iTranslate Converse Reviews

iTranslate Converse Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-24

About: Turn your iPhone into a translation device! Introducing iTranslate Converse,
a revolutionary new speech translation App. iTranslate Converse turns your
iPhone and Apple Watch into a two-way translation device.

About iTranslate Converse

What is iTranslate Converse? iTranslate Converse is a speech translation app that turns your iPhone and Apple Watch into a two-way translation device. It enables natural conversations in 38 languages and automatically detects the correct language between two selected languages for a fast and accurate translation. The app is simple and easy to use, with superior translation accuracy, works well in noisy environments, and delivers translation results in near real-time.



- Tap & Hold to Speak. Release to Translate. The entire screen becomes your translation button.

- Works well in noisy environments.

- Delivers translation results in near real-time.

- Instantly converse in 38 languages.

- Automatic detection between the 2 selected languages for a seamless translation experience.

- View and export full transcripts for every voice conversation.

- Supported languages & dialects for translation: Arabic (Saudi), Arabic (UAE), Arabic (Egypt), Catalan, Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese (Taiwan), Chinese (Cantonese), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (US), English (GB), English (Australian), Finnish, French, French (Canada), German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (USA), Spanish (Mexico), Swedish, Thai, Turkish.

- Auto Renewable Subscription Terms: Subscriptions are billed monthly or annually at the rate selected depending on the subscription plan.

- Terms of Service:

- Privacy Policy:

- California Privacy Rights:

- An internet connection is required to use the app.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 5,291 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of iTranslate Converse

- Allows for communication with non-English speaking clients

- Allows for communication with English language learners

- Allows for communication with Spanish-speaking families

- Translates between English and German

22 iTranslate Converse Reviews

4.3 out of 5


My client was almost in tears!

I’m a salon manager of a pet grooming salon. I have a few clients who don’t speak a lot of English and I wanted to find a better way to communicate with them. I stumbled upon iTranslateConverse and downloaded it waiting for one of my non English speaking clients to come in. Yesterday was the day. I set up the free trial trying to see if it would work as well as I’d like and when my client came in I was able to ask her how she was doing and how her pet was doing in Japanese and her eyes got huge and she squealed with delight. We had our very first entire conversation about her and her pet. When she came back to pick up her dog she was able to tell me that she truly appreciated my kindness and that I was willing to go above and beyond to help her so she stopped at the Japanese market and bought my entire shop a bunch of snacks and candy.

iTranslateConverse changed at least one of my clients lives for the better and that is worth 5$ a month in my honest opinion. Although some of the words she had said in Japanese were not translated correctly (whether it was her speed of talking or dialect I’m not sure) we were still able to converse pretty easily and I couldn’t be more satisfied. Maybe just work on recognition or dialect to improve some translations but otherwise this is changing my customer service for the better!

Thank you to the whole team at converse for improving my customers lives!


Translations Not Accurate & Not Free

I am bilingual (English and Spanish) you are probably wondering why I downloaded iTranslateConverse . I downloaded it so that it could translate back and forth between English and German because my boyfriend is German and his parents and some of his friends don’t speak English. My German is also very limited so that doesn’t help either. I wanted to test out iTranslateConverse by speaking Spanish to see if iTranslateConverse would translate right into English and vise versa and I was shocked by if 2 of the most spoken languages in the world (aside from Chinese) aren’t translated well then I can’t trust it to translate between my English and German well, especially if it is a more complex language. I already deleted iTranslateConverse . I hope they make major improvements or make it free. I will have to stick to learning the language better on a different app I use and keep using the free translations apps (I am not going to pay $5 a month on iTranslateConverse if it doesn’t work well). If it was free then I’d consider it because it is just as bad as the free ones. Good luck developers (hire some more linguists). Oh and if anyone says iTranslateConverse works well, it is because they are not fluent and don’t know any better. Again, please hire linguists and learn conversational pieces to the languages (includes slang and you must hire linguists that were born and raised with the 2 languages you are trying to translate between to get it right).


Great app!

I work in the physical therapy field and when there is a patient with a language barrier, iTranslateConverse has come in very handy to help me communicate and properly help the patient work towards their goals of getting healthier.

iTranslateConverse on my iWatch can be a little slow and sometimes does not register what I am saying the first time so I may have to try 2/3 times. I would have to say the delay is the only issue I would have, but it’s nothing I would normally complain about.

I have recommended iTranslateConverse to friends and family already. Thank you for building a bridge for people with language barriers, especially those in the medical field to properly help someone when it is very needed!


Are they buying reviews?

