SATUSEHAT Mobile Reviews

SATUSEHAT Mobile Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-29

About: PeduliLindungi adalah aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk menghentikan penularan
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Mengandalkan kepedulian serta partisipasi
masyarakat untuk saling jaga dan meminimalisir resiko penyebaran COVID-19.



PeduliLindungi is an application developed to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). It relies on the concern and participation of the community to take care of each other and minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission. The app is designed to monitor crowded and busy locations that have a high risk of COVID-19 transmission, which will be useful in tracing the history of COVID-19 (Contact Tracing). The app will identify the user's COVID-19 contact or case history and vaccination status to support the government's efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. In addition to the above objectives, the app is also used to register for vaccination, scan QR codes for Check-In/Out, and travel documents.



- Contact Tracing: The app monitors crowded and busy locations that have a high risk of COVID-19 transmission and identifies the user's COVID-19 contact or case history.

- Vaccination Registration: Users can register for vaccination through the app.

- Check-In/Out: Users can scan QR codes for Check-In/Out at various locations.

- Travel Documents: Users can store their travel documents in the app.

- Supported by Government: The app is supported by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ministry of Health, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, and National Disaster Management Agency.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1000 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of SATUSEHAT

- Works great with Indonesian citizens

- Syncs phone number with info

- Scans easily

23 SATUSEHAT Reviews

1.6 out of 5


App Isn’t User-Centric

This is an app imposed on people more so that the user can be tracked. Not so that the user can easily access their vaccine card or vaccine result.
I’ve been vaccinated twice and I still cannot view my vaccine card on SATUSEHAT . It just glitches and goes back to home page.


QR scan is Not connected to my certificate

SATUSEHAT has both my vaccine certificates with the dates. Which is excellent. I’m able to see the date when I was first vaccinated and I can see the second day when I was vaccinated. BUT when I scan the QR bar at a public facility for example a movie theater or grocery store it rejects my certificates. I get a message saying I cannot enter because I have not been vaccinated although I have been and the documentation is in SATUSEHAT and it has been uploaded properly it’s not connecting the QR scan to my certificate. This is a problem. I don’t know why it says that I cannot enter and gives me a red stop sign that I cannot enter until I’ve been vaccinated. I hope you fix this because it was working before. I have not been able to enter any public indoor facilities because of this.


What a mess of an app!

One problem after another. Sometimes my testing results show up, but mostly they do not. I was impressed that my vaccination certificates appeared as they should - but then just yesterday SATUSEHAT now claims I’m not vaccinated and gives me the dreaded red X saying I l’m not vaccinated and can’t enter into any establishment - even though the vaccine certificates are there in SATUSEHAT .

If this is going to be a mandated application for all commerce and transportation it has better work. Otherwise, what I see happening is that malls and offices aren’t even verifying SATUSEHAT checkin anymore, defeating the whole purpose.


Useless Apps

All of my information gone after my second vaccination the certificate cannot be shown and when I’m looking for my certificate with my ID number the system said that I already had my second vaccination and when I tried to click the certificate it was BLANK! please fix it don’t make passengers who would like to travel getting complicated. And if the certificate cannot shown in the application provide the personnel in field with the printer so we can print it on location!!!


Bad idea

SATUSEHAT has millions of bugs, a website also that is not responsive, foreigners need to use it yet you can’t add your NIK. If SATUSEHAT is something millions of people must use to navigate a country well we are all in trouble. Email them? Auto response inbox is full no surprise SATUSEHAT doesn’t work why check your email? This is a joke. ***since developer update*** you email you listed is full, I did send 2 emails a week apart and got the auto reply your mailbox is full.


user unfriendly

A very poorly thought out an unfriendly user interface. Does not support non-Indonesian phone numbers.

If you try to submit some thing and it is not right it erases many of your previous inputs and requires that you enter them again. The registration process is very difficult to complete. it took me over a dozen tries to complete.

This application is mandatory so we have no choice but to use it. If it was a competitive market it would be last.


Great app, lots of room to improve

I am an Indonesian citizen. SATUSEHAT works great with me, they synced my phone number with my info. SATUSEHAT scans easily as well. One concern I have is if people use other people’s data. I think they should verify using OTP every time they want to scan.


Keeps on logging me out!!!

I can’t log in on SATUSEHAT version. It kept logging me out. Please fix immediately!

(Fixed already for logging in issue. However, please fix the database system as there are multiple instances the test result doesn’t appear even tough the data has been inputted to the system)



This is terribly buggy and unreliable. The team that created this must be embarrassed.

