LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live Reviews

LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-11

About: LiveMe is a popular live streaming social network. It allows you to live stream
your special moments, watch great live streams, and video chat online with
people worldwide.

About LiveMe

What is LiveMe? LiveMe is a live streaming social network that allows users to broadcast their special moments, watch live streams, and video chat with people worldwide. The app aims to provide top-tier live streams with 365 days of nonstop brilliant content. Users can go live with just one touch and showcase their talents, receive gifts, and gain followers to become social media influencers. The app also offers features like live PK, video chat, voice chat room, live game streaming, rich stickers and filters, and the ability to connect with friends and create groups.



- Go live with just one touch and showcase your talents

- Watch millions of talented broadcasters, including dancers, singers, comedians, and more

- Participate in live PK challenges to meet new people or have fun with friends

- Video chat with friends and create group video chats of up to 9 people in Multi-beam mode

- Sing karaoke, talk about life, and learn foreign languages in the voice chat room

- Watch gamers play popular games like League of Legends, NBA, Among Us, PUBG, and FIFA 2021

- Use fun face stickers and filters during live streams

- Connect with friends on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to watch live and share spontaneous moments

- Create groups to interact with people who have shared interests

- LiveMe Gold Subscription offers multiple privileges, including NFT avatar and exclusive hexagon avatar frame, to distinguish your profile and better show yourself.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Negative experience

Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 25,056 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of LiveMe

- Easy to use

- Chance to meet wonderful people

- Creative software developers

- Genuine feedback

- Safe environment

- Show true talent

21 LiveMe Reviews

4.0 out of 5



It’s an excellent application very easy to use and you get a chance to meet wonderful people Plus day by day The software The caliber always every now and think comes with new stuff that Makes this application interesting And because they have very creative software developers every day is this your prize you with new stuff definitely I recommend it to everybody give it a try it’s for free and definitely after the new upgrade it makes very interesting and the most important point to make this application the best application for social media and the world by far whenever they ask you for feedback it’s very genuine to improve how to make this application better that means the software developer in this application does listen to us I love it I love it I’ve been a member and this social media platform over five years I love it definitely I recommended everybody looking forward to be in a social media application and it will be in the safe environment because they do enforce everything to make the environment very safe and if there is anything it seems wrong there is a hot line or email you can contact them and tell them you’re concern and definitely it will be resolved immediately safe environment a wonderful application and there is no words will express how happy I am with this application un like others social media platforms😃👍



I’ve been on LiveMe for 2 years and I’m even a royal user. I had a guy threaten my life on live and in his broadcast he called someone and told them where I lived and that they were going to kill me that night. I contacted this app and even sent them evidence to have the person banned. They did absolutely nothing but send me generic email responses and lied about having their audit department look into the issue. The replay is even still up of the incident happening. They pick and choose who they want to ban and it’s quite unfair. I was banned for sexual suggestiveness when I was cooking and fully clothed. I asked them to provide evidence of this and they couldn’t and once again sent me generic emails and literally didn’t lift my ban before 24hrs. I even sent them other profiles that were on the feature board that were absolutely sexually suggestive. It’s unreal the unfairness of LiveMe . I’ve even gotten a lawyer involved about the threats I received on LiveMe and them not correcting the issue but it’s supposed to be a “safe place”. They need better people that view emails and they need to be fair and just when it comes to banning people. It’s insane the amount of emails and complaints I’ve sent just for nothing to happen. Then the new conversion system is horrible. I don’t even want to recharge or gift because of it.



