Very pleased with the email and vpn services. Recently bought a visionary plan to try out a year in hopes of migrating all my domains emails under proton. While the web email works perfect and the iOS apps function ok, I have a big qualm with the UI of ProtonMail for iOS.
The left column sidebar has this huge separate area, that does not appear to be moveable or collapsible, that lists link to settings, bug reporting, log out, and more. This utility section separates the main mail inbox, trash, archive, etc., from the user designated folders and labels, thus requiring scrolling past the utility section to see folders. It’s an annoyance, folders should be with folders. You can see what I’m talking about in the 3rd preview pic.
On the web based, this is not the case, and user creates folders & labels are right under main inbox, trash, etc. this is the way it should be, folders in the mailbox section. I really wish this would be fixed to be either the same layout as web based, or maybe user configurable.
Rarely do I need settings or bug reporting, but I use folders and labels multiple times a day for different emails and organizing, and the current app makes this not very cohesive layout.
Maybe nit picky, but I am not sure I’d be able to deal with moving all my emails to the service if ProtonMail keeps this layout. I’d be bummed as proton supports folders and labels for emails, which I love.