Looking for a wide range of IIFYM recipes? Looking for specific macro meals? High in fat? Low in carbs? Ketogenic, vegan or vegetarian, Gymster has you covered.
Tell the app what equipment you have access to, how many exercises you want to do and what muscles you want to work on and it does the rest.
As a bikini competitor Gymster recipes give me all I need for a productive off season and a lot of variety and colour to my meals.
• 70+ pieces of equipment to choose from including kettlebells, steel mace, bulgarian bags and weight machines.
• Only returns exercises based on equipment you have available at your gym so you never have to worry about which exercises you can or can't perform.
• Swap out feature for exercises you don't wish to perform for randomise mode.
• I'm finishing my year of personal training at my gym and this is the best app for someone like me to learn and keep track of my workouts.
• Macro bar breakdowns for each recipe making it easy to track macros.
• Weight tracker for monitoring your progress - average weight feature to avoid data from fluctuations.
Combine the workouts and recipe sections and you've essentially got yourself a coach.
• I'm a nutrition coach and I tell all of my clients to get this app if they need food ideas.
• Never seen before 3D interactive tutorials for specific exercises.
• This app is absolutely perfect for anyone!! From either a total beginner just wanting to get started right through to someone looking to get in serious shape.
I also use this app to track my workouts and have them pre loaded in.