DOWNLOADERS BEWARE I HAVE BEEN WITH LiveMe SINCE 2016 HAVE HAD NOTHING BUT A GREAT TIME UNTIL THEY TOOK MY ACCOUNT AWAY FOR WHAT WHO KNOWS I WAS A Safety advocate beta team and even on the experience team that they had at one time I have sent in so many things to help make LiveMe better and safe and now my account is gone they say they can’t show proof of what I did for privacy issues well that’s a joke because they have shown me several different accounts and why they are banned good job this app today I contacted a lawyer they have a Law firms around the world and said they even have on in great Hong Kong so we are going to be filling a lawsuit also my bank is getting all my transactions together for a complete refund from LiveMe this would have been completely fixed if they would have shown me the proof of why I’m banned besides being on other platforms be smart don’t use this app unless you have deep pockets and/or money to just toss at a app that’s going no where get a registered sex offender off LiveMe then they pay to get their account back also contracting the new here because they said there doing a update on this platform so can’t wait to see this happen hopefully someone will get back to me before I get my money back if not I’ll invest it in to uplive tango meetme tagged or any other platform besides this one


Nice But Some Problems

I use mobile this app A LOT and every time I’m bored, or just want to watch some videos I watch this app videos. And I have this thing where every time I look at the video I immediately go to the comments just to see what’s going to happen. When go to the comments I scroll down, super easy. But I noticed that the comments have moved by the description of the video. I really hate that because I have to get used to tapping the comments. You guys have moved the comments before and when that happened I had to get used to tapping the comments, then you guys moved it back again! And I don’t like the way of going to a video HAVING TO TAP THE COMMENTS just to see what’s happening (I’m not mad I’m just writing the word in caps so you notice). I’ve gotten so used to scrolling down to see the comments. this app is in my favorites but that just something you guys need to fix. OR everyone can have the option to put the comments section to where they want it to be. Thank You For Your Time (if you’re reading this)


The Devs Will Harass You

The developers are hateful people. I’m not that popular with all the conceited ladies on LiveMe that pretend to care about dudes just to get virtual fake gifts. Those ladies are just as fake. A bunch of them (and same gender individuals that I reject) keep fake-reporting me, so the Devs keep harassing me over rules I never broke. I spent real money multiple times to support them and they still harass me and ban me just because I’m not fake like all these conceited people and robots all over the place that try to scam people, especially from Africa. They are so fake and App Store needs to put a pending lock on LiveMe to investigate them for bias, harassment, and spying on users. This is all against App Store policy and should be banned. This is just another Chinese money grab. Robots and scammers and fake conceited people. Don’t waste your time here! If you’re not popular they will fake-report you and the Devs will harass you! I’m reporting them to Apple to place a lock and investigate. There’s kids showing their privates and not wearing full clothes and talking about sex and flashing gang signs and using hate speech and discriminatory speech and they are not getting banned! I did none of this and I was banned. The Devs need to go back to school and get real jobs! Hey Devs? Grow up!


I love live me why

Live me is interest and loving I love it so much that I can’t go away but somethings concern me 60% of just want gift they don’t return and some of the Friends that you meet you always talk every night it’s so nice to talk laugh end have a good time then you have haters Friends that do eightbeams end when u give a gift you get nothing sometimes just hurts me you give and they don’t return and then you got Friends that do support you and the other ones that you support we’ll just don’t care I love LiveMe because I can show my true talent then there’s haters throw rumors around so you’re real Friends if they like u or not just ignore you or forgets LiveMe needs to change things The ones money or Mommy’s or daddy’s money sometimes they throw up in your face but it’s OK i’m not real rich but I try it just needs to stop with the ignorant in the races because if you don’t have money you’re not worth I thought LiveMe was for stars to rise and people to meet Nice people thank you very much.


Do they even care?

Look at all these reviews and look at their responses. That is he epitome of live me. They don’t appreciate the people who work hard and provide real content, the praise the people who spend thousands of dollars and give them special perks while people like me who broadcasts every single day, am left back with no proper recognition or verification.
If you have a problem and ask for help you get generic responses and a BIG Runaround! I’ve been loyal to LiveMe for over 3 years and put in HUNDREDS of hours and they advertise “chat with celebrities!” What a joke. LiveMe is for people that ARENT celebrities who actually are good at what we do and go unappreciated. The “celebrities “ were just hype. They don’t broadcast or care about anyone on LiveMe . It’s all marketing.
Also things are changed SO OFTEN it makes your head spin!
LiveMe was the greatest app in my life for 2 years and has since gone in a scary direction. And what am I left with after 3 years of hard work? Slow casts, minimal support, and no assistance from LiveMe .... you tell me if it’s a good app... now pay really close attention to the response they post if this review even sees the light of day...