This application had great reviews. I tried it out. I speak a little bit of several languages. This thing worked like garbage. The voice recognition was terrible and kept thinking I was saying the wrong thing, especially when I was speaking English and it thought I was speaking another language and English at the same time. When it actually got what I said correct, it did translate correctly. However, it took multiple attempts to get it to recognize what I was saying. There is absolutely no way you can carry a conversation with this thing. You’d be much better off holding a physical translation dictionary between the languages than using this. I also tried the Apple Watch app. I don’t have the words to express how terrible it is, but I will try. First off, it doesn’t work. I tried to get it to translate the word “hello”. Over a minute later still nothing. I have an extremely good fiber optic Internet connection so not having enough bandwidth is not the issue. The problem is the terrible program. Deleted iTranslateConverse .


Tricked into Paying/Must Use Perfect Diction

I thought this was a free app but later found out I was charged. Also, iTranslateConverse does not do a good job of transcribing what you say if you do not use very clear diction. Siri picks up on less than perfect diction much better than iTranslateConverse, even though to the best of my understanding Siri cannot translate. I deleted this from my phone within a day for this reason. One month later I found out I had been charged a $5 fee for one months usage of iTranslateConverse . The impression I get is that iTranslateConverse developer has knowingly created the setup installation process in such a way that if you do not read ALL the fine print you will accidentally sign up for the pay subscription. Read every bit of fine print or you to may accidentally end up signing up for the pay subscription. This is a terrible business model. Make a good product and people may pay. Don’t trick them into paying you for a mediocre product that they deleted off their phone a month ago due to poor voice recognition.


Careful!!! Tricks you into a subscription

I don’t know if this is the new App Store System or the idea of the Developers. iTranslateConverse tricks you into a subscription just for downloading iTranslateConverse . If you’re not careful, you will be subscribed without any additional warnings. I noticed and immediately cancelled it.

These practices should be stopped as everyone is entitled to transparency and understanding when he/she is subscribing to a service.

Sorry for not rating iTranslateConverse itself but after this first impression I have lost trust and haven’t even tried it.



I now also received a response from the developer, saying that I don’t understand “how it works” and did not read the terms properly.

I will leave it up to the reader to judge if users are supposed to read all terms and fine print for every downloaded app or if it is the developers job to ensure transparency (as 99% of developers already do) around when a user is charged or not.

I am sure that the developer will continue to dig his heels and try to convince people that their payment terms as like anyone else. They are not. I have many apps and all the paid ones are very clear when it comes to request a payment. iTranslateConverse only uses a small Apple alert that can be easily missed. They know that and many buyers know that as well as you can see from the comment.

My advice to the developer: when you’re in a hole, stop digging. Focus on fixing issues rather than on justifying your practices.


Making my English language learners more aware of everything that goes on in my class

iTranslateConverse has been absolutely revolutionary in my teaching I don’t speak Espanol at all but I have several English language learners in my class these are students that are just learning to speak English iTranslateConverse allows me to hold a button talk to my English-speaking students and then press a button and play what I said to my Spanish speaking students it’s absolutely wonderful and it works great I also use it to make phone calls home and the families and households were Spanish is the primary language it allows me to communicate with parents is fabulous I dictated all this so there’s no punctuation please don’t think I’m a knucklehead God bless and God bless iTranslateConverse



I wanted to give iTranslateConverse not 5 but 10 stars, but it fails in the English Chinese Department. When speaking Chinese the English translation is FREQUENTLY NOT accurate and keeps giving different translations in English that are not relevant. VERY VERY much off in the Chinese to English area, the Chinese translation is not even remotely close to the English. Speak perfect Mandarin ten times and all ten times it gets it wrong!
To the developer, you sent me an email asking me to send you samples of how your app doesn’t work but it’s not possible to send a sample of a voice recording since your app doesn’t let you record. You developed iTranslateConverse right? So this is something you should already know. The best thing I can suggest is that you find someone who speaks both Chinese and English and ask them to speak Chinese into iTranslateConverse and you will see that the English translation is wrong 99% of the time. From English to Chinese this doesn’t seem to be much of a problem. It’s mostly from Chinese to English.


Great phone app, good Apple Watch app

Thanks for responding to my email and fixing the Apple Watch app since it wasn’t translating. I’m happy to report it is now. I think the phone version is excellent. I am very happy there is a Watch app however, as I am not always able to pull out my phone and the watch helps. I do wish that in addition to the automatic translation; that you could translate by tapping on your spoken words like on the phone. This is mostly because the automatic translation lags a bit sometimes. But overall I am happy, and this seems to be the best real time translation app so far, and wish to see you continue supporting both apps.


I love this app!

