few close friends only, so I don’t like being spammed with people I didn’t choose. And I don’t want all those people to be able to send me messages. Not everyone in your phone is someone you want to see that much! Please, developers, at least make it optional to automatically upload all your phone contacts who use MarcoPolo OR part of them (manually).

All this, and the fact that it took a while to delete each person from my main page or feed, or group of tiles (whatever it’s called) made me consider deleting MarcoPolo . I still may if it continues to be a problem. Like I said, it’s a fun concept, but I don’t like the clutter and lack of privacy options. Any plans to work on that? Maybe take a page from the Instagram interface where you choose whom you want to follow/see?


This app saved my relationship

If my boyfriend and I didn’t have MarcoPolo during our long distance relationship for a year, I’m not sure if we would’ve lasted. Because of the huge time difference and we both were so busy, we couldn’t always text or FaceTime. But Marco Polo, we were able to leave video messages to each other. No pressure to respond or feeling bad that we missed a FaceTime call. We simply just responded whenever we were able to.

I would be a spokesperson for them honestly because MarcoPolo is amazing. I use it to talk to my family living in different places as well! Also, my family was able to keep in contact with my boyfriend while he was away. He was able to keep in contact with his family. It’s just amazing!

That’s why I gave it 5 stars, sometimes MarcoPolo does have its issues but honestly it’s just like any other app with issues. It’s an app! It’s not perfect. Even IG and FB has its moments. You can save videos you made and send them. Have group chats. Sorry for the long review but I just love MarcoPolo!


Love it, but having minor issues

I have really been loving MarcoPolo. I’ve been using it with my best friends that live all over the world for about a year and a half now, and we’ve actually grown way closer because of it. It helps to keep us updated on each other’s lives without having to worry about planning times to catch up. Since we’re in multiple different time zones, this has helped us out so much!

That being said, the ONLY complaint I have is what happened after the most recent update. My cousin and I use this as our main source of communication because of our busy schedules, but recently, the videos just started getting cut off. Normally I get a notification when the connection is bad and then the full video sends later (when it reconnects). Now, the videos just completely stop and I miss out on a vast majority of the full video. We have almost completely stopped using MarcoPolo because having to come back on and repeat everything has been a really big inconvenience. Before that happened, I had absolutely no complaints about MarcoPolo ! If this gets fixed, I’ll be back up to 5 stars 👍🏼


NEEDED key feature

MarcoPolo is great as a walkie talkie app with friends and family. And I love the idea of the 2x speed option especially when I’m far behind in my polos. HOWEVER... PLEASE add the ability to have the speed be 1.25, 1.5, and 1.75x. To me 2x is typically too fast to understand people when they’re talking. UI wise, just make it a long press to change up the speed settings and have it stay at the user preferred rate. This shouldn’t be too much of a change on the dev side so please add this much needed feature! And once you do, I’ll add a star back.

As always with my reviews, I’m skeptical of privacy with free apps that want me to sign up with an account. Your privacy outline is also pretty vague with who you CAN give my info to so for that reason, I’ve taken another star off. Pretty sure you’re not going to change that but privacy is becoming a bigger and bigger issue these days and I feel companies need to do a better job of being transparent of their intentions with our info and ensuring they’re not giving it to random companies that us as the consumers aren’t aware of.

Bottom line. Please just add the speed feature and I’ll update my review! Thanks!


So blessed to have Marco Polo

Thank you so much for creating MarcoPolo. I adore it! I love being able to keep in contact this way, and especially that it’s unlimited and you can save them! When I moved halfway across the country it was a way to interact with family and friends left behind. When I started dating it was a way to share the details of our hearts, minds, and days on a personal level and now I can look back over our journey through Marco Polo and remember!!! Also, I have a couple of questions/suggestions: could you make it available to access your videos and create them online as well? Like from your website? I would also love to be able to download the videos from months ago to my device/computer so that I can save them to a disc as well, but the problem is that I can’t download many past Marco Polos because I have so many with my fiancé that I have to go to “see all” and when I tap on a video it will play and pause, but there are no other options. Could that be updated, please?! Thank you!!

Is Marco Polo Safe?

No. Marco Polo - Video Messenger does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,074,830 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Marco Polo Is 15.3/100.

Is Marco Polo Legit?

No. Marco Polo - Video Messenger does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,074,830 Marco Polo - Video Messenger User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Marco Polo Is 33.1/100..

Is Marco Polo - Video Messenger not working?

Marco Polo - Video Messenger works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Marco Polo Plus

- Description: A paid membership plan that unlocks premium features and an elevated experience

- Features: Fast forward with speed controls, save Polos in HD, voice-only Polos, custom emoji reactions, Plus Passes

- Price for Individual Plan:

- Annual: $5/month billed annually at $59.99

- Monthly: $9.99/month billed monthly

- Price for Family Plan:

- Annual: Less than $2/month per membership billed annually at $119.99

- Monthly: $19.99/month billed monthly

- Payment: Charged to the user's Apple ID account at confirmation of purchase

- Renewal: Subscriptions automatically renew unless the user cancels at least 24 hours before the end of the current period

- Manage and Cancel: Users can manage and cancel subscriptions in their account settings on the App Store.

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