SATUSEHAT app not working? crashes or has problems?


Published by on 2024-05-29

PeduliLindungi adalah aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk menghentikan penularan
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Mengandalkan kepedulian serta partisipasi
masyarakat untuk saling jaga dan meminimalisir resiko penyebaran COVID-19.

I have a problem with SATUSEHAT

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Reported Issues: 49 Comments

By Liew Shyue Shyan   1 year ago

Please complete vaccine dose #2' always appear whenever I try to submit the details of my vaxcert even tho i have inputted all the required infos. I have tried repeating the process as many as 30 times. Still the same response.

By Ruth Vera Archog Estrada   1 year ago

'Please complete vaccine dose #2' always appear whenever I try to submit the details of my vaxcert even tho i have inputted all the required infos. What is the problem?

By MD Amin bin Md Yassin   1 year ago

After completed fill dose 1, 2 and 3 and the last step to need to submit failed.

By megan horrocks   1 year ago

app keeps saying fill in vaccination detalis for dose 2 when details are in and correct

By Kathryn moore   1 year ago

Cannot put in my date of birth

By Joachim Thalmair   1 year ago

What does "NIK" and "KTP" mean. Feedback please in English of German. Thank you in advance

By Joanna   1 year ago

I downloaded the app but have no idea how to change it to English i dont understand any of it

By Muhammad Salleh Bin Hassan   1 year ago

My family and I are unable to open the SATUSEHAT app. It keeps prompting us to update to the latest version but there are no updates shown in both App and Playstore. And another matter is that my vaccination taken in Singapore and information still not updated in the SATUSEHAT status. The information shown are still in progress which the previous app used before SATUSEHAT have been updated.

By Michael L Johnston   1 year ago

I have downloaded the app numerous times but all that opens on my samsung s22 phone is a screen with the satusehat icon, nothing else happens

By Wieger Renkema   1 year ago

The app ask to update to the latest version, but the latest version is already installed, it will open and keeps on asking for updates

By Wieger Renkema   1 year ago

The app ask to update to the latest version, but the latest version is already installed, it will open and keeps on asking for updates

By Amelie   1 year ago

I was able to download the app and add my profile information. I was able to upload my passport picture and my proof of vaccination, but once you get to the last step after reviewing your information, a ''failed to load'' page appears. I tried seven times. I fly tomorrow. I am afraid they will refuse my documentation.

By Thomas V Smith   1 year ago

I cannot register on the app on my Android phone. I put the information in, get a code via email and input the code but I just get an error message

By Leonard Sinclair Christopher   1 year ago

I can't register pedulilindungi/satusehat app. It keeps saying i tried too many times. But its my 1st time registering

By Tony Krieg   1 year ago

Hi I keep getting the message that "registration fails" after inputting name, email address,country,passport number etc. I have tried to re-install the app but it won't move the next step to send an email with a numeric code. Any ideas on what to do next

By Willis   1 year ago

I have installed the app on my iphone 14 but it will not allow registration of a new user. Have tried EVERYTHING - just will not get past saying it fails. I no longer know what to do

By Sharon   1 year ago

Will not register me either on mobile (Australian) or email. Have made sure I have the latest apple software. Have turned phone off then on again. Tried a week ago, tried tonight for two hours. Feeling frustrated. Now what do I do??????

By Thomas Price   1 year ago

Vaccination submission rejected ,due to wrong dates. Their app calenders are missing dates, ie; Oct 2021 only has 29 days when there is 31 days in that month.

By Grace Lim   1 year ago

Hi, i am a foreigner from SGP and i uploaded my vaccine details on 1 December 2022. Until today, I am still waiting for approval.

By Laurent   1 year ago

Hello i can’t hit "I agree" on the first page

By Byron Davey   1 year ago

Down loaded the APP but all i get is a blank Pedulilindgungi page, cant do anything with it

By Lee Heok Seng   1 year ago

I cannot upload the health certs

By Karen Lesley Wynn   1 year ago

I have downloaded the app on my Android phone for foreign visitor,but it won't let me register.I tick the t&c but it's says I do not have account,but I can't set it up. Thank you could you please help.