Love love love iTranslateConverse. 😍 I’ve been using Google Translate for the longest time. I wish I knew Spanish (& a few other languages🙄), but I don’t. & it’s really awkward for me every time🤬😅. Converse takes translation to a whole other level! Instead of having that stressful pause & awkward silence while I quickly try to type what I want someone else to understand (or vise versa)🤝 I literally can say what I want & the iTranslate voice responds quickly!! No more worrying about how embarrassing my pronunciation is, iTranslateConverse is fluent in 38 different languages!! When I’m bored, I’m literally gonna sit on my couch & talk to this thing all day, just to learn a new language. 🧐😁


Better use Google Translate

This is the equivalent of a tourist trap. It is not accurate, nor free. iTranslateConverse is misleading, because it is advertised as free. The setup process is designed in such a way that they lead you to check the pricing plans. However, to do so you have to tap on a large orange “Continue” button. This leads you to think that you are just checking the pricing plans. However, just tapping on the button subscribes you to the monthly plan. The button is intentionally labeled “Continue”, instead of “Subscribe”. The developer has lots of similar comments, because several users have been mislead into a subscription they never wanted or asked for. These practices make iTranslateConverse store a bad place and should be stopped. Bad app, bad translations, misleading language, this is a plain tourist trap. You are much better off with Google Translate. Keep off from this useless tourist trap !


Deceptive Developer. Insulting Developer Responses.

Please remove the deceptive splash screen that fools users into a PRO version they do not want. Just read all these negative user reviews, it’s shocking. As expected, each negative review is accompanied with an insulting developer response that tries to push unwanted subscription blame on Apple. If you feel iTranslateConverse does not translate accurately, be ready for the insulting developer response essentially telling you to take the marshmallows out of your mouth and go back school to learn dictation and grammar. I can only hope that going forward people do not become victims of this kind of deceptive development practice of luring users into an Apple subscription with confusing buttons that cause accidental sign ups. Apple should clearly be looking into this. I, for one, will be deleting iTranslateConverse and promise to always shed light on shady and insulting developers like this.


Expensive and unethical

No. It doesn’t matter how well it works, I’m simply not paying a monthly subscription for what Google Translate does for free. What is it with developers? How many people are going to pay monthly for something like this? Put an ad at the bottom and you’ll get users.

Further, the developer puts a sneaky splash screen upon first opening that can and has tricked people into paying for the pro version. Read the comments on iTranslateConverse Store. A totally unethical practice, don’t touch anything by this developer.

Response to Developer: The implementation of the upgrade is clearly designed to trick people into accidentally subscribing to PRO. It is the first thing that appears and is misleading. It requires just a touch to try and remove the screen to get duped into signing up with Face ID. You have many complaints in these comments about this. It is unethical and sneaky.


Shady, Tricks You Into Paying!

DO NOT GET THIS SHADY APP! It tricks you into purchasing a subscription. It has a huge CONTINUE button when you first download iTranslateConverse , and seemingly no other option. What they don’t tell you is that “CONTINUE” button actually subscribes you for their “PRO upgrade” which charges you money while you think it’s free. And iTranslateConverse developers keep commenting on these reviews meant to warn people before being tricked into their money, saying that there is a free option and they are not tricking people. These are blatant lies. If you don’t want to pay, you have to click a tiny “x” button in the top right corner instead of a huge “CONTINUE” button in the center of the screen. Do not listen to these developers, they are trying to scam you and the translator itself isn’t even that great. Get a better app that’s actually free to use with no shady, scummy tricks.


So fun!

I’m a manager for a cleaning company so I speak with a lot of people on a daily basis. iTranslateConverse has helped me with my team so many times!! My employees feel so appreciated simply because I made the effort to communicate with them. The only complaint I have so far is there are two languages I’m in need of for my job. Is there a way to submit language requests? Are more languages available in the future? I really hope so!
I had so much fun with my French and Spanish speakers at work the other day. I will definitely be using iTranslateConverse daily!


One of the best translating apps out there

At first I doubting that it will work but in the end I was so impressed. (I even amazed my friends and family with this)

You can just say full sentences and it translates back quickly and compared to other apps, this is one translates closest to the meaning.

I don’t know how accurate it is for other languages but I tried English to Malay (and English to French) and my family says that the grammar and vocabulary were correct. I did single words to sentences and it used the same words as I would’ve said.

It was also fun to try out different languages and learning. For example, I did languages I didn’t know like Korean and tried to copy what it said. I felt so satisfied when it recognized what I said.

I thought that I was accidentally subscribed because I couldn’t believe how much the free version offers 😱

One thing I would suggest is a history log so you can go back to the old conversation.

Overall this is a great app that I would reccomend


A lot of work, but bad results...

