MyCloud OS 5 is a huge waist of time and has created endless problems where they did NOT exist with OS 3. This upgrade has obviously not been Beta tested by a random sampling of every day users and as such, it’s nearly impossible to use.
Here’s a short list of the major issues.
1. OS 3 was easily understood and required a short/shallow learning curve to become adept at using the device for it’s primary purpose….storing valuable files in a safe place.
Os 5, on the other hand is so radically different that it’s nearly impossible to self-teach how to use the app and get the same fluid transfer of files.
2. OS 3 allowed me to go direct to the device and move files. OS 5 mandates that I use the MyCloud website to achieve something similar. But even that doesn’t work most of the time. I can transfer a folder by drag-n-drop, but the contents never go with the folder.
3. When transferring files from an older MyCloud device to a new one, the devices have to spend time “Indexing” which is not defined by anything….oh wait…..there are no training classes of any kind to support the user who’s paid hundreds of dollars for something that doesn’t work like it used to for years.
4. Can’t prove it, but I’m betting that now that the user has to go to an internet based website to shift files onto their MyCloud device that Western digital is acquiring copies of everything that sent. This is the one function that I wanted to avoid because of the potential of data being abused or sold to other marketers so they can make money off of something WD didn’t have to buy.
5. Again, can’t prove it, but I’m beginning to think that the WD stated reason for requiring all users to upgrade from OS 3 to OS 5 was all a lie. Security patches can, in fact, be done without changing the store front and the showroom. Plus, there’s absolutely no reason for WD to require a user to use their website just to transfers files when the device is setting next to my computer. What sense does that make?11
Bottom line for me is that I’m deleting what’s left on my new device and returning it to Best Buy. I’m getting my money back and I’m never buying anything from WD again. They just complicated my life for absolutely no good reason. There’s no functional, easily accessible support from WD. All they’ve managed to do was make my life painfully complicated and created something that is essentially dysfunctional.