I’m not sure

Honestly LiveMe has its up an downs( I use it daily ). I don’t understand why it says 17 and up when the age limit on LiveMe is 18. I’m a vip lvl 10 and I don’t understand why the report barley works anymore. The other day I did a video beam and the guy hops up showing his private so I reported it to live me like I have done in the past but his account is still there? I downloaded LiveMe in 2017 and some of the things I liked better back then, right now I just feel like there needs to be something new. I’ve seen a lot of “big” people on LiveMe bully or just up straight be rude and act like they run LiveMe . It’s scary to think I spend money on LiveMe and the next day I could be banned for no good reason or just because somebody reported me. I mean besides that you can meet really cool people on LiveMe , gift and have fun which I enjoy.


Replay Glitch?? Other glitches. Fix your app

I love LiveMe, but there is a critical glitch that I ran into on replays. Some replays will play perfectly fine straight through, and others will get stuck in a 3 second loop. I have no idea why and tried uninstalling and reinstalling LiveMe , tried clearing cache, tried force closing LiveMe and opening it again, but to no solution. It’s weird because most of the replays I try to watch get caught in these 3 second loops. It doesn’t allow me to watch the rest of the video. Also I think you should fix up replays, because first of all, you can’t get rid of the chat and it’s annoying if you’re trying to watch but the chat is in the way. You should also make it easier and more efficient in scrolling (brushing) through the video. Please fix it along with the much needed fix for the looping glitch in watching replays. THERE IS ALSO another glitch regarding stars and collecting them. A lot of the time, when you have done the time to collect a star, it won’t leave a notification in LiveMe , you have to go to the stars panel. There should be a fix for the star awards.



I downloaded LiveMe and made 2 live-streams on it. I made an account using my social media account on instagram. I got barely anything and it was the most boring app I ever used. After using LiveMe for 2 days, I deleted it. After 3 days, MY TABLET KEPT GETTING NOTIFICATIONS OF USING INSTAGRAM WHEN I NEVER USED INSTAGRAM!!! Someone IS USING my instagram account I USED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT ON this app AND IT’S HORRIBLE. I FEEL LIKE MY INSTAGRAM IS HACKED! I got a notification of using this app AT 11 PM AND I NEVER OPENED INSTAGRAM AT ALL!!! The notification comes from screen time. And then I deleted instagram. AT 1 AM, I GOT ANOTHER NOTIFICATION THAT I WAS ON INSTAGRAM AND AT THAT TIME I WAS ASLEEP!! I didn’t even HAVE THE INSTAGRAM APP INSTALLED AND IT SAYS I HAVE USED INSTAGRAM FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES WHEN I DELETED INSTAGRAM ALREADY. I swear LiveMe is TOXIC AND HORRIBLE. Downloading LiveMe allowed someone TO HACK IN MY INSTAGRAM. They got in my PERSONAL INFORMATION AND I AM NOT OKAY! I will SUE LiveMe IF THEY GET INTO MY PERSONAL INFORMATION AGAIN AND MAKE THEM PAY! NEVER DOWNLOAD THIS STUPID APP!! I have screenshots to PROVE IT TO YOU THAT THEY STOLE MY INFORMATION and they are thief! I AM SO MAD!!! Never download this I’m warning you!! My story is NOT FAKE I CAN SHOW YOU THE SCREENSHOTS!!!!