SATUSEHAT barely works, often times not loading the certificate. I cannot get all of the certificates into SATUSEHAT , the website gives me errors and then tells me to try again tomorrow. After trying again tomorrow for several months I give up. Customer service does not help either :(


Buggy application not ready for release

App doesn’t work and loads forever with the newest update. Logging in and out does nothing, and data is never up to date. For an important application that you need to enter public places, SATUSEHAT and the qr scanning system has too many imperfections. Please fix the problems in SATUSEHAT, especially if we have to use it all the time.


App crashing

SATUSEHAT is useless and doesn't work at all, always crash. How is it possible we use this kind of useless app and all of the problems, as one of requirements of travel even public places?! You need to fix this, you guys not ready. You need to find the solution until its fixed, we can’t rely with SATUSEHAT at the moment really sorry..


If you are a foreigner… Good luck

Absolutely terrible app if you are a foreigner in Indonesia. Have tried for months to get my cdc administered Vax card validated. It was validated by Indonesia authorities but is non discoverable in SATUSEHAT . I have tried repeatedly for months… and support is virtually nonexhistant. I see several other foreigners showing their paper vax card at malls and such so I assume they have had similar difficulties.



This is one of the worst app in terms of design. Definitely not user friendly. Why do you it so difficult to even change the birthday. You have to move month by month. Whoever design SATUSEHAT should be fired. What about translation at least in English. You are expecting tourists to use SATUSEHAT then at least make it friendlier to use. USELESS!!!


With every updates new problems occur

I dont believe this apps funded by Indonesian government, like really? This half baked apps which compulsory installed in your cellphones for Indonesians is defective, with every updates new problems occur, now I can check in to some places and cant check out, not to mention my vaccine cert still not appear in this apps. Very inadequate.


Still has a lot of work to be done

Still bugs out very often. Does not support foreign proof of vaccination. There should be a way that security guards scan our barcode when our phone can’t scan fixed barcodes


The app has a flaw. Ada kekurangan di app ini.

SATUSEHAT assumes that Indonesians do not travel abroad and have access to vaccines while abroad as it doesn’t provide any menu for those who were vaccinated while abroad.

App ini berasumsi bahwa tidak ada warga negara Indonesia yang mendapatkan akses vaksin selama berada di luar negeri karena tidak ada menu untuk menampung warga negara Inonesia yang sudah divaksin di luar negeri.



Latest update doesn’t even have a “check-out” button!? SATUSEHAT is a flaming pile of useless garbage that doesn’t even load the information half of the time. The developers should be ashamed of themselves and the government should find a company that knows how to make a decent app for such an important purpose.


Email field not working

The phone number and email fields are backwards. I enter my registered email and it says the phone number is not found. Login works when accessing through web browser. Disappointing to see a government app so poorly developed.


Poorly designed not user friendly

Worst app ever. Hard to use, 2 weeks now daily my Husband and I are trying to verify vaccination certificate through this thing for our up coming family trip to Indonesia. Like come on Indonesia you can do better than this. Nightmare!



Not even able to do simple things such as registering NIK. keep saying does not match. Able to find the vaccine certificate but then not able to add them to SATUSEHAT . What kind of garbage application. And this our government want to use SATUSEHAT as the basis of our life activities???

TIHANA CUBRILO   1 year ago

I have a problem with Satusehat app. Namely, during registration, I first entered my first name and then my last name in the "full name" field (with a check mark on my lasta name Čubrilo, not Cubrilo because it says everywhere that the data must be as on the passport), and when I got to the part where I enter the data from the passport, there was the last name listed first, then the first name. And now when I enter information about vaccination, I get the message: FullName: must be in a valid format. I tried to go to my profile and change the name code so that it says laste name then my first name, but when I press "save" it still says "hello Tihana Cubrilo" and not "hello Cubrilo Tihana". I also tried to put the last name without the check mark, but without success. Please, help. Can I somehow delete the Account and do everything from the beginning/register, and should I put a check mark on the last name or not?

Ben tetzner   1 year ago

What a useless non working app! Makes you think that an alternate vacation site would be preferrable!

Ben tetzner   1 year ago

What a useless non working app! Makes you think that an alternate vacation site would be preferrable!


Yes. SATUSEHAT Mobile is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1000 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 1.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for SATUSEHAT Is 57.4/100.


Yes. SATUSEHAT Mobile is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1000 SATUSEHAT Mobile User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for SATUSEHAT Is 83.3/100..

Is SATUSEHAT Mobile not working?

SATUSEHAT Mobile works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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