By Rick Davies   1 year ago

"Identity photo cannot be empty" appears, even though i have 1. uploaded a copy of my passport page which has a phot, 2. Uploaded a passport photo only. In both cases the same error message appeared Your advice please...

By Susan Payne   1 year ago

Submitted certificates for verification 2 days ago, but I'm still showing as red in the app. I suspect my photo ID has failed (I uploaded a photo and not a passport image) - no idea how to resolve, email replies are slow and just tell me to "register correctly" or go to the WhatsApp chatbot, which is all Indonesian with no option to translate to English. Infuriating.

By Alan Payne   1 year ago

I am attempting to register an account (using the app). It appears to be working until I attempt to select a Passport Issuing Authority, where no selections are presented and noting is found when I try a search.

By Nichola Lafferty   1 year ago

The message I’m getting is red, it’s In Indonesian but red is transparent, I am fully vaccinated with booster. HELP!

By Christophe Niquille   1 year ago

Hello, I was successful in installing and registering the app on my iPhone. When I try to register my Swiss Covid Certificates and press the submit button, there is a error report that I have to state my full name in a correct format. I have stated my name as follows: Christophe (first name) Laurent (middle name) Niquille (family name) - what is wrong here. Kind regards Christophe Niquille

By Anthony Minnart   1 year ago

I have installed this application on my Samsung S21 and the app is total crap. First of all you can't put it in english... you can clikc on english but is doesn't do anything. So we fill it in Indonesian. It is impossible to verify the phone numer. Although I click on the right national code (+32) and fill in the rest of my phone numer, I do not receive any text... So Via mail ...when I fill in the mailadress, I receive a code. When I fill in the code and click on ''verifikasi'' it doesn't do anything. The button changes color, but it doesn't advance to a next page. So it is impossible to register on the app. This app is beyond bad to be honest. It should not take 3 hours to be able to simply register.

By Corry Roosdorp   1 year ago

I have two issues: - I cannot add my mobile phone number as I do not receive the codes through whatsapp nor SMS; - When I would like to add my vaccinations, I get a blank screen mentioning that my passport details are incorrect. Don’t know what to do as I travel to Bali in three days!!???

By Corry Roosdorp   1 year ago

I have two issues: - I cannot add my mobile phone number as I do not receive the codes through whatsapp nor SMS; - When I would like to add my vaccinations, I get a blank screen mentioning that my passport details are incorrect. Don’t know what to do as I travel to Bali in three days!!???

By Mario Pregesbauer   1 year ago

Can´t set the language to english (using Android).

By Danny Van Belle   1 year ago

can't set the language to English or any other language ??

By Ni Made Suryadewi   1 year ago

Maaf, kesabaran saya habis dalam mendapatkan verifikasi dengan no telp, email address dan berkali-kali tidak ada respon sama sekali. Satu jam sudah mendoza tapi hasil nihil. Sedangkan berangkat ke Indonesia several. Ada suggesti?

By Margaret Kodeyszko, Victor Kodeyszko   1 year ago

Unfortunately we can not install the application. It does not accept either our telephone numbers or internet addresses although they are correct and we use them everyday. Can you help?

By Marilyn Kitching   1 year ago

I have successfully downloaded my Covid 19 certification and received the

By Yuvraj Singh   1 year ago

Hi, I might have a solution for people who have the 'Identity photo cannot be empty'. Try downloading the documents on your phone before uploading it. It cannot be uploaded from your Google drive or iCloud directly. Cheers.