I bought iTranslateConverse before my trip to Morocco. I had high hope, this could be helpful, but I was wrong! First, they took subscription for whole year, not month for month...etc. Their intentions were missleading. Anyway, when I tried app at Washington airport, it worked, but if you must repat sentence, you cannot do it in app itself, you have to repeat it literaly...
But the worst thing about iTranslateConverse I hated the most: You cannot use it if you don't have lnternet conevtion...They should make available to dawnload certain module for language you looking for to be able to use without internet certain amount of time like other app do. Also app is very slow on any LTE network or so...
What can I say: iTranslateConverse betrayed me when I needed it the most! If I could give - 5 stars, I would do it!


So far so good

I love this, I am trying to learn Spanish more since my husbands family doesn’t know much English. I spoke clearly and it translated perfectly. I can’t comment on the other languages as I don’t have much need for them.


When you first download iTranslateConverse and open it you will see the screen asking if you want to upgrade (this screen will pop up a few times FYI). It will have a huge bar that says continue. IF YOU DONT WANT TO PAY for pro do NOT press continue, all you need to do is tap the “x” on the top right of that screen. If you set up a trial you will have reoccurring payments, if you don’t want that you need to go into settings then press your name at the top. Then press iTunes and App Store. Then press on your Apple ID at the top, a screen will pop up, press VIEW APPLE ID. It will ask you to sign in, once you sign in scroll down and press SUBSCRIPTIONS. Here you can cancel any reoccurring payments.

Great app!


Translation works well

I paid for the upgrade and it appears to runs much faster and smoother than the free version. Although the free version is ok and will get you by, the upgraded one is obviously going to be better because you pay for it. It has helped me in Mexico when I can’t remember certain words and the paid version lets you use offline mode which is nice. This offline mode is not available with the free version. So if you need to get by in a place with no cell/internet service it’s handy


Not user friendly and poor Pronunciation

Only two stars because I like the idea of it and because it has many languages. Besides that, iTranslateConverse needs a lot of work. It doesn’t clarify how to use it at all and it’s not specific enough where it needs to be. Where you get your translated phrase, there is no copy from the screen option. Huge disappointment. iTranslateConverse pronounces even the simplest phrases wrong in every language besides English. For some reason it changes voices randomly while using iTranslateConverse to long. Worst part, I subscribed for iTranslateConverse and it still asks me every time I use it to pay for a subscription. Wish it was better cause I like the idea but, there are better and free options out that do the same thing.


Love the app, extremely useful

I contacted the developers through emails, with an issue i was having with iTranslateConverse while using it on my apple watch. I suggested a potential fix. They were very polite, and took it into consideration. During the very next update they addressed the issue and added the feature i had mentioned would be a great addition.
-i work in different countries teaching Acrobatics to people of different cultures so its wonderful to have a conversation tool to use while teaching in a random country.

Christopher Ferguson   10 months ago

I downloaded the free trial version of converse, when my week free trial ended I was not notified or even ask if I would like to pay for a subscription. I didn’t have the $76 in my bank account so again without warning the app charged the funds to one of my credit cards stored on my apple wallet. I sent an e mail asking for a refund because of the sketchy business practices, but expect to be ignored or told it’s my fault. So hopefully in writing this review I can help someone from having the same unpleasant experience.

Jill McCarthy   3 years ago

I was also "tricked" into a subscription I hadn't expected after downloading free trial. Expensive at £59, but I thought once I had it I would try it out with the local Greek carpenter, from whom I wanted to buy a piece of wood. The resulting translation was HILARIOUS! Bore no resemblance to what he was trying to convey. "After dog she look into your bladder deliver another hellish" was certainly not what he wanted to say about the wood. And "your dirty is a senior team". Its just the most useless app I've ever seen. Another point is that you need to be in a two-way conversation for it to work. You can't make a statement, translate it, and then make another in the same language (or else it just repeats in English again). Have requested a refund via Apple. Meantime, I'd advise NOT to bother unless you want to pay lots of money just for the novelty of seeing what a mess it can make of a simple conversation.

Is iTranslate Converse Safe?

Yes. iTranslate Converse is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,291 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for iTranslate Converse Is 82.1/100.

Is iTranslate Converse Legit?

Yes. iTranslate Converse is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,291 iTranslate Converse User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for iTranslate Converse Is 100/100..

Is iTranslate Converse not working?

iTranslate Converse works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

iTranslate Converse offers a free trial subscription for 7 days. After the trial period, users can choose to subscribe monthly for $4.99 or annually for $39.99. The subscription provides access to all features and languages offered by the app. Auto-renewal can be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period through the user's iTunes account settings.

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