BILL AP & AR Business Payments app not working? crashes or has problems?

BILL AP & AR Business Payments Status

I have a problem with BILL AP & AR Business Payments

Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to BILL AP & AR Business Payments.

Summary of BILL AP & AR Business Payments Problems 🔥

- Mechanism for showing invoice comments is too subtle

- Difficult to get customer service and no known phone numbers

- App could be more user-friendly, especially for finding GL sub-accounts

📋 1 Reported Issues:

Amber Mauro 2022-12-19

I can get on the website fine but when I try to log on to the application it's saying I need to make a connection. All it does is prompt who I send the link to, to download the app. And is does not allow me to exit the screen.

Showing 1-1 of 1 reported issues:

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