Fintwist app not working? crashes or has problems?

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Something else


Not working


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Fintwist Problems 🔥

- Can't see paystubs

- Can't get into the app

- Can't put gas in car or take money out of ATM

- Incompetence from customer relations field

- Waiting on update from IT and haven't heard anything

📋 20 Reported Issues:

Lucas 2024-12-01

Receiving a "Backend request failed for service login with HTTP status code 401" every time I log in

Roteshia L Finley 2023-07-26

I have my card locked and when I try to log in it's keeps saying timed out for security reasons. I have done everyyand nothing is happening. I need my money for a bill

Ap 2023-07-20

Been trying to login and it keeps saying application has timed out

Kim Hendricks 2023-05-14

It keeps saying the same thing about code 401 . I go to log in it crashes.

Kyle Allan 2023-05-08

I have tried logging in for days now and It keeps telling me I timed out and have to relog in. It always freezes and never works, tried uninstall and reinstalling it that didn't work. I have my card on hold and the only way to change that is through the app. Then I called customer service and the person ignored me then hung up. Is the gonna get fixed?

Haley Dement 2023-05-07

Activation line is not letting me activate my card due to invalid birthday.

Jackilyn Cummings 2023-05-06

I'm having trouble logging into the App

Michael Dunn 2023-05-03

It is telling me that I have timed out and to relogin. I have done that but then it freezes. I have deleted and reinstalled the app but that did not fix the problem. Please help

Charles Burkhart 2023-05-03

Won’t let me login keeps timing out this is bull crap I need to see the amount of money and stuff this app is trash and needs fixed asap…

Cynthia Y Cooper 2023-02-20

I am not able to log in l been using this app for a while now l can't

Christopher Jackson 2023-01-26

The app keeps crashing I couldn’t pay my bill on time the phone service keeps disconnecting when I call and also an error keeps showing

Wow 2023-01-02

App is bullshit

Noah 2022-12-31

Says that there was a security error to log back in and it just constantly loads the whole time and never does anything else

Kathy Arriaza 2022-12-02

im trying to see if i got paid. been working for over 2 weeks but the app on my phone isnt working and the number on the card says the voice system is down.

Robyn Cronk 2022-11-22

On the computer it just goes to a blank white screen when I log in. On my phone the transfer button does nothing.

Aneta Jankowska 2022-11-12

Can't login forgot password and security question.

Nick Washburn 2022-08-31

Can't login sever status code 401

Angelica 2022-08-05

Wont let me login to my account to see how much money I have

Thomas R Dawson 2022-07-24

Login ain't working

Tieyana Moore 2022-07-03

It just keep put up the loading sign and saying some thing about the sercuity it is not letting me check how much money is on my account

Showing 1-20 of 20 reported issues:

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