Magic Earth Navigation & Maps app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with Magic Earth Navigation & Maps

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working


Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of Magic Earth Navigation & Maps Problems 🔥

- Map updates are not frequent

- Directions are not always accurate

- Unreliable with iOS 14.2

- GPS signal not detected 10% of the time

📋 7 Reported Issues:

John Knapp 2024-04-02

Magic Earth cannot find or list Costco in Clermont FL.

Ben 2023-11-12

Since last update the top of the screen is no longer the direction you travel in, but left or botom is...

David Martin 2023-07-12

I downloaded this app to specifically use the truck function for my camper, in particular setting the height to avoid low bridges. To test it out I programmed in a route with a known low bridge, 3.3m, and set my truck height to 3.5m (30cm above my actual height). The Magic app navigation still gave me the route via the low bridge. Have I made a setting mistake, or is this a known app direction issue. Thanks. Really wanting to use this.

Jcorentin 2022-08-21

Magiyearth is freezing few seconds each single second... Tried to reinstall it. It s even worse... Android making it to fail?

Tim Murphy 2022-06-17

Hi, I may have caused this problem myself. But the option to "prefer external storage" ie "Maps Location" under the "General" tab in Settings doesn't show up anymore. What happened is I copied the SD card contents onto my computer (which could read the SD card fine) when my Moto G7 Power said the card was corrupted and needed reformatting. After making the backup, and using the phone to reformat the card, I copied everything under the /Android/data/com.generalmagic.magicearth directory from the backup to the SD card, on my computer, and then put it back in the phone. Now, the app no longer sees the maps as downloaded, and if I download maps they go to internal storage (plus: that option is missing in the settings). I thought about uninstalling the app and reinstalling, but it came with the OS (/e/ OS) and can't be uninstalled. Is there any way for me to get the app to start using the SD card again, short of reinstalling everything? Thanks in advance, Tim Murphy

Matthew 2022-05-20

The map keeps giving me obviously wrong directions that are so far off and add on HOURS to the total distance... Like I'll put in 2 towns 10miles apart and it will go out of its way to rout around the state to make it a 5hour drive lol. And I reset to the original app settings, no parameters.

Marcel Staring 2022-04-19

I’ve got an android radio in my car with Magic Earth on it. I use it off line. It worked fine until the last update of the maps (last week). The’re on a SD card and the update is first done on my android phone en then copied to the sd card of the android radio in my car (my auto android is very slow). Everything works fine, but the next day the cards seem to have disappeared from the sd card and i can’t plan any route anymore. I’ve copied the card three time to the sd card and every time they disappear. I live in the Netherlands and we want to travel to the south of France Friday night. Can you help to solve the problem? Thanks in advance

Showing 1-7 of 7 reported issues:

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