Company Name: ProtonMail
About: ProtonMail is an internet software company that provides an easy to use secure email.
Headquarters: Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland.
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation). Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved.
NOTE: If the links below doesn't work for you, Please go directly to the Homepage of ProtonMail
Developer: Proton Technologies AG
More Matches
Get Pricing Info for ProtonMailI cant access my account camwest97@redacted and it even said that my recovery account is a mismatch, which I also don't have access to my recovery account... the email address I have provided is the only one I have access to.
8 need access to my original email at engrahmbt@redacted
I need to get into my account & it’s not letting me in . Why I’m trying for four days now and I have very important messages that I need. Help me who can I call
I keep losing emails from specific addresses, I see their emails and they stay in the Inbox for some time, then they disappear and cannot be found by suing the Search or Advanced Search function . I sometimes use iOS and sometimes Android but why doesn't it happen for other emails if that is the reason?
I got this email today ... the sender was frankiezulferino01@redacted Dear Customer, Your Account required update Starting on 5rd of April 2023, email that has not been confirmed for the new privacy security upgrade will be closed. Don't forget to update Open here to update Accept our terms of service to avoid account shutdown. Think receiving this email was an error? contact our Consumer care Thanks for using our Service Protonmail inc
had to change password. Now had to remember old password to read encrypted emails. Successfully recovered keys, but all emaills are still can't read encrypted emails. Help! Why don't you hve telephone support. So annoying!!
I cannot send any emails. I have no "send" button or "attachment" button on my email when I want to send it. I cannot reply to any of your requests due to the problem. This has just started yesterday, before that everything was fine
I'm a paying member and I'm totally locked out.
I have been a member for years (definitely before 01/01/23 and last night I have been totally locked out. When I either press the fingerprint ID or type password the sign in button doesn’t work. The fingerprint automatically sings me in every time normally.
I have been a member for years (definitely before 01/01/23 and last night I have been totally locked out. When I either press the fingerprint ID or type password the sign in button doesn’t work. The fingerprint automatically sings me in every time normally.
by Dave143739
Putting such a short time limit on users to upgrade their storage to 1GB by finishing an arbitrary checklist is incredibly disrespectful and demanding. People have things going on and many users will not meet the time limit for valid reasons. For ProtonMail to not understand that, shows that it is not the equitable, accepting, inclusive company it claims to be. For example, the Google community would be outraged if Gmail gave all users one month to upgrade and then segregated the father undergoing chemo, the depressed student drowning in school work, and the stressed single mother of three into permanent inferior accounts. The time limit is immoral if it is permanent. It is basically saying “screw your chemo, screw your depression, screw your stress. Give us money for something other accounts get for free because you could not log in for a month.” This policy is honestly disgusting. Companies that treat their users like tools to be used and manipulated do not last. Good companies don’t find ways to divide, segregate, and alienate users into account castes before they’ve even been able to decide if they want to become a paid user. I reached out to customer support but they basically told me it wasn’t their problem and I should have prioritized their useless checklist over something serious that was going on in my life.
by Aniphone5suser
ProtonMail is the only email client I’ve used that doesn’t have an option to thread emails of the same subject and/or from the same sender.
If you’re having a conversation with someone and want to find a precious message, you have to scroll through ALL of your inbox and manually search for the email.
If you receive frequent emails on the same subject, like updates on a specific forum, your inbox will be flooded. Instead of having one email chain, you’ll have dozens of emails of the same subject and from the same sender crowding up your inbox. And it will be difficult to pick out any important emails.
It’s ridiculous that the ProtonMail developers haven’t fixed this problem. Even tiny obscure email clients with a single developer have better UI, and they at least respond to complaints. ProtonMail is clearly not interested in addressing the problem.
Update May 2021:
I originally wrote this review about a year ago, and I received a response that email grouping was in the works and would be implemented in a future update. Well, a year later, ProtonMail still doesn’t have the very basic, essential feature that every other mail service has.
The word “feature” doesn’t even sound right. Is grouping text messages by contact really a “feature” on my iPhone? No, it’s expected. There’s not a phone on the market where you have to scroll through all of your text messages to pick out individual replies to read a conversation with someone.
by Hsgsbrnd
I had this vpn for years and I also had express vpn before this one but it is more expensive but I don’t know why by itself it will turn off without me manually doing it. At least once a week I look to see if my vpn is connected and the majority of the time it’s not and ALSO need to reconfigure it he settings on my iPhone. I never had this problem where the vpn would turn off by itself without letting u even know. Vpn privacy is problem great I seriously wouldn’t know but I what I do know is if your not connected the privacy doesn’t matter. Express vpn never did that for me or make me passcode to reconnect the vpn every other day. It makes no sense to even have it if it doesn’t run all the time without me babysitting it. I mainly use it for public Wi-Fi within 2-4 days it will turn off and make me log in every week. 2-3 years it has always done this. Will not renew membership even tho it was a great deal but if it doesn’t stay on I rather kick rocks and not even have one…
Also it has gotten more frequent turning of on it own.