I’m little bit upset

Specially with the game head to head there is instructions please show your face be respectful and people must some people just use the F word more than once showing their knockers instead of showing their face sucking in the Delta instead of and I can go worse and worse and worse as the low they winning so what’s the deal with that again please for the first time I’ve seen an application a girl sucking on a dildo life and she said one and another one is of showing her face showing hurt knockersPlease rolls supposed to be the rules otherwise this game is like going to Kim for a long time and the business because everybody's going to use his own rules thank you very much and I hope you did this feedback seriously that's not the first feedback about death was the first negative you feedback please take care of yourself and each other


Bans for no reason

I would not recommend LiveMe for many reasons. Now I have had LiveMe 2 years ago and there way no problem. But now that I have come back to it, I hate it. First of all, I was live but in the dark. About 3 people joined as soon as I started the live. A few seconds later, my account literally gets banned for no reason. Is it cause I’m too young? If it is that’s stupid. I have tiktok and I would say it is way better then this “app”. Even if you are under age on tiktok, they don’t care. But for this dumb app, it restricts you and bans you because you are under age. I find that the developers should change this problem. And before the developers respond with a dumb bot comment say “oh please contact us for more info “ or something like that, people have given you all the info. And yet , from all the bad reviews about getting banned for no reason, the developers have still yet the do anything about it. If you would fix it then I’d recommend LiveMe. But since the developers have done absolutely nothing about this problem, I would not recommend LiveMe



This is probably one of the worst live streaming apps I’ve ever used. There’s always video chats flashing in your face even after you select the option to not receive video calls from other users.. which is distracting for people trying to use LiveMe to do live performances.. there are lots of bots and fake accounts that aren’t even real people.. the most popular ranked people are people that are half naked but my old account was banned for my 8 month old daughter having no shirt on.. the administrators of LiveMe all seem like perverts trying to take advantage of young people buy giving them the illusion of diamonds when you have to sell your soul just to get them.. LiveMe has no age restrictions which could also be dangerous to young people.. the people on here just want you to be on 24x7 and have no other life which is disturbing anytime you don’t use LiveMe they start harassing you with notifications. An app should never make someone feel unsafe or this upset 1 star. I’d give you zero if I could.


Honestly fun, but a number of things need changed

Overall LiveMe is really fun, I’ve personally made some friends from across the world. However I do think that there’s things that need to be changed. The biggest one being the diamond conversion rate. Right now it’s absolute trash, sitting under 30% (for converting to coins) and under 3% (for cashing out) which for regular broadcasters like me makes it difficult to make anything. I honestly think that at least for converting to coins the conversion rate should definitely be higher (could stand to go to at least 50% as opposed to 30%)

Updated review: With every new update comes A LOT of bugs and glitches, personally I think the updates should be more periodically released so the can focus on every aspect before the update


A Broadcasters dream come true

I’m a Top streamer from multiple different apps, and LiveMe by far helps me the most to achieve my streaming goals. Uplive allows you to have your own show twice a month and will pays you $50 dollars per show. Uplive also offers contracts that compensate you for your streaming and diamonds accumulated each month. By far Uplive has the best customer service I’ve ever seen on a streaming app. The Uplive officials are always available and willing to help. Overall what attracted me the most were the amazing features. Uplive allows you to do an audio broadcast if you do not want to show your face. You can also allow up to 7 people in your beam so they can all talk and get gifts too. Lastly there gifts are by far the best I’ve ever seen. Joining LiveMe was my best streaming decision by far. LiveMe is just amazing 🥰🥰🥰


What a surprise

I used to have LiveMe in its early stages and it was quite fun, met some friends and overall made a great amount of diamonds in LiveMe . As years went by I eventually left LiveMe due to the changes and I didn’t really get as much activity as I used to. I just came back today September 8, 2020 and once I log into my account it says I have violated terms and conditions and I have been banned. Is this how you really treat people using your app? This is why Yubo and other steaming apps have WAY more popularity than you will ever have. You’re a dead app, and banning people for no apparent recent especially since they just came back about a year later isn’t gonna help you. I rate LiveMe ONE star, for being one of the worst apps I’ve used to go live. Reply to this comment if you care. Or don’t, I mean that’s way better than giving no reasoning to my ban. For all you people, I recommend any other app you can find, atleast those other apps will actually help you instead of banning you.