By Normand Bourque   1 year ago

I try to fill application for vaccine Non-Indonesia and for the vaccination Status checking. The field to input name, birth, passport# are blocking the cursor to type the required data. But my email is already input and so is the passport issuing authority (Australia). Where do I go from there

By Lyndle Rowe   1 year ago

I just can’t use it it won’t let me register it gives me nowhere to load my. Certificate it’s not user friendly at all it won’t send verification numbers please help send me what to do I have been at this since yesterday I’m ready to cancel my trip it shouldn’t be this hard Lyndle Rowe

By marta   1 year ago

cuando vas a rellenar los datos de las fechas de las vacunaciones se modifican solas y ya no te queda volver a cambiar.

By Julia Lewentz   2 years ago

I can't fill in vaccination status, as the app alway crashes...

By Natalie   2 years ago

Hello, I am trying to make a registration on the app, but it is not capable to send me the verification code in time. I tried both phone number and 2 different e-mail addresses. What can I do?

By Piera Vanetti   2 years ago

I still waiting the approval in " Vaccination Status Checking " but is stopped there. What I have to do ? How can I delete all and make again the new registration ? The 3 certificate is not correct. The system registered 2 time the second certificate. Impossible to enter and change with correct data. Since my husband (Galafassi Dante) has all ok in his mobile can i add my data and to have all in his mobile ? If yes how to do. We will have our departure to Bali on 13 Jul 22 and then we need urgently to know what to do, Really hoping on your kind and rapid feedback we remain with warm regards. Piera Vanetti piera,vanetti@redacted Dante Galafassi galafassidante@redacted

By RI   2 years ago

App won't let me upload my vaccine card. ALways says "Identity Photo cannot be empty" even if all fields are filled

By Pere Grau   2 years ago

hello, I can't set the language to English or any other language

By Caro   2 years ago

I can't set the language to English or any other language

By johan Verduyn   2 years ago

Hello, I have installed the app. But the language is set on Bahasa, and there is no way to change it in another language. Do you have any suggestions how this could be solved. Many Thanks. Kind regards, Johan Verduyn

By Wouter Pools   2 years ago

Hello, I have installed the app. But the language is set on Bahasa, and there is no way to change it in another language. Do you have any suggestions how this could be solved. Many Thanks. Kind regards, Wouter

By Russell Swann   2 years ago

App crashes every single time as soon as I open it.

Common dislikes about SATUSEHAT app

- People can use other people's data

- Logging in issue

- Database system has multiple instances where test results don't appear

- App imposed on people to track them

- Glitches and goes back to home page when trying to view vaccine card

- QR scan not connecting to certificate

- Testing results show up sometimes, but mostly they do not

- App claims user is not vaccinated even though vaccine certificates are there

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  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Pusdatin Kementerian Kesehatan RI, developers of SATUSEHAT.

8.7% Contact Match

Developer: Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit SATUSEHAT Website

About this app

Hal ini ditujukan untuk melakukan pengawasan lokasi padat dan ramai yang memiliki resiko tinggi yang nantinya bermanfaat dalam menelusuri riwayat COVID-19 (Contact Tracing).  PeduliLindungi adalah aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk menghentikan penularan Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).  Mengandalkan kepedulian serta partisipasi masyarakat untuk saling jaga dan meminimalisir resiko penyebaran COVID-19.  Hal ini dilakukan untuk mendukung program penghentian penyebaran COVID-19 yang sedang diusahakan oleh pemerintah.  Sekecil apapun partisipasi Anda akan sangat berarti untuk menghentikan penularan COVID-19.  Aplikasi akan mengidentifikasi status riwayat kontak atau kasus Covid-19 pengguna serta status vaksinasinya.  Selain tujuan di atas, aplikasi ini juga dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan pendaftaran vaksinasi, scan QR untuk Check-In/Out dan dokumen perjalanan.  Semua terkumpul jadi satu melalui aplikasi PeduliLindungi untuk memudahkan pengguna.  Harapannya, adanya PeduliLindungi sebagai akses dan media, ditambah dengan partisipasi masyarakat dengan mengunduh dan menggunakan aplikasi ini, Indonesia bisa segera bebas dari COVID-19 dan bangkit kembali. * PeduliLindungi didukung oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian BUMN dan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana. 

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