You banned me for no reason

Look all I did was show my dog in a band me permanently why how did I just show my dog and then I just put up the whole violation when I didn’t even do anything and I didn’t know I was doing I don’t know what LiveMe I don’t know I just don’t know about LiveMe so I just looked up people chatting and didn’t bands me how dare you app it’s so terrible very terrible why does a band me why does your band me I don’t understand I don’t not understand I just do not understand how does how does a band me over some Dong like it’s not it’s not my pets fault but this is absolutely ridiculous what is it doing why does it being me for no reason please explain this people who made this please explain this to me I was permanently banned from showing my dog how ridiculous is that how ridiculous is that what in the world is wrong with LiveMe and I just completely deleted LiveMe because why does it burn me just from showing a stupid dog why it’s just so dumb what is it doing to just banned me for no reason


They are not fair to there streamers!!!!!

DONT DOWNLOAD PLEASE !!! So I recently started to become a streamer broadcaster on LiveMe and basically they tell me I can’t post certain photos of myself with a bit of skin showing but yet there’s other top broadcasters who have hundreds and thousands of followers and GIFs who can show even more skin and body LiveMe is such a bad app and unfair. To all the broadcasters not only to me but my friends that I’ve met on LiveMe they can’t show any type of body or skin but yet certain girls that are their favorites that they feature can do whatever they want move their body shake their private parts and do whatever they want LiveMe is so unfair to all of their broadcasters and probably even discriminating against others do not download it is such a unfair app evenly with her in to delete your account or even delete your pictures if you do but yet when they have other broadcasters who they probably favor they don’t do anything about it such a unfair app


Too Strict & Judgemental

Sometimes apps can be a little to babyish because it’s like they’ve never seen Earth. Guess what people do at a beach with millions of people of all ages. Guys are shirtless and females wear bikinis. Get rid of all the toddler rules. We are going to be human. There’s nothing sexual about being shirtless or girls wearing bikinis. If people think being shirtless and wearing bikinis isn’t human, they can leave Earth anytime. If they think it’s eww then they can leave Earth carrying buckets and their suitcases or bags. If people can’t accept people for people then obviously they’ve become too modernized around filters. Now, let me teach you something that even toddlers understand. We are created in Gods image, not mans image. And though our eyes adjust to mans man made lies, that doesn’t change the fact we are who we are and we are what we are. So just put away the diapers and burn those worthless toddler rules. We’re all adults now. At least I hope so. Adults are running the businesses right?


Scammers Haven!!

LiveMe allows fake celebrity impersonators on the platform who are “fake Verified” to scam people out of their money!! I ran into the fake “DC YOUNG FLY” account and his account had pictures of the real celebrity. He also would get into a Muliti-beam with just his voice and impersonated DC for 2 days!!! He then promoted that he was doing promotion post for IG and offered $150 per 24 hour post and $1,000 for a permanent IG post and then charged people via cashapp to get into his live. I own 3 businesses so Influencer Marketing isn’t something that’s new to me and the reason I believed it was a real promotion. I sent him $150 and he blocked me. He scammed 3 other women as well and we all reported his account and “live me “ said he didn’t do anything wrong and continued to allow him on the platform!! I had a profile pic where I was sticking my tongue out innocently as a profile pic and they banned my picture !! So why not band the fake celebrities on here too?? Beware of profiles “ DC YOUNG FLY , POPSMOKE ,Dr Phil and 50 cent!!!!! LiveMe is trash!! And I’m deleting it ASAP!!!!!


It bans you for no reason...horrible app

100% would not recommend. LiveMe was really making it hard to get coins and diamonds. It was also hard to get widely known unlike websites like YouNow. There is many things I don’t like about LiveMe but the main thing is how it bans you for no reason. I was on LiveMe and I got a random message that said something like how I was inappropriate or I used hate speech or something. It said I violated the community guidelines. Note that I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong. I have never done anything like this and I saw a lot of people on live and they were being inappropriate but they never got banned. My friend actually got the same message and I know SHE was not the type of person to get banned. LiveMe would allow you to make an appeal within 3 days but I doubt they will look at it. I think other people are experiencing the same problem and it’s not like I was inactive on LiveMe or anything. Anyway I think they should investigate and have evidence and stuff before they ban you PERMANENTLY. They don’t even give you not one warning. They just ban you without explaining why or giving you a chance. It’s super dumb. Not just that but I tried to make a new account with my email AND with other methods but it seriously wouldn’t let me cause it said I MADE A SERIOUS VIOLATION AND IT BANNED MY MOBILE DEVICE. Like what!? I think you’re better off just going live on Instagram or something.



DOWNLOADERS BEWARE I HAVE BEEN WITH LiveMe SINCE 2016 HAVE HAD NOTHING BUT A GREAT TIME UNTIL THEY TOOK MY ACCOUNT AWAY FOR WHAT WHO KNOWS I WAS A Safety advocate beta team and even on the experience team that they had at one time I have sent in so many things to help make LiveMe better and safe and now my account is gone they say they can’t show proof of what I did for privacy issues well that’s a joke because they have shown me several different accounts and why they are banned good job this app today I contacted a lawyer they have a Law firms around the world and said they even have on in great Hong Kong so we are going to be filling a lawsuit also my bank is getting all my transactions together for a complete refund from LiveMe this would have been completely fixed if they would have shown me the proof of why I’m banned besides being on other platforms be smart don’t use this app unless you have deep pockets and/or money to just toss at a app that’s going no where get a registered sex offender off LiveMe then they pay to get their account back also contracting the new here because they said there doing a update on this platform so can’t wait to see this happen hopefully someone will get back to me before I get my money back if not I’ll invest it in to uplive tango meetme tagged or any other platform besides this one


Used to be a good app!

When I first got on LiveMe in 2016 it was the life of the party. I had people who would come and watch me broadcast, I had new friends, fans, and a great experience meeting people from all over my country. Coin drops were exciting, the gifts were exciting, but this all went for a fall when the developers of LiveMe decided to raise the price and make everything all gifts, coins, more expensive to buy. After I realized this I still continued to be on LiveMe , but I didn’t buy as much or ever. They wasted a profit there raising the prices, stupid move. Then LiveMe started to decrease in people using it especially my friends a lot of them didn’t broadcast anymore. It just wasn’t fun and Live Me liked showcasing the most popular people not the new people. The new people are trying to get a jumpstart. Then for me LiveMe died when everything only mattered about how many gifts you send to someone, not being a true fan or communication. LiveMe went downhill and I won’t forget the past, and how users would actually look forward to broadcasting. Thanks Live Me, great waste to a good app. Cheap.


Talent not Twerking!

this app is BACK and better than ever! In under 6 months (probably more like 3) this app will bump Bigo Live out of the top spot for highest grossing social app on Google Play. I called it before when Bigo made the jump and I’m coming back home to my original streaming spot now and calling it again. The livestream scene is sick of the cam girl apps and true TALENT is making a comeback and they’re all coming back to this app. I am honored to say I was a member of the original talent program, The Mic Mob, along with livestream all-stars including Michael Anderson, Taylor Lebowe, Lizz Vega, Raymond Salgado, The Gentleman, and so many more incredible talents. Let me just’s good to be home! Music House will be greater than any live house Bigo has ever made and the best stage that the livestream world has ever seen. I have worked for all the top platforms over the last 3 years and over that time I have come to see that REAL PEOPLE, REAL TALENT and REAL CONNECTIONS can only be found on one live streaming app and that’s this app! #ProveThemWrong


I have a friend who is being followed by an Ex

I have a friend who is being followed by one of her ex’s on this app. And since they were dating and we’re having issues with trust. I gave her friendly advice for her to dump her bf and now her now ex bf is following her around on this app and he also has images of her that he is sending to this app to get her accounts banned even though she has never done anything bad in her broadcasts. And now he’s been following me on a lurker account. Which I had to block. But my friend also told me that her ex is friends with some this app person. So my guess is it has to be a this app advocate that isn’t doing his job right. Because I don’t think the actual this app company would do that to someone without actual proof. But I don’t even know.

Anyways I just want to say that this is a good app to meet mostly friendly people. But you need to be careful who you run into. Because my friend doesn’t deserve that. And I don’t know how to help her since she can’t get the this app support team to help her.

I wish this app would ask for better proof of photos taken or not have this app advocates at all. Because some of them are to over powered.


Good app but watch yourself

I use LiveMe everyday it is the best social media network I've ever had! I am big on there so as you can imagine I love it! But I have just a few complaints. There are WAY TOO MANY perverts and pedophiles on there!!!! That's why I say watch yourself especially if you're a kid. Also there is a problem with female broadcasters. They dance too much all they do is show off what the Lord gave them with their little thongs and what not! They're too skimpy! It's not a recommended app for kids under 12 but if you protect yourself and block any perverts or pedophiles you should be fine. Other than that it's a great app for anyone that's into vlogging or something similar it's also a great way to make money!


Replay Glitch?? Other glitches. Fix your app

I love LiveMe, but there is a critical glitch that I ran into on replays. Some replays will play perfectly fine straight through, and others will get stuck in a 3 second loop. I have no idea why and tried uninstalling and reinstalling LiveMe , tried clearing cache, tried force closing LiveMe and opening it again, but to no solution. It’s weird because most of the replays I try to watch get caught in these 3 second loops. It doesn’t allow me to watch the rest of the video. Also I think you should fix up replays, because first of all, you can’t get rid of the chat and it’s annoying if you’re trying to watch but the chat is in the way. You should also make it easier and more efficient in scrolling (brushing) through the video. Please fix it along with the much needed fix for the looping glitch in watching replays. THERE IS ALSO another glitch regarding stars and collecting them. A lot of the time, when you have done the time to collect a star, it won’t leave a notification in LiveMe , you have to go to the stars panel. There should be a fix for the star awards.


Great app but watch out for yourself

If you are going to put over 100 dollars in LiveMe don’t just gift to anyone and think u will get it back trust me. It’s more with the girl broadcasters then the guys but still watch out for both. If u see lvls like 4,5,6 under teen then 10/10 likely will not send you’re coins back they will say they will but won’t and will just cash it out. And you can also go to there leaderboards and tap the grifters that gave a lot of diamonds to see if they sent them back on the other persons leaderboard. Gift to people like 🔥LS🔥Jordan, 💕Missladyship💕,KingOfDiamonds, TheRealKatherinRojas, TheRealFireGod! And there’s more. And parents and younger kids “Lady’s” if you are under like 16 get a admin in you’re broadcast or parents download LiveMe and be there admin to block all the pedos. Also parents watch you’re kids on LiveMe because some be doing things they should be doing.


Y’all want some food for thought?

I gave 3, sometimes a MF doesn’t have to ability to go live cause he made a mistake and used AT&T as his carrier, so I’ve made a lot of offline videos. As far as I can tell, you can’t add your own prerecorded video, but I’ve also heard you can at level 40. (Which is straight booty cheeks) now I think it would be most advantageous for your app if you were to let a MF do that right from the start. Not only would somebody who is nervous to be live feel much more comfortable uploading prerecord vids but also it would save that user time but still get their name out there. Now I know y’all don’t actually read this but if enough people were to suggest the same thing I think we could make that small change. Also 3 because the interface of the whole app is a tad complex at first and even though I’ve watched the tutorial.. I’m still confused at time. (I went to public school in New York) so understandings simple things isn’t my strong point 😂

John Conley   2 years ago

I have 9 pending transaction to your web site liveme an I never been on liveme an have not authorized my card to be used, I want my money back on my card asap

Is LiveMe Safe?

Yes. LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 25,056 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for LiveMe Is 49.3/100.

Is LiveMe Legit?

Yes. LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 25,056 LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for LiveMe Is 100/100..

Is LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live not working?

LiveMe – Live Stream & Go Live works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

LiveMe Gold Subscription

- Subscription Fee: $2.99 for each consecutive month

- Privileges: NFT avatar and exclusive hexagon avatar frame

- Billing: You will be billed through iTunes in each consecutive month until you cancel the subscription with Apple ID at least 24 hours before a new billing cycle starts.

- Note: Service fee, content, and functions are all subject to change. Terms of Service